Two Facebook mom group posts in the following collection.

24 Worrying Posts Found In Facebook Mom Groups

There's truly no platform quite like Facebook. Over the years, it's become controversial, and for good reason. One of these reasons is the constant misinformation, completely made-up stories, and idiotic medical advice people will share with one another when grouped together by a mutual interest. This is why Facebook "mom groups" are such a bad idea, and with each additional member that joins, the collective IQ of the group drops by one point.

These mom groups have some of the worst advice and unhinged rants you can imagine, and yes, all these people have children currently in their care, and these kids are also unfortunate enough to have inherited their genetics. Parenting is hard, and sometimes parents need support, but these people are doing it about as wrong as possible. Here are 25 Facebook mom group parents who absolutely deserve to be shamed.

Rather Than Having a C-Sectionโ€ฆ

ฤ You have to make the choice where you feel the safest. Personally I'd rather give birth at home alone to a dead baby than be sliced open in a place of assistance. This is my choice though, if you are having doubts then you need to decide what is best for you and what makes you feel the most comfortable. 9 h Like Reply 6

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Woman Happily Admits to Reproductive Coercion

Could this mean I'm pregnant??!! Hi fellow moms and moms to be! I have an almost 3 year old daughter and after terrible PPD we didn't want to do it again. I changed my mind and would LOVE a second one, more to love and a best friend for my daughter. My husband is strictly against it in no uncertain terms. My girlfriend told me just stop the pill and do it, he won't say yes the more I ask the more he'll be against it. Stupidly I stopped the pill during a cycle, I had withdrawal bleeding for a few days and then a few weeks later I already had eggs white mucus and immediately slept with my husband, that was 11 days ago. No period but that's likely because everything is outta whack. Took this test from target today after lunch. Do you see a faint line too???

(Source: Reddit)

Why Would You Do This?

I did a sugar home test and a bleach homemade test. I'd be 2 weeks today if I'm pregnant! Do these look positive should I get a actual test? in 8tr ERGY 9

(Source: Reddit)

Simply Redicules

3 year old got out fo the house now we got a court case. Toddler 1-3 Years So about 2 weeks ago me and the ol lady put our 3 year old to bed, give him a kiss goodnight and locked the door. We went off into our room in which we always leave the door open and watched some TV. Maby about 2 hrs go by and we get a knock on the door which is odd considering we weren't expecting anyone. Before im even out of the room my girl starts freaking out "the babys gone!?" And lone behold its the police. Now the door was locked with a deadbolt and our bedroom door was open. So the fact that he got up, unlocked the front door and snuck out without either of us hearing him is nothing short of redicules. Anyway we left the police do their run around the house to make sure the place is safe and in good living conditions. They were going to have to inform child protective services but other than that just make sure to put a new lock on the door. And that was that. The very next day I already put a chain lock on the door and a child proof lock strickly for the deadbolt. DCF came buy and talked with us for a while, was pleased with the home and took pictures of the new locks that i install. She said she was going to close the case. This was all about 2 weeks ago still.

(Source: Reddit)

This guy's post history and comments reveal he is a heavy substance user, and he refuses to acknowledge that being high at the time this occurred contributed to his child going missing.

When The Baby Doesn't Look Thin Enough

โ† 23 Anonymous member's post 7h Does anyone know of a slim fit diaper? My first son was svelte and looked good in a normal diaper; however my second son is a little more chunky (we still love him), and thinking something more slim would be better.. 23 All comments V Q 44

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We're fat-shaming babies now?

But She Sleeps Through the Night

< 7:48 Are my husband and I the only ones who will leave our toddler once she is fast asleep for the night to go right across the street and enjoy a dinner together? (sidebar: she has slept through the night since 8 weeks old) Also, if you feel the need to judge, save your comments and move on because I don't care 21 answers :D07 Like Top comments โœ“ Home .5G+ Molly Brunetti This is for sure illegal and should be reported by the admins on the original poster. Very very scary, fire, suffocating, robbery, choking only takes a minute. Just now Like Reply Write a comment... Nicole Millikin This reminds of the little girl who got stolen from her hotel room, with other kids who's parents were all at the resorts pool having drinks. They'd check periodically and had Rules Friends Comment Watch GIF Marketplace Notifications Menu

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Sweet Home Alabama

Anonymous member. 21m. this might be a weird question.., plz don't judge Aโ“‡โ“‡ is it true that if u get pregnent by someone u r related to. Even if it's far down the line to where it's legal..., could your kid be born being deformed? i have a son already but my husband n i are having our 1st together... our relationship is legal but we are worried our son is due Augst 12 AA 868 Like 274 comments Send

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Those Kids Will Have These Names Their Whole Lives

12 hr. ago after have 3 girl and trying to find a name that matches Posted in Baby Names so all my daughters have H at the end. Meeah, Aryiah, Izabeleh and I'm having a hard time finding another girl's name with H at the end that is different. Any suggestions? 11

