Pillowy Mounds of Mashed Potatoes
Part of a series on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. [View Related Entries]

"Pillowy Mounds of Mashed Potatoes" is a quote attributed to the character Uncle Phil from the television sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in a scene where he indulges himself in a daydream about all the fatty food that he swore not to eat. The line has since inspired the creation of many pages on the site YTMND [1] and has been used in several YouTube poop remix videos.
The phrase was originally spoken by The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air character Uncle Phil (played by James Avery) in Season 4, Episode 10 "Home is Where the Heart Attack Is," which originally aired on November 15th, 1993. In the episode, Uncle Phil suffers a heart attack, forcing him to abstain from consuming fatty foods. In the scene below, Uncle Phil laments his new dietary restrictions by listing several of his favorite foods that he can no longer consume:
"I can't do this. I can’t give up my favorite foods cold turkey. Oh my god, turkey… with pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes… butter drenched dressing… tiny onions… swimming in a sea of cream sauce."
The earliest known remix based on Uncle Phil's soundbite was submitted as a YTMND site titled "Uncle Phil is Fat" by user Mxyzptlk on May 27th, 2007. Featuring a tiled screen capture of Uncle Phil and an audio clip of the “pillowy mounds” monologue, the page has received over 15,800 views as of September 2012.
On January 13th, 2008, YTMND user dasmoose created the "UnclePhilTMND: Mashed Potatoes" and "UnclePhilTMND: Soul Phil" pages, which featured the "pillowy mounds" audio clip. Throughout the rest of 2008, an additional 22 YTMNDs using the clip were created. According to the YTMND Wiki,[3] these pages are referred to as "Uncle PhilTMNDs."
On YouTube
On January 16th 2008, three days after the dasmoose YTMND was created, YouTuber keatonkeaton999 uploaded a video titled "The Legend of Uncle Phil", which included audio from the "Excuse Me, Princess" YouTube poop meme (shown below, left). On December 13th, 2008, YouTuber Apocalypx uploaded a video titled "Pillowy Mounds of Mashed Potatoes", which included a music remix version of Uncle Phil's monologue. As of September 25th, 2012, over 75 results are shown for the keywords "uncle phil pillowy mounds" on YouTube.[2]
Notable Examples
Search Interest
External References
[1] YTMND – search results for pillowy mounds
[2] YouTube – uncle phil pillowy mounds
[3] YTMND Wiki – Uncle_philTMND
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Jan 01, 2014 at 03:34PM EST
Nov 29, 2019 at 09:31AM EST