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Happy Friday! Here Are 12 Memes For The Start Of The Weekend

Two Friday memes in the following collection.
Two Friday memes in the following collection.

Published December 09, 2021

Published December 09, 2021

Happy Friday! Now, you can take some time off work and just do nothing for a couple of days. It's been a long wait, but the weekend is finally here. To celebrate, we've found some of the best and most relatable weekend memes for you to enjoy before your big plans (or lack thereof) this fine weekend.

Weekend Plans

(Source: Daily Dot)

This meme reads like a newscast blooper, and it’s just a little too real. Share it with your friends who love to party to wish them a fun (though somewhat unhealthy) weekend.

An Introverted Friday

(Source: Dopl3r)

Sometimes there’s nothing wrong with having no plans. Free weekends are just as fun as busy weekends. You and your introverted friends will relate to this one.

That's What I Get for Making Plans

(Source: Daily Dot)

We all know the feeling of having our plans suddenly canceled. Sometimes, we’re relieved, but if you or a friend isn’t happy about the change of plans, here’s a meme perfect for the situation.


(Source: Daily Dot)

It’s finals week, so send this one over to your fellow procrastinators. We know you have an essay due soon, but you’re looking at memes instead. We’re not here to judge, though.

Working Weekends Is the Worst

(Source: Daily Dot)

If you’ve ever worked a job like retail or food service, you’ve been called in to work on a weekend, or your schedule is so irregular that two consecutive days off is an impossible feat. This is the perfect meme to share with all your friends who can’t catch a break from work this weekend.

It's Finally Time to Do Nothing

(Source: Dopl3r)

The weekend is meant to be a break. This meme is for anyone who understands that rest and relaxation should be first and foremost for every Friday night, regardless of whether you have plans or you prefer to go to bed at nine and sleep until noon tomorrow.

The Loneliest Feeling

(Source: Dopl3r)

This meme features Tom Hanks as Chuck Nolan in the movie Castaway, accompanied by his best friend Wilson the volleyball. As we spend too much time home alone, we find ourselves relating more and more to Nolan and Wilson, and this meme is perfect to send out as a cry for help when your friends are out of town and you’re suffering from loneliness.

Those Are Some Great Plans

(Source: Dopl3r)

This meme is great for any foodie or (or Stranger Things fan out there). Staying home only a few steps away from the kitchen is the best part of any weekend.

Getting Excited Yet?

(Source: Social Goat)

It may be an old advice animal, but we all know this feeling of happiness when a long day of work or school is finally over. Share this with anyone who’s had a long week and can’t wait for the time off.

Definitely Not

(Source: Ruin My Week)

Bosses shouldn’t expect you to come in on the weekend. This isn’t Office Space. Send this to anyone who can’t imagine working seven straight days.

Friday Night Plans

(Source: Reddit)

Perfect for anyone who loves the company of cats more than humans, this meme is an introvert’s Friday night dreams come true.

I Don't Want to Feel Like Monday Squidward

(Source: Daily Dot)

Squidward tends to be the most relatable SpongeBob character. Share this with a SpongeBob fan who hates Mondays as much as the rest of us.

Tags: happy friday, friday, friday memes, monday, weekend, funny, work, school, wholesome, wholesome memes, collections, memes, advice animals,

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