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Nice Supportive Comments Only

12:28 ADELAINE Anonymous member 1 h I had a friend today call me in tears. And I felt for her because I'm sure there are many who have done it before. She ran into the shops and, yes left her kids in the car as she said it was horribly windy outside and cold and she just needed to get a few things. They are 3 and 1 and we're happy listening to wiggles in the car. She said she absolutely would have left them for no longer than 13 minutes but more likely 10 at most (because the cue was huge) but that's when she looked at the clock driving into and away from the shops. She said she came back to the car with another mother and father, in the car next to her saying that she shouldn't leave her kids and that they were on the phone to the cops. She didn't respond and then the man yelled out it's illegal. ***nice supportive comments only 22 answers 4G I guess I'm just asking for her is it illegal? Will she now have some kind of 'record'? I'm just trying to ease her anxiety as she was quiet upset by it all. And surely as a mum myself I may have given her the benefit of the doubt before getting into the cops and making a huge deal of it! Angry You and 9 others Comment ... Send

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Shared Diaper and Pasta Rack

Drying my diapers and my sourdough pasta this weekend this is my second baby in cloth and I love everything about it! And my second time making sourdough pasta since the first batch was delicious www

(Source: Reddit)

I mean, at least they're washed?

OP Thinks Her Daughter Is A Reincarnated Con Artist

Ladies I'm back yet again for more moral support and advice. So to start things off I believe in the after life/multiple lifetimes. With that being said one of my best friends and I did a reading on my daughters past life and well, wasn't what I had hoped. She was a gambler, con artist and thief. Ultimately got murdered due to not paying a debt back and brought no "lesson learned" or really anything into this life time. Moving forward to present - I genuinely have NO CLUE what to do w this child. I see her past life behavior on the daily and I realize all I can do is try to shape this life for her into a better one; or atleast try. But this kid doesn't learn, doesn't respond to "gentle parenting" nor "90s parenting" (3 strikes you're out [first corner if it's bad, don't continue to listen then it's a spanking]). She intentionally sneaks around behind her dad and Is back, she's gone outside while we were sleeping and we've almost had to call the cops, twice - also intentionally disconnected the ring camera so I wouldn't get buzzed by it. She steals food on the regular (and it's not like we don't feed her - if anything she eats more than her dad and I combined), and in general doesn't fing listen. Oh, did I also mention she's 3 Yeah, if anyone has any advice please fling it forward, I am at a utter complete loss.

(Source: Reddit)

Savior Complex Moment

6:46 B 6h- 90 ... Today, my 2 year old son massively threw up in the grocery store. I had just fed him a full meal and run to the store to shop before it closed, when chaos struck. The sweetest kindest middle-aged worker lady, who didn't know a word of English, offered to help clean him up. I was so overwhelmed that I agreed, and she took him to the bathroom, cooed to him in Spanish lullabies, washed him down, washed his clothes and then dried them under the air dryer. I was able to take a moment to clean myself up too, and hug him till he calmed down. I'm forever grateful to this wonderful woman, and would like to show her my gratitude. I'm thinking a gift basket with patron/wine, chocolates/flowers, a $50 gift card, and a thank you note translated to Spanish by Google? I'm also considering offering her to come be household help part time for me? Is that too much? Too little? Unreasonable? I'm not sure if she's here legally, but she works in the back of a Patel Brothers cooking food, so my thought is that some supplemental income and a nice happy environment like my home, would be good for her. Not to mention many moms in my upscale community would love to have someone like her (and many do, I feel like I'm the only one without an au pair here) so maybe I could help her setup a cleaning/nanny business? Or pay for English classes? I don't know, I personally am just so touched by her kindness, that I would be happy to have someone like that in my life and home. Help me mommas. My husband thinks the gift basket is enough, but he wasn't there, this woman has a kind golden heart and solid genuine vibe.

(Source: Reddit)

Did You Try Going to the Doctor?

SOS It is probable that I have been infected with Cryptosporidium from a dying goat. I am pregnant. Haven't eaten or slept in days. Diarrhea, extreme stomach cramps for 5 straight days now. I have taken vitamin c, diatomaceous earth, activated charcoal, probiotics, and several homeopathic remedies with only temporary relief. I have a farm and 3 children to care for. Please pray for me. 149 Like Comment Top contributor Did you try colloidal silver? Like Reply 63 answers Send 15

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Oregano Oil Can't Cure This

Grun My biological dentist says I may end up needing a root canal.. what can I do to get my tooth to stop hurting naturally? I just started oregano oil. 3 Like Comment ร— 25 comments Send

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The Comments Say This Is Common

Anonymous member 1h Has anyone been shocked by an electric fence while pregnant. I am 24 weeks and jsut a little worried. 3 answers Like Q Comment Send

