
25 Moments Of Profound Stupidity From People On The Internet

Two images from /r/facepalm in the following collection.
Two images from /r/facepalm in the following collection.

Published August 01, 2023

Published August 01, 2023

It's probably been a long time since you've heard the term facepalm used. The once-popular word has fallen out of favor as people tried to pretend that they weren't facepalming at every dumb thing they saw people doing around them. But fortunately, facepalming is very much alive, and it's here to help you cope with some remarkably stupid things people are doing nowadays, because there's certainly a lot of them.

The following images will make you want to facepalm again like it's 2012. From people who clearly don't have any idea what they're talking about to a rather awkward rebranding of a particular social media site going awry, there's a lot to roll your eyes at from the modern online community. Here's just a small sample of what human stupidity has in store for the rest of us.

Asking the Poor Questions

(Source: Reddit)

No Restaurant Will Do This

(Source: Reddit)

What Can I Say?

(Source: Reddit)

At my middle school, one of the students unlocked and opened the door during a lockdown drill to let the (fake) intruder rattling the doorknob inside. So I can confirm that this happens.

"Credible Evidence"

(Source: Reddit)

She Forgave Herself. What's His Problem?

(Source: Reddit)

What is his problem? The world will never know.

Maybe Shouldn't Have Done That

(Source: Reddit)

Five years in prison seems a bit harsh, but carving your name into a historical monument is probably the most traceable crime possible.

You've Got to Be Kidding Me

(Source: Reddit)

Good Point

(Source: Reddit)

Times Change

(Source: Reddit)

Guess Who Owns the X Trademark

(Source: Reddit)

They've Gone Too Far

(Source: Reddit)

Why Would They?

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe Not a Great Idea

(Source: Reddit)

I Love Democracy

(Source: Reddit)

"Do You Know Who I Am?"

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Know What To Even Say

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Imagine Getting Sued for Saving Someone's Life

(Source: Reddit)

Why Don't They?

(Source: Reddit)

Might Take Some Time Off After That One

(Source: Reddit)

Disagreeing with Math

(Source: Reddit)

Clearly Humans Aren't the Brightest

(Source: Reddit)

I don't recommend reading through all of those comments, because you'll feel your brain cells leave your body with every word.


(Source: Reddit)

Military Wife Karen

(Source: Reddit)

Smart Watch, Dumb Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: facepalm, /r/facepalm, reddit, cringe, cringeworthy, stupid, people being jerks, twitter, twitter x, elon musk, collections,