17 Map-Related Memes For All the Geography Nerds

Maps are some of the most recognizable imagery in the whole world, mostly because they are the world. In schools around the globe, children have been forced to memorize (arguably) useless geography. Teachers may have forced you into taking quizzes on it, but will you ever have to know where Serbia is? Or Tanzania? Probably not, and unless you're traveling the world, it might not matter. But when it comes to dumb jokes about the shape of the planet and its many countries, there's still plenty to learn, and suddenly maps are relevant for the strangest of reasons.
Even though maps have been created for centuries, map memes are a relatively new phenomenon. Imagine some of these images in your high school textbook. Would you even notice? Would you even care? Would you memorize them anyway? For all of you geography nerds out there, the ones who can point out Chad on a map, here are 17 memes that will keep you curious.