Video Games And Casual Restaurant Tomboys Dominate The Memes Of The Week
While the George Floyd Protests continued through last week, the internet was able to distract itself from the current climate of social unrest with some fresh new memes. They were undoubtedly aided by Sony revealing the PlayStation 5, whose unique design gave photoshoppers plenty to work with, but several memes this week seemed to come out of nowhere. For example, Me, My Girlfriend, And Her Four-Foot-Tall Mareep was borne from a man staring existentially at the ceiling while his girlfriend cuddled with a giant Pokémon plushie, and a terrific art challenge followed. Femboy Hooters, a beautiful pair of words akin to "cellar door," took off this week as memers were delighted by the prospect of casual restaurant chains staffed by tomboy anime girls. The memes were a healthy dose of goofery for an internet exhausted by current events. Here are some of the best ones:
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