Some Of Our Favorite Memes From Our 'Meme Checkpoint' Facebook Challenge - Related Memes - For the Better, Right? anakin padmé anakin skywalker padmé amidala 4 panel 4-panel attack of the clones aotc prequel memes image macro exploitable star wars xipingvonhozzendorf kyrroti anakin and padme anakin and padmé For the Better, Right? Monkeys / Apes primates animals terrestrial mammals great apes atheism anarcho-primitivism reject modernity return to tradition consume product Monkeys / Apes Smudge the Cat cat instagram woman yelling at a cat vegetables plate confused cat at dinner deadbefordeath smudge_lord thegempiovulpin memetemplatesofficial _space_cucumber he no like vegetals vegetals Smudge the Cat Woman Yelling at a Cat cat food dinner chair the real housewives of beverly hills taylor armstrong kyle richards malibu beach party from hell salad cat table cat lady screaming at cat smudge taylor armstrong meme cat meme woman yelling at cat meme Woman Yelling at a Cat Samuel L. Jackson Cat cat jackson samuel l. Samuel L. Jackson Cat Dogs dog dogs puppies animal Dogs The Simpsons simpsons cartoon (title) sitcom fall 2014 fox tracey ullman charles bronson milhouse van houten ralph wiggum ned flanders springfield The Simpsons Lord Of The Rings ring subculture frodo hobbit the hobbit bilbo frodo baggins bilbo baggins gandalf the ring novel book film Lord Of The Rings Star Wars subculture space opera film trilogy pop culture george lucas space sci-fi reverse otaku lucasfilm saga star wars ghyslain razaa Star Wars Cats cat cats meow purr kitten animal andrew ng jeff dean cat memes joel veitch Cats Batman batman bruce wayne super-hero superhero animated series comic (title) bob kane joe chill Batman 1 Entry Categories Cultures 318 Events 3,788 Memes 32,335 People 2,620 Sites 842 Subcultures 2,946