Two images from r/thathappened

15 Stories That Definitely Did Not Happen

Lying on the internet is a favourite pastime for many folks. For some reason it brings an immense amount of joy to the lives of many. Sometimes it is done for some online fame. Sometimes it is done for some sympathy, and sometimes it is done to spread a bigger message. When the story they tell is so obviously fake, though, it is so embarrassing and cringeworthy to see. Sometimes it is just way too obvious, whether it be the over-the-top details, the near-miracle moments, or just the sheer fact that it is badly told. It is usually super easy to tell when the story is all made up.

Users on Reddit love to expose and share these super fake stories for all to see. It is super funny to see just how ridiculous and just how far some people will go with their stories. They are so obviously fake it is almost painful. Here are 15 "totally true" stories that will blow anyone's mind. Or maybe not.


Today, my 7 year old daughter asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks. "Mom, why do people who protest my sister using the girls bathroom not care about trans boys using the boys bathroom? Why are they only mad about trans girls?" I told her that I believe it's because they have a profound hatred of and desire to control women. She said "the patriarchy!" So, if my 7 year old can identify the flaw in anti-trans rhetoric and connect the root, surely there's hope.

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone Clapped

First Evening Star @OnaagoshinAnang Got catcalled outside of a coffee shop (yes, even wearing a mask) with my kid on my heels. ... My kid: "F you you slimely a hole that's my mom you treat her with respect." I'm gonna call this a parenting win.

(Source: Reddit)

So Profound

eftelt In the spring of 2020 I had my 7th graders write a 6-word memoir. I'll never forget my favorite one. "Brave birds still fly through fog." We were all silent after she read it. Then I whispered with genuine awe, "Oh, wow. You're the teacher now."

(Source: Reddit)

Lice as a Weapon

Blocking someone isn't enough I want them to get lice 230 Like 16 Comments 76 Shares Comment Share I once intentionally gave a girl lice bc she kept throwing her long a hair all over my desk in class while I was trying to work on assignments (this was in like middle school). I had asked her to stop multiple times and she scoffed and kept doing it. So I picked one off my own head and threw it into her hair. Couple days later she came to school crying with a bob. I do not regret it.

(Source: Reddit)


A girl bought an iPad. When her father saw it, He asked her "What was the 1st thing you did when you bought it? "I put an anti-scratch sticker on the screen and bought a cover for the iPad" she replied. "Did someone force you to do so?" - "No" "Don't you think it's an insult to the manufacturer?" - "No dad! In fact they even recommend using a cover for the iPad" "Did you cover it because it was cheap & ugly?" - "Actually, I covered it because I didn't want it to get damaged and decrease in value." "When you put the cover on, didn't it reduce the iPad's beauty?" - "I think it looks better and it is worth it for the protection it gives my iPad." The father looked lovingly at his daughter and said, "Yet if I had asked you to cover your body which is much more precious than the iPad, would you have readily agreed???" She was mute..... ~ Indecent dressing and exposure of your body reduces your value and respect. Always dress decently. *Pls protect our young ladies by sharing this with all sisters*.

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds Right

●● one time i took a feminist out for a date and we got into an argument over gender roles. when the check came she actually expected me to pay for the bill so i told her if i pay for this bill YOU will come to my house and clean my kitchen tonight. she started cussing me out so I clocked her in the chin. the entire restaurant clapped for me as the police came in and arrested me and walked me out

(Source: Reddit)

Hey What

This t SIN 4mo ago (edited) About 12 years ago, I went out on a date with an English man. We went to a Greek restaurant where he proceeded to gobble up everything as soon as it was served. I was left shocked and disgusted. Finally, he had the audacity to tell me that we should go dutch. Apparently the people seated near us at the other tables had been watching us. They all started screaming at him calling him greedy, selfish and disgusting. They told him that he should pay as he had eaten everything while I was lucky to have had a taste. I got up thanked everyone, told him I never wanted to see him again. As I was leaving, I was was stopped by this lovely family at the neighboring table who refused to let me go without having a proper meal. Their son pulled out a chair for me and I sat next to him. We got married three months later 386 E

