19 More 'Me IRL' Memes Everyone Can Relate To

There's a certain genre of meme that is very popular. They are known as relatable memes, and coined by the term "Me IRL," meaning "me in real life." This term is a way for people to express that they too feel this way. These memes describe usually pretty specific yet highly common situations, reactions and feelings that most people are able to relate to. They're fun because it's cool to see someone else who has been in the exact same situation thinking the exact same thing as you, all in one meme.
We really aren't all that different from one another. Relatable memes are simple and funny, they're also great to share with your friends. Reddit's /r/me_IRL is a super popular subreddit, home to all of the most relatable memes. There are more and more being shared every single day, so it's an endless pit of relatability and fun times. Here are 20 relatable memes that will have you saying 'that's me'.