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4chan Thread Derail is a MS Paint comic which parodies how threads on 4chan often deviate away from the topic originally intended by the OP. In most variants, OP begins a conversation which is quickly hijacked. The comic ends with OP bleeding out of his eyes.


The origin of this meme is /new/ (4chan’s old news board from Jan 25, 2010 to Jan 17 2011). In the original comic, OP shares an article with the rest of /new/. The thread is quickly invaded by various types of racists who quickly degenerate the thread into incomprehensible and off-topic greentexting, much to the horror of the OP.

what do you guys think of this totally crazy news story that i posted out of yeah you all know who's responsible, right? n------ ts novelty? banned in britain OPI 10101 oP derp hurr yes, you see, n------ are responsible for all problems in the world he's right. look at these lQ statistics this is all a resutt of poor keynesian economic thought see, if there were no restrictions on private businesses, our society would greatly improve. Ayn Rand once said that (tl;cdr) stratified by race durrrr hurp hurp as if the jews would relinquish their stranglehold over our country and liberties! the lsrael lobby has been controlling our government for decades AMURICA STRONG HURRR HURF DURF BRING IT ON ROFAGS DURRRRR Pimplying you're not a f-- LIBERALS N------ Pimplying im not gonna f--- your ass simplying implications which i did not imply simplying i give a f--- n----- implying n------ >JEWS O>


The spread of the meme is mostly confined to 4chan, but there have been various edits on other sites like reddit.

At Last I Truly See

Another popular version of the comic uses a different facial expression and the phrase "at last I truly see". In this version, the netizens are motivated by OP's article and decide to join together to use their abilities and knowledge of the internet to better mankind. The comic ends with OP crying tears of joy. Variations of this comic follow a similar uplifting theme.

what do you guys think of this important news story that i posted to keep you wait. wait! this eah at last l truly $ee - changes everything. informed? hark, my brothers erudite urbane OP oP once i Wasr merely a man. ...but today i am a citizen he internet is an instrument of positive change. an open forum for freedom's vanguar he's right. look at wikipedia, at 4chan at net neutrality we have transcended the ancient culture wars,risen above the throng of the 20th century,and made a home for ourselves out of wire and light. a generation of we are ree hear, hear! unfettered infonauts A NEWAND GLORIOUS DAWN AWAITS! NOT A SUNRISE t starts here. it starts now. we are tomorrow's children OP is change we can all believe in BUTA GALAXY RISE together we will create the revolution we shall a if europe could orm a common ONE LOVE toge bond of economic purpose, then the online world can from a common bond of information awareness or most assuredly we we shall all hang seperately ONE HEART LET'S GET TOGETHER AND FEEL ALLRIGHT

Various Examples

Hey sc what field of study should i go into? i like science and math in general. yeahf Wanna know the only kind of science you'll ever need? - chemistry psych OPI >300k starting Any Job I want It teaches you about how the world really, actually, works VERYONE LOOK AT ME IMAGIRRARRRF what about CS neuroscience, and various other ava computer science is the best major when it comes to breakthrough when we have singularity well be able to solve every other ce not belng a matn chld tfw no g Have tun 1 majors problems! and computer scientists free will exists please respond ctually know other cience too because we EK sad hominem -you seem bo be orgeming that all physlclsts are soclaly nept retards youre a f------ If you do not major physics you cleary do not know anything about 11 dimensiona M-theory or anythine else about how the universe works with your s--- tier major you won't contribute BIOLOGY STRONG DUALISM HURRR HURF DURF NIKOLA TESLA DUALISM goback to an 2011 hard scienc F--- THE DUALISM QUALIA SCIENCES DURRRRF dawkins ISHYGDDT Phe takes calc in a college reported enjoy Phe wants to go to autism school Pimplying physics isn't just human understanding of the universe imphying creationism isn't possible >implying quantum entanglement and space-time resonance no physicallsm bic ot quaila Pimplying biology is a hard science simplying jesus doesn't Only tecton 999-1 you can go thespeed of lg hey guys whats 2x 2-12 find x SIMULTANEOUS DAY love you all ing electromagnetis isn't just a tier science gauss CHECKMATE ATHIESTS Implying til neutrinos -peak oll TIME CUBE implying engineers majors only teach inane irrelevar when 800k starting trolling garbage IN ONLY 24 HOUAR ROTATION

hat do you guys think of this science story l posted to enrich your understandin yeahWait, wait! This is an astonishing discovery ellow scientists! at last l truly see of the universe enlightened like OP oP needs more thorium liquid fluoride salts?" This research provides very valuable insight into the early formation of our universe e's right, look at he sciencedaily page on stellar accretion progress is speeding up at a phenomenal rate, all linked to the inexorable work and splendid ideas which were concieved by the greatest minds of this age, the scientists engineers of this world hear, hear! A NEWAND GLORIOUS DAWN AWAITS! NOT A SUNRISE th advances in nanotechnolo We are now exploring the depths of the ea and humanity's future in the ocea we are mere decades away from BUTA GALAXY RISE nanoassemblers Transhumanism is no longer out of our grasp With profitable asteroid mining can eliminate most scarcity by using automation to provide a vastly improved standar of living for everyone E RISE OF MAN ONE LOVE ANKIND MUST WALK THE SKIES OR GO an d terraform Mars EXTINCT ONE HEART LETS IMPROVE THIS WORLD AND CHERISH IT FOREVER


[1] /mu/ Comics Archive – Can You Recommend Me A Band?

[2] – Complete History of 4chan

[3] r/OutOfTheLoop – What is this meme called?

