15 Unbelievable Animals Going Goblin Mode | Know Your Meme
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15 Unbelievable Animals Going Goblin Mode

Two animals going goblin mode in the following collection.
Two animals going goblin mode in the following collection.
By Rebecca Rhodes

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

These animals are going goblin mode. While we've struggled to pin down an exact definition of goblin mode over the years, after seeing these images, you'll know they fit the description perfectly. Something that's gone goblin mode typically has a chaotic energy about it, something unpredictable or even problematic. And there's nothing the online community loves more than seeing animals do weird things, so we've gathered the wildest animals going goblin mode to share with you today, because sometimes we could all use a little more madness in our lives to keep things interesting.

The Twitter account @mischiefanimals has been posting these highest-quality animal pictures since April, and it's already amassed a huge following of over three hundred thousand people who love to watch these pets and random wildlife misbehave in bizarre and unexpected ways. We've chosen some of our favorite posts, so get ready to see some absolutely unreal animals doing things you'd never expect.

Disaster Duck

This duck definitely gives off the same vibes as Disaster Girl.

Well, He Found Water

The Laws of Physics Don’t Apply to Cats

Now How Did This Happen?

Yes, that's melted cheese on his face. There must be a fondue fountain to blame.

Literal Goblin Mode

There Goes Dinner

The Inside of Their Mouths Looks…Wrong?

I Need Context

He's looking for his Dominos pizza.


A New Challenger Approaches

Good Boy

Static Ferret

Ferrets are truly forces of chaos. But this one just might be a god.

Peace Was Never an Option

Another Thirsty Elephant

Well, I guess this is more sanitary, at least.

Primal Scream

What could he possibly be so upset over? He's too small to contain that sort of energy.

Tags: goblin mode, animals going goblin mode, animals, pets, cats, dogs, wholesome, funny, wholesome memes, pics, collections, twitter,