meme insider
Weekend Meme Update: Prince Philip, What Do You Think He's Listening To? As A Kid / As An Adult

This previous week has been an especially harrowing one for British people, while the rest of the world has seemingly gone on without a second thought. The subject of many memes in the past month, Prince Philip died over the weekend, bringing the saga to a final conclusion. Also getting big over the weekend were As A Kid / As an Adult and What Do You Think He's Listening To?, which is a variation of a format that's been around for a while.

Prince Philip
Prince Philip has found himself in the meme spotlight for the last time. This time was because of his death, which happened on Friday, April 9th. The reason for the memes about his death stem from two distinct things. The first, that he was recently in two different memes about how his health looked like it was deteriorating and that he was already close to leaving us. The second, that Rapper DMX also died on that same day, which was far more shocking and made a bigger impact on social media.

What Do You Think He's Listening To?
What Do You Think He's Listening To? refers to a series of memes where two girls in a gym contemplate what a guy working out is listening to. The simple, two-panel format has been used in conjunction with photoshopped edits to create various bait-and-switches, often downplaying the supposed masculinity of someone in the gym working out.

As A Kid / As An Adult
As A Kid / As an Adult is a series of two-panel memes where the first panel is showing something nostalgic from when the OP was a kid. The second panel then shows the reaction of an adult to the same thing, such as a store. The format uses Trollface and other Rage Faces to further emphasize the emotion the meme is trying to convey. It's hard to say if they are all ironic, semi-ironic or if some of these are completely unironic and meant to be a way to try and reconnect to memes from a decade ago, now that many are much older and wiser than we were back then.

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