2015 April Fools' Day - Images
Binding of Isaac April Fools

2015 April Fools' Day
Warframe April Fools 2015

2015 April Fools' Day

2015 April Fools' Day
Blockland Forums - 4KidsChan
![chan Welcome, Guest. Please login or register Did you miss your activation email? April 01, 2015, 09:19:53 PM HUM tLr Blockland Forum Board name Topics Posts Last post Announcements Today at 09:07:29 PM Development Info on the latest updates 52 21926 n Re: 2015/04/01 - I'm gay... by XR-7 Blockland Forums Today at 08:54:45 PM by mario0126 Today at 06:39:06 PM by Ben Grapevine Today at 05:15:36 PM by Pie Crust Today at 07:51:11 PM by Jshotgun Today at 09:18:12 PM by Ocelotus General Discussion Talk about anything related to Blockland 17234 533786 in Re: The maps are back?! Suggestions & Requests The place where you give me your ideas in exchange for nothing 22807260688 in Re: Limit pictures in si... Clan Discussion Making a clan? Joining a clan? Clan rivalry? Clan chowder?? Post here 4333 247588 in Re: Nigerian C---- 2 Gallery Show off your Blockland creations 12345 289824 in Re: [VIDEO] Mr. Man vs D... Help Need help with installing or playing the game? Post here 23092163004 in Re: I don't have blockla... Files Today at 09:13:14 PM by Obliviongate20 March 30, 2015, 02:23:09 PM by Cypthon March 30, 2015, 12:41:11 AM by Goth77 Add-Ons Post FINISHED Add-Ons here 2988 156378in Re: SmartFilter - A smar... Game Modes 107 3089 in Re: Brick Clicker Environment Files Sky boxes, water, ground textures, day cycles, sun flares 83 1661 in Re: Chocobo Desert](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/941/549/d58.png)
![chan Welcome, Guest. Please login or register Did you miss your activation email? April 01, 2015, 09:19:53 PM HUM tLr Blockland Forum Board name Topics Posts Last post Announcements Today at 09:07:29 PM Development Info on the latest updates 52 21926 n Re: 2015/04/01 - I'm gay... by XR-7 Blockland Forums Today at 08:54:45 PM by mario0126 Today at 06:39:06 PM by Ben Grapevine Today at 05:15:36 PM by Pie Crust Today at 07:51:11 PM by Jshotgun Today at 09:18:12 PM by Ocelotus General Discussion Talk about anything related to Blockland 17234 533786 in Re: The maps are back?! Suggestions & Requests The place where you give me your ideas in exchange for nothing 22807260688 in Re: Limit pictures in si... Clan Discussion Making a clan? Joining a clan? Clan rivalry? Clan chowder?? Post here 4333 247588 in Re: Nigerian C---- 2 Gallery Show off your Blockland creations 12345 289824 in Re: [VIDEO] Mr. Man vs D... Help Need help with installing or playing the game? Post here 23092163004 in Re: I don't have blockla... Files Today at 09:13:14 PM by Obliviongate20 March 30, 2015, 02:23:09 PM by Cypthon March 30, 2015, 12:41:11 AM by Goth77 Add-Ons Post FINISHED Add-Ons here 2988 156378in Re: SmartFilter - A smar... Game Modes 107 3089 in Re: Brick Clicker Environment Files Sky boxes, water, ground textures, day cycles, sun flares 83 1661 in Re: Chocobo Desert](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/941/549/d58.png)
2015 April Fools' Day

