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KYM Thanks Awards 2013

KYM Thanks Awards 2013
KYM Thanks Awards 2013

Published January 20, 2014

Published January 20, 2014

Hello, everyone!

In keeping up our tradition of taking a moment to acknowledge and appreciate all of your hard work on Know Your Meme, we're excited to finally unveil some of the new badges and first recipients of the 2013 Know Your Meme Thanks Awards! And yes, this is a bit late on arrival, and we apologize profusely for the delay, but hey, it's always better late than never, no? Starting this year, the award process will remain open for nomination all year around, so if you're bummed out about not making this list or feel as though your hard work has been gravely overlooked, there's no need to worry or freak out! Just click on any of the badges shown below on the right-hand side and shoot us an e-mail with a nomination of your choice, we'll then review each nominated user's contributions for our evaluation.

Internet Zoologist

Researchers who have particularly focused on animal-related meme research and media archiving.

Internet ZoologistSend us your recommendation!

Anime Anthropologist

Researchers who have made exceptional contributions to anime-related meme research and media archiving.

Anime AnthropologistSend us your recommendation!

Pokemon Master

Researchers who have been particularly active in Pokemon-related meme research and media archiving.

Pokemon MasterSend us your recommendation!


Researchers who have been particularly active in My Little Pony-related meme research and media archiving.

PonyologistSend us your recommendation!

Historical Meme Historian

Researchers who have been particularly active in classic meme research and media archiving.

Historical Meme HistorianSend us your recommendation!

Fan Art Historian

Researchers who have been particularly active in fan art documentation and media archiving.

Fan Art HistorianSend us your recommendation!


Researchers who have been particularly active in YouTube-born meme research and media archiving.

YouTubeologistSend us your recommendation!


Researchers who have been particularly active in Tumblr-born meme research and media archiving.

TumblrologistSend us your recommendation!


Researchers who have been particularly active in 4chan meme research and media archiving.

4chanologistSend us your recommendation!

Meme Taxonomist

Researchers who have been particularly active in tagging images and videos.

Meme TaxonomistSend us your recommendation!

Community Protip Advisor

Researchers who have been particularly helpful with onboarding newcomers to the community.

Community Protip AdvisorSend us your recommendation!

Community Protip AdvisorSend us your recommendation!

Karma Tycoon

Site members who have garnered an exceptional number of thumbs-up approvals through comments and uploads.

Karma TycoonSend us your recommendation!

Karma Philanthropist

Site members who have given an exceptional number of thumbs-up approvals to others' comments and uploads.

Karma PhilanthropistSend us your recommendation!

Additional Nomination Categories

Click on any of the following badges to nominate a Know Your Meme member for a special title!

Japanese Meme Specialist | Chinese Meme Specialist | French Meme Specialist | Brazilian Meme Specialist
Rage Comicologist  |  Homestuck Authority  |  TV Meme Historian  |  Photo Fad Expert
Twitterologist     |     YouTube Scatologist     |     Redditologist
Tags: thanks awards,

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