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Winter Babies Fail the Vibe Check

Anyone very much dislike giving birth in the cold weather months? I am in WI and have 3 June babies. My memories of their births were just so dreamy and amazing -walking outside, the birds chirping etc. My Oct and Dec and even April labors definitely didn't pass the vibe check lol

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Comments On A Post About OP's Husband Testing Positive for HIV

Dr Luc Montagnier says there is AIDs in the covid shot i wonder if there has been an uptic and they are monitoring? He has since died for saying this 22h Like Reply 2 I have no idea. But I would refuse to pay or have insurance pay for a test you didn't need or approve of. Fun fact: Viruses don't exist. 21h Like Reply 1 b

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Seems Responsible

Anyone gone to disney while pregnant in 1st trimester and ride the rides that have pregnancy warnings? I have a disney trip in 4 weeks and i promised my youngest id ride Seven Dwarfs and slinky dog with her now that shes finally tall enough only to realize oops we have #3 on the way ETA- Im not asking if you WOULD do it or reasons NOT to do it. I am asking if anyone HAS done it. I plan on having a discussion with my doctor before going

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The Kid Corral

Montessori at Home ica Pennington 1h. Hi all! Currently pregnant with my first, and my husband and I are wanting a BIG family (like a dozen kids) there is no way the kids will have their own rooms, so I'm worried that it'll be really difficult to do the Montessori style with babies when they share a room with older siblings. Is it possible? Would I have to have a fence for their area so the rest of the room doesn't have to be baby proofed? Is it a lost cause? 10 Like Comment 28 answers Send

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I don't think she'll feel the same way after having baby #1.

Very Independent Baby

13:18 Nanny- m. ... Hello All, I am still looking for a babysitter I have 11 months old daughter who is very independent just need to be fed and put down for nap. Other than that she play all day and or watch YouTube. I will be working from home starting July 26th I will have a schedule for training for 6 weeks. I do not know the training hours yet but after the 6 weeks my hours would be 09:00 am- 4:00pm Will need references and I will run a background check.

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Doula or Witch?

Hi all. A series of unfortunate events happened in my family this year. Earlier this year, I was pregnant and in my 3rd tri when I hired a doula to support me to have a VBAC. I shared my helper problems with my doula and she tried to help me by coming over to "bless" my house, including my helper's room. I can't remember what she used, but she burnt something and went around my house with it, chanting some stuff that I couldn't hear. Two days before I delivered, I fired my doula becos she advised me not to tell my gynae when my waters broke, and she gave me a concoction which contained castor oil. These resulted in me going into false labour, have bad diarrhea pre and post delivery, fever during labour, and worse of all, caused my baby a one week NICU stay due to the circumstances of her birth. My then helper who had been with me for a year quit after I delivered. Subsequently, within 6 months of the "blessing", a grand total of 5 helpers came and left. Separately, within 4 months of my baby's birth, 5 confinement nannies came and left, for various reasons. Within the last three weeks, my family also got into two car accidents. Is there any way I can get rid of the "blessing" which seemed to have started the series of unfortunate events in my family? I know I have no basis for saying that the "blessing" caused the events after, but I can't help but feel that it changed the energy in my house. Would really like to undo the "blessing" or to replace it with a reliable one. Would be grateful for any views or suggestions. My husband is Buddhist and I believe he might be more open to methods that are more aligned with his religion. Thank you!

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So Much to Unpack Here

Thanks for letting me join. Will be giving birth in about 7 and 1/2 months pregnant with twins. My first pregnancy and I get two LOL I will be doing it alone no doctors, unassisted, no partner, etc. As soon as I discovered I was pregnant the only thing I bought was the heart beat monitor off of Amazon so that I could hear the heartbeat and when I heard two that made it even better LOL. Please no ugly comments and do not tell me that I cannot hear my children's heartbeats when I already have. I'm not sure exactly how far along I am so it could be sooner than 7 months. Like Comment Send

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Baking Soda Instead of Medicine for a 3-Week-Old Baby

Has anyone used baking soda diluted in water on a cotton bud to treat oral thrush in a newborn? I am really not wanting to use any medication if I can avoid it as my little one had a tonne of antibiotics at birth and I don't want him to have anything else that might affect his gut. He is only 3 weeks old. Like 1 comment Send

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Drug Business Cards

Hi moms, not sure if you've been following some cases where some men are offering business cards in public parking lots to drug women (the cards usually have drugs on them and in a matter of seconds, they lose their senses and become victims of human trafficking) If you come across anyone handing out business cards in parking lots turn them away. This happened to me today at ALDIS parking lot (the one o This man came over to me to hand his business card and all I said was no thank you and got in my car, in less than a minute I started driving around the parking lot to see if the man was still around and really just promoting his business, but he was gone. Please be safe!

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