How do you think of Man of Steel?
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How do you think of Man of Steel?
Last posted
Jul 08, 2013 at 03:24AM EDT.
Jul 05, 2013 at 07:24AM EDT
6 posts
6 users
Imagine how is touch the sky
Well, the neurons in my brain send and receive electrical signals via ion pumps and also send and receive chemical signals through their synapses. These many signals are then relayed through the brain where they are processed and interpreted as what we call "thought". The neurons that have sent and received signals related to memories of the movie Man of Steel are then stimulated when the brain receives signals from the optic nerve that contain mentions of it. These memories are then brought to the forefront where I "think" of them.
And that's how I think of Man of Steel.
I'll have to mull that one over
Everyone's just so kind and receptive, aren't they?