2015 April Fools' Day
Looks like you're trying to post on 4chan. Would you like some help?

2015 April Fools' Day
Such feels were not meant to exist.

2015 April Fools' Day
You got Rick Rolled! 3

2015 April Fools' Day

2015 April Fools' Day
Everyone, meet Cash Catchem

2015 April Fools' Day
You Must Choose Carefully

2015 April Fools' Day
Citizen Kane award for worst speedrun.
![Submission #4632: nitrogenesis's NES Citizen Kane in 06:04.05 Author's comments and explanations: Man, the NES sure had a lot of odd Japanese-only games, huh? I think my favorite out of all of these is the Japanese-only Citizen Kane platformer. I mean, was Citizen Kane ever Game name: really that popular in Japan? I mean, it's obviously regarded as one of the best films of all time, but an NES game? It would probably never work! I first became interested in Console: Nintendo Entertainment System Citizen Kane Game version: ROM filename: Branch: Emulator Movie length: FrameCount: Re-record count:8504 Author's real name: ISD Author's nickname: nitrogenesis Submitter: PN Sing this game after I saw it reviewed on The Angry Nostalgic Gaming Irate Man, and since none of you guys had TASed it yet, I figured it would be great for me to get off my hump and TAS this game Citizen Kane J) [b1].nes . Takes damage to FCEUX 2.1.2 . Takes damage to take damage . Saves time to take damage . Emulator used: Takes damage to save time . Heavy takes damage to save time abuse FCEUX 2.1.2 06:04.05 18205 LEVEL COMMENTS Level 1: Rosebud NitroGenesis So obviously, we control the title character from the movie, Citizen Kane. Citizen Kane likes to ride his sled, and so we make sure to take damage to save time so we can ride the Submitted at: sled as fast as we can. If you pause the emulator, you can see that one of the things I do in this run is take damage to save time Level 2: Rosebutt This level is a side-scrolling beat 'em up, where you control Citizen Kane through the level as he beats up thugs. Fun Fact: this level is based on a scene from the direct-to-video sequel to Citizen Kane, which was called Death Wish 4: The Crackdown Level 3: Rosetta Stonebud We're back on the Titanic for level 3, where Citizen Kane must escape the sinking ship. If you pause the game at the right time, you can see Citizen Kane having a brief nipple slip, Submission instructions which got many Japanese teenagers through their tough Internetless adolescence Level 4: High School We flash back to Citizen Kane's high school career. Nobody understands him so he locks himself in his room and yells at everyone. It is the shortest level in the game, because who List pages on this site that refer to this submissi the f--- wants to be around a teenaged Citizen Kane Level 5: Citizen Crane I thought this pun was pretty funny. Citizen Crane. Lmao Suggested Screenshot I don't have a suggested screenshot from the run, but you should use a frame from the episode of ALF where ALF thinks his neighbor is an Elvis impersonator because that was a funny episode 2015-04-01 02:15:47 Text last edited at: 2015-04-01 02:15:47 Text last edited by: NitroGenesis Download: Status: Download (2950 bytes) new Discuss t List all submissions by this submitter s submission (also ra votin View submission text hist Back to the submission list](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/941/378/a8f.png)
![Submission #4632: nitrogenesis's NES Citizen Kane in 06:04.05 Author's comments and explanations: Man, the NES sure had a lot of odd Japanese-only games, huh? I think my favorite out of all of these is the Japanese-only Citizen Kane platformer. I mean, was Citizen Kane ever Game name: really that popular in Japan? I mean, it's obviously regarded as one of the best films of all time, but an NES game? It would probably never work! I first became interested in Console: Nintendo Entertainment System Citizen Kane Game version: ROM filename: Branch: Emulator Movie length: FrameCount: Re-record count:8504 Author's real name: ISD Author's nickname: nitrogenesis Submitter: PN Sing this game after I saw it reviewed on The Angry Nostalgic Gaming Irate Man, and since none of you guys had TASed it yet, I figured it would be great for me to get off my hump and TAS this game Citizen Kane J) [b1].nes . Takes damage to FCEUX 2.1.2 . Takes damage to take damage . Saves time to take damage . Emulator used: Takes damage to save time . Heavy takes damage to save time abuse FCEUX 2.1.2 06:04.05 18205 LEVEL COMMENTS Level 1: Rosebud NitroGenesis So obviously, we control the title character from the movie, Citizen Kane. Citizen Kane likes to ride his sled, and so we make sure to take damage to save time so we can ride the Submitted at: sled as fast as we can. If you pause the emulator, you can see that one of the things I do in this run is take damage to save time Level 2: Rosebutt This level is a side-scrolling beat 'em up, where you control Citizen Kane through the level as he beats up thugs. Fun Fact: this level is based on a scene from the direct-to-video sequel to Citizen Kane, which was called Death Wish 4: The Crackdown Level 3: Rosetta Stonebud We're back on the Titanic for level 3, where Citizen Kane must escape the sinking ship. If you pause the game at the right time, you can see Citizen Kane having a brief nipple slip, Submission instructions which got many Japanese teenagers through their tough Internetless adolescence Level 4: High School We flash back to Citizen Kane's high school career. Nobody understands him so he locks himself in his room and yells at everyone. It is the shortest level in the game, because who List pages on this site that refer to this submissi the f--- wants to be around a teenaged Citizen Kane Level 5: Citizen Crane I thought this pun was pretty funny. Citizen Crane. Lmao Suggested Screenshot I don't have a suggested screenshot from the run, but you should use a frame from the episode of ALF where ALF thinks his neighbor is an Elvis impersonator because that was a funny episode 2015-04-01 02:15:47 Text last edited at: 2015-04-01 02:15:47 Text last edited by: NitroGenesis Download: Status: Download (2950 bytes) new Discuss t List all submissions by this submitter s submission (also ra votin View submission text hist Back to the submission list](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/941/378/a8f.png)
2015 April Fools' Day
CERN Discovers the Force

2015 April Fools' Day
Citizen scientists...

2015 April Fools' Day
UberBOAT Thailand

2015 April Fools' Day
Off towards the western audience

2015 April Fools' Day