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25 Relatable Memes From Reddit's 'Me_irl'

Me IRL (with the term IRL being an acronym for "in real life") is a popular online term that is used to describe an image or video that relates to how people are feeling or situations that people have been in. These memes can range from wholesome and nostalgic to self-deprecating and sarcastic.

Some of the best memes are where the posts are so relatable they make you feel a bit less alone. Simple daily tasks or thoughts can be turned into a comical, silly meme format so that we can all revel in the feeling. one of us would call these memes wholesome, and sometimes we get them more than others. Maybe you're in need of a reminder that you're not suffering alone. Maybe you just love memes you can relate to. Either way, here are some of the best posts from /r/me_irl that understand you and make fun of the quirks and misfortunes of your daily life.

This was $956 of groceries.

This was $956 of groceries How are we supposed to live like this? KAM Jif OLEAN Crisp SURES pomy Micke SONY GLORIES PRUCH Spinach 80 Tea Baus D NFA

(Source: Reddit)

When you were trying for your math test.

When you were trying for a 60% on your math test but you only got a 35% Less than half of what I'd hoped for.

(Source: Reddit)

Spotify ads!

Babe! Its been 7 minutes, time for your 4 ads! Yes honey

(Source: Reddit)

Dominos be like.

Dominos be like: 2 for $5.99 Total: $24.86 Me: FAMERE

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Why i could never be a math teacher.


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My life-long dream was achieved last night at dinner.

My life-long dream was achieved last night at dinner SALE BATCH: 001848 INU:422365 AUTH: 020552 BASE TIP TOTAL $... $... $26.86 π 30.00

(Source: Reddit)

The legends of tomorrow.

You watch a new show It's good and the last epidose has a cliffhanger The show got canceled @9GAG انا Ca

(Source: Reddit)

I have so many questions.

I have so many questions ENTRANCE Thave a Discovery Drive I HAVE TO DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT I don't care if you're late for work Stay mad tracker A

(Source: Reddit)


hole 180 Haggis has a hole in his roof. He never fixed it because on rainy days it is too wet to work. And on sunny days it doesn't need fixing.

(Source: Reddit)

She's a keeper, thanks detective.

kaijuno used to date a guy who was 6'4 and I'm 5'2 and one time we were arguing and he took a picture of me from his eye level to show me what I looked like from his perspective and honestly that was so disrespectful 19

(Source: Reddit)

League of Legends is like work.

men: "alright time to relax" (boots up extremely stressful video game)

(Source: Reddit)

Resistance is futile.

When your advertising interrupts my video... It just makes me hate your product

(Source: Reddit)

Real-life cheat codes unlocked.

dexter @DontAskDexter What is the opposite of pspspsps

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Smart money says Mr. Brown sold out/died.

Austin Hargrave @Peanut ButterGmr The very first Arthur book is about how Arthur's nose is perfect the way it is and doesn't need to be changed. ...In the second book they changed his nose. MARC DROWN ARTHUR'S NOSE AN ARTHUR ADVENTURE MARC BROWN ARTHUR'S EYES

(Source: Reddit)

Enough time to complete their journey.

vt. FARS Retired Couple Book 51 Back-To-Back Cruises Because It Was Cheaper Than A Retirement Home Check the comments below for the full story

(Source: Reddit)

41 Jumpstreet.

I yelled good morning officer and he looked up nobody you ain't fooling J

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Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

po My mom, shy but beautiful My dad, ugly but outgoing Me, ugly and shy 074

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Same enjoyable level of poverty.

Not having a job having a job

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Actor 100.

JUEL TUBE This boy is possessed by a demon that makes him unable to study. JUEL TUBE W Upon exposure to books or anything related to school, he immediately passes out.

(Source: Reddit)

For real!

when u were once considered the smart kid everyone believed in but now you're too depressed to do work so everyone is disappointed in you

(Source: Reddit)

On a wet ball speeding around a ball of fire.

You don't have a skeleton inside of you. You're a brain. You are inside of a skeleton. You're piloting a bone mech that's using meat armor What?

(Source: Reddit)

This is how the news slanders people.

me Who is smarter? -has won several kahoots -has a 100 day streak on duolingo -learned about e=mc2 at 13 -solved a rubiks cube einstein -has never won a kahoot in his life -does not have a 100 day streak on duolingo -learned about e=mc2 at 26 -has never seen a rubiks cube

(Source: Reddit)

If I won the lottery.

Me: "If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is take care of my family" Also me: SOP LOTTE LOTS SOPO LOTTO LOTTO ITO @sluttypuffin į LADBIBLE.COM Lottery Winner Wears Scream Costume To Collect $1 Million So Relatives Can't Recognise Him

(Source: Reddit)

Chopping onions is tough.

naledi @naledimashishi I'm tired of people saying "here's my go to lazy meal" and then they start chopping an onion

(Source: Reddit)

Nowhere to live.

Millennials looking for a house in the city be like: Oh wow, windows!...I don't think I can afford this place.

(Source: Reddit)

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