Left: Kermit the frog bringing news of Western democracies to Cold War Eastern Europe in a history meme, 
Right: a cat in an Egyptian hieroglyphic cutting off a snake's head, credited as a very early cat meme.

15 History Memes To Better Understand Our Past

Understanding our past is one of humanity’s most important tasks, so naturally only the most qualified people are entrusted with the sacred work of interpreting and recording history. Some of these people post on Reddit /r/historymemes, the online community's finest source of crowdfunded and occasionally accurate history information and jokes.

This subreddit is an interesting place. There is certainly a marked focus in history memes, one centered on wars and the history of Europe, which some posters within the community have criticized. But there is also a kind of care and attention paid to the accessible and quirky side of historical events that you rarely see in more official sources. The posters on r/historymemes are posting out of love and pure fascination, and that wonderful sentiment shines through in their memes.

Kermit = Capitalism
Eastern European citizens tired of communist propaganda on TV and Radio Radio Free Europe

Because of course he does.

I Can Haz SnakeBurger
Bladder of a dead animal 9th century AD Anglo-Saxon

Punic Peoples' Poetry
Proof the cat meme predates the Internet. Here is a 3327 year old cat meme

Hannibal: widely (and unjustly) misunderstood both in his time and in the present day.

What It Had To Be Like
I can't believe he didn't cry reading Sophocles Do men even have feelings? HANNIBAL My brothers are death, my army defeated and my city has exiled me Oroma.aeterna

Either all roads lead to Rome… or all roads lead from Rome. At least there were no roundabouts back then.

Party Foul
Caesar Rolls "Worst Joint Ever" Stabbed 23 Times

Criticizing the Eurocentrism Of r/historymemes
GETTING LOST IN THE 21ST CENTURY Babe please, would you turn google maps? No, ancient instinct will guide me GETTING LOST IN THE IST CENTURY Babe please, would you ask for directions please? No, all roads lead to Rome Oroma.aeterna

Like many forums in the historical discipline overall, /r/historymemes focuses more on the history of Europe and North America than on other regions in the world, leading some to demand the subreddit tell more stories than simply those.

The Trouble With Automotive Companies
r/HistoryMemes If you forgot, then it wasn't important. I think I forgot something. Latin America r/HistoryMemes and The Philippines Yeah, you're right.

We Don't Talk About Volkswagen

sumerian gf: come over me: i can't practicing metallurgy sumerian gf: i'm alone in the ziggurat me:

Hop in the chariot, and let's get this unleavened bread.

After The Fall
Eastern Western Roman JU Empire Roman Empire

A Crime Scene With Captions
No Context Brits ... @NoContextBrits No one: The British Museum: Tweeti Çevir

The Many Faces Of Belgium
Belgium in Europe Belgium in the Congo Belgium in world wars

The War To End All Wars
Time traveler: What year is it? American soldier: It's 1918, we just won the Great War Time traveler: You mean World War 1? American soldier: say sike right now

Memes Are The Best Medium To Discuss Jesus
Random people: "Jesus was white! Jesus was black! Jesus was Arab!" Me, knowing that the historical figure Jesus of Nazareth was indeed a Galilean Jew which is an ethnic group that no longer exists: PEOPLE WHO ONLY WANT JESUS TO HAVE LOOKED LIKE THEMSELVES Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?

Why Reconstruction Didn't Work
Abraham Lincoln died so Andrew Johnson takes over He pardoners several Ex-Confederate Generals including Jefferson Davis Then he tanks Reconstruction and basically allows Jim Crow Laws to happen This is reported to Congress who spares him by one vote

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