
16 Times Siri Failed At Her Job

A collection of screenshots taken of Siri failing to answer the questions she's being asked photos are of her claiming the Black Dead killed only 10 people and claiming 2020 will end on April 14, 2020
A collection of screenshots taken of Siri failing to answer the questions she's being asked photos are of her claiming the Black Dead killed only 10 people and claiming 2020 will end on April 14, 2020

Published April 17th, 2020

Published April 17, 2020

It appears that Apple's virtual assistant Siri could use a long vacation or two. Despite users being told that Siri will answer things accurately, it appears she glitches pretty badly from time to time, with funny answers or downright disturbing ones, even to very simple questions. We all rely on Siri for our questions we don't feel like typing into a Google search bar, but at times, she seems a little bit overwhelmed, and while we'd like to say we can't blame her, the sorts of answers she gives us are so nonsensical and wrong that they're ominous.

Clearly, we are in no danger of having our society taken over by artificial intelligence any time soon. Luckily, some of her best incorrect answers are collected in the subreddit /r/SiriFail so we can question why Apple hasn't resolved these weird glitches yet. It's also nice to know that we're smarter than Siri once in a while. Here are 15 of our favorites.

Maybe One Day?

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Believing In Me

(Source: Reddit)

Plot Twist

(Source: Reddit)

Around And Around We Go

(Source: Reddit)

My Head Just Exploded

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Letting Me Sleep

(Source: Reddit)

She Might Not Be Wrong Here

(Source: Reddit)

Who Is Cursing In Dumbo?

(Source: Reddit)

Siri Should Give Up The Dj Dreams

(Source: Reddit)

In An Emotional Abusive Relationship With Artificial Intelligence

(Source: Reddit)

Well, That's Not So Bad Is it?

(Source: Reddit)

More People Live In Charlie Bucket's House

(Source: Reddit)

Well, This Took An Odd Turn

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy Is Busy

(Source: Reddit)

You Don't Say…

(Source: Reddit)

Siri? More Like Satan

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/sirifail, siri, apple, iphone, reddit, 2020, april, london, weather, the black death, super bowl, 2018 winter olympics, alarms, reminders, dumbo, music, sneezing, crisis, canada, germany, collections,