(Source: Reddit)

That Happened

Chase Geiser @realchasegeiser I was holding my two year old daughter on a walk moments ago and for the first time out of nowhere she said, "God is good. God is real." I started to quietly tear up. She couldn't see my face and I didn't make a sound, but she said, "Don't cry. It's okay." 01:16 11/10/2023 5.6M Views 1,111 Likes 125 Retweets 2,402 Quote Tweets la 22

(Source: Reddit)

Piano Comes First

← Q 20h i d I caused a breakup unintentionally We have a piano at the student center on campus, and every few days I sit down and play for 10-15 minutes to relax. earlier this week, I was going crazy with the keys and when I was done, this guy came up to me and said, "Yo bro, this is the best s I have ever listened to ON GOD." And I say, "Thanks dude I appreciate it fam" And he says back, "No problem g I actually just broke up with my b* girlfriend because she wanted to leave to go get some Starbucks and I wanted to stay and listen to you play." 7 I did not know how to respond but I told him, "Bros before am I right?". we were laughing so much. we went our separate ways. that made my day 179 ↑ Share

(Source: Reddit)


18 2h ... I'm at work and some girl just came in and ordered a mixed drink and said to me "you remind me of someone I know" and I was like "oh, who?" And she was like "his name is Sean" and I played dumb because I had a feeling she was referring to me, so I was like "oh that's cool, what's he like?" and she was like "he's this guy on Facebook who's pretty popular" and I asked her what his name on Facebook is and she said MY name and I was like "what if I said I was him..." and she was like "I'd probably leave because he's so annoying" and I was like "why don't you stay and get to know me and get a judgment of my character in real life, before you judge me on the internet" and she was like "YOU'RE HIM" and I said yes and we ended up talking for 1 hour while I was bartending and the night ended with her giving me her phone number and telling me she's going to hang out with me all the time now because she loves my company LOL See? You got to meet me in person before you judge me on the internet and run your mouth about me. OD 149

(Source: Reddit)


B. So I'm @ the bank waiting in line & the guy in front of me is spitting game to the teller, she's laughing & he's attractive so I can tell she's digging it, he asks her if he can take her out and she says "with what? The whole $11.96 you got in your account?" SON, my chest

(Source: Reddit)

He Didn't Recognize His Dad?

... When I was a kid, dad would show up routinely, sign me out of class, and take me for ice cream. It was always my FAVORITE part of the week. I'm 35 now. When I went home for the holidays mom and I was talking about fond memories from the past, and I mentioned this. Suddenly mom looked at me horrified, "HONEY, HE NEVER DID THAT."

(Source: Reddit)


Follow Guy objected to my pricing the other day, said he didn't want to shell out that much money. Understandable. "How much would you say you've spent this year on tables and bottles and boats for girls you'll never talk to again?" My man HUNG UP and text me asking for wire info 3:49 PM 27 Nov 23-1,583 Views

(Source: Reddit)

Do Not

OMGGGG!!!! So I put "Attack on Titan" as my name in Starbucks and the barista yelled 'GREATEST ANIME OF ALL TIME?!?' And I said 'YESS! THATS TRUE!' And then everyone around me started to sing "SASAGEYO SASAGEYO SHINZOU SASAGEYO" OMG WOWWW 21.7k ATTACK ON АПАСК TITAN SHORTS 699 comments 2.5k shares

(Source: Reddit)

Kids These Days

heatherthompsonday + A boy told my daughter he liked her He asked if she likes him back Then I'll know if you are someone I could like." She said "I can't answer that right now because you've only been nice to me for two days. I need to see how you treat me & others for the next two months. Y'all. Come get dating advice from my 12 year old a 62 replies 4,121 likes 5h heatherthompsonday UPDATE: He said "that's fair." a D ... 2h ...

(Source: Reddit)

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