Two bossfight characters in the following collection.

15 Strange Ironic Characters From Reddit's 'Boss Fight'

If you're into video games (or even if you're not), you're probably pretty familiar with the concept of a boss fight. In these, the gamer and a difficult boss will battle it out, often over and over again. We don't really have a comparison to it in real life. Or, at least we didn't before. Now, we've got a number of submissions from Redditors showing creatures, characters and people who would make great bosses (in a funny way, of course).

Now, we have the subreddit /r/Bossfight. Here, people upload some images of things they've encountered either online or in real life that would make a pretty hilarious video game boss. We've gathered some of our favorites to share with you, so that you can also visualize how strange a fight with one of these characters would be if you ever had to interact with them in real life.

Jeffrey, Protector of Children


(Source: Reddit)

The Killer Wave

Deadly Waves at Any Time

(Source: Reddit)

Cyborg Mecha Turtle

(Source: Reddit)

Devourer of the Light

(Source: Reddit)

I'm pretty sure this is exactly what happens in some creation myth somewhere.

The Mighty El Musco

In Spanish, the suffix '-ito' means 'small', which hints at the existence of something bigger and greater than 'Mosquito', the legendary... EL MOSCO

(Source: Reddit)

I'm sure it exists in Florida.

Eric, Scooper of Kneecaps

WHEN THE STUDIO ENGINEER GETS SERIOUS: If you move a single slider Eric Will Remove your knee Caps with an icecream Scoop. Eric - PAKAL

(Source: Reddit)

The Brothers of Pain


(Source: Reddit)

They want us to suffer. Doesn't seem like a great business practice.

Speaks for Itself

Image from a horror movie? Nope. That's the very real face of an ant. An ant. Now you have to think about that all night. @RebekahMcKendry

(Source: Reddit)

Grandmas: The Council

This old picture of my great grandma (far left) makes it look like the camera man just stumbled into a secret meeting with grandmas LADNE'S

(Source: Reddit)

What do they have to convene and complain about together?

Nuclear Jeff

World's nuclear arsenals Warheads 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 7,300 Russia 6,970 United States 300 France CNN Source: Federation of American Scientists 260 China 215 United Kingdom 100-120 110-130 India Pakistan 80 Israel <10 North Korea <10 Jeff

(Source: Reddit)

Is he also legally considered his own country?

The Waltuh Conference

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I hate this.

Auber-Gene the Handsome


(Source: Reddit)

Munchkin, Devourer of Treats, Slayer of Mice

I require sacrifice @yuna_shelly_

(Source: Reddit)

Doctors Fear Him

(slow heavy metal music playing)

(Source: Reddit)

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