[4] Encyclopedia Dramatica/n/

[5] r/DarkestDungeon – Made a DD version of an old 4chan comic

[6] Yotsuba Society – YSArchive

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4chan Thread Derail Comic

4chan Thread Derail Comic

Updated Sep 30, 2024 at 02:51PM EDT by Don.

Added Jul 13, 2018 at 10:27PM EDT by bbqchickenpizza.

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4chan Thread Derail is a MS Paint comic which parodies how threads on 4chan often deviate away from the topic originally intended by the OP. In most variants, OP begins a conversation which is quickly hijacked. The comic ends with OP bleeding out of his eyes.


The origin of this meme is /new/ (4chan’s old news board from Jan 25, 2010 to Jan 17 2011). In the original comic, OP shares an article with the rest of /new/. The thread is quickly invaded by various types of racists who quickly degenerate the thread into incomprehensible and off-topic greentexting, much to the horror of the OP.

what do you guys think of this totally crazy news story that i posted out of yeah you all know who's responsible, right? n------ ts novelty? banned in britain OPI 10101 oP derp hurr yes, you see, n------ are responsible for all problems in the world he's right. look at these lQ statistics this is all a resutt of poor keynesian economic thought see, if there were no restrictions on private businesses, our society would greatly improve. Ayn Rand once said that (tl;cdr) stratified by race durrrr hurp hurp as if the jews would relinquish their stranglehold over our country and liberties! the lsrael lobby has been controlling our government for decades AMURICA STRONG HURRR HURF DURF BRING IT ON ROFAGS DURRRRR Pimplying you're not a f-- LIBERALS N------ Pimplying im not gonna f--- your ass simplying implications which i did not imply simplying i give a f--- n----- implying n------ >JEWS O>


The spread of the meme is mostly confined to 4chan, but there have been various edits on other sites like reddit.

At Last I Truly See

Another popular version of the comic uses a different facial expression and the phrase "at last I truly see". In this version, the netizens are motivated by OP's article and decide to join together to use their abilities and knowledge of the internet to better mankind. The comic ends with OP crying tears of joy. Variations of this comic follow a similar uplifting theme.

what do you guys think of this important news story that i posted to keep you wait. wait! this eah at last l truly $ee - changes everything. informed? hark, my brothers erudite urbane OP oP once i Wasr merely a man. ...but today i am a citizen he internet is an instrument of positive change. an open forum for freedom's vanguar he's right. look at wikipedia, at 4chan at net neutrality we have transcended the ancient culture wars,risen above the throng of the 20th century,and made a home for ourselves out of wire and light. a generation of we are ree hear, hear! unfettered infonauts A NEWAND GLORIOUS DAWN AWAITS! NOT A SUNRISE t starts here. it starts now. we are tomorrow's children OP is change we can all believe in BUTA GALAXY RISE together we will create the revolution we shall a if europe could orm a common ONE LOVE toge bond of economic purpose, then the online world can from a common bond of information awareness or most assuredly we we shall all hang seperately ONE HEART LET'S GET TOGETHER AND FEEL ALLRIGHT

Various Examples

Hey sc what field of study should i go into? i like science and math in general. yeahf Wanna know the only kind of science you'll ever need? - chemistry psych OPI >300k starting Any Job I want It teaches you about how the world really, actually, works VERYONE LOOK AT ME IMAGIRRARRRF what about CS neuroscience, and various other ava computer science is the best major when it comes to breakthrough when we have singularity well be able to solve every other ce not belng a matn chld tfw no g Have tun 1 majors problems! and computer scientists free will exists please respond ctually know other cience too because we EK sad hominem -you seem bo be orgeming that all physlclsts are soclaly nept retards youre a f------ If you do not major physics you cleary do not know anything about 11 dimensiona M-theory or anythine else about how the universe works with your s--- tier major you won't contribute BIOLOGY STRONG DUALISM HURRR HURF DURF NIKOLA TESLA DUALISM goback to an 2011 hard scienc F--- THE DUALISM QUALIA SCIENCES DURRRRF dawkins ISHYGDDT Phe takes calc in a college reported enjoy Phe wants to go to autism school Pimplying physics isn't just human understanding of the universe imphying creationism isn't possible >implying quantum entanglement and space-time resonance no physicallsm bic ot quaila Pimplying biology is a hard science simplying jesus doesn't Only tecton 999-1 you can go thespeed of lg hey guys whats 2x 2-12 find x SIMULTANEOUS DAY love you all ing electromagnetis isn't just a tier science gauss CHECKMATE ATHIESTS Implying til neutrinos -peak oll TIME CUBE implying engineers majors only teach inane irrelevar when 800k starting trolling garbage IN ONLY 24 HOUAR ROTATION
hat do you guys think of this science story l posted to enrich your understandin yeahWait, wait! This is an astonishing discovery ellow scientists! at last l truly see of the universe enlightened like OP oP needs more thorium liquid fluoride salts?" This research provides very valuable insight into the early formation of our universe e's right, look at he sciencedaily page on stellar accretion progress is speeding up at a phenomenal rate, all linked to the inexorable work and splendid ideas which were concieved by the greatest minds of this age, the scientists engineers of this world hear, hear! A NEWAND GLORIOUS DAWN AWAITS! NOT A SUNRISE th advances in nanotechnolo We are now exploring the depths of the ea and humanity's future in the ocea we are mere decades away from BUTA GALAXY RISE nanoassemblers Transhumanism is no longer out of our grasp With profitable asteroid mining can eliminate most scarcity by using automation to provide a vastly improved standar of living for everyone E RISE OF MAN ONE LOVE ANKIND MUST WALK THE SKIES OR GO an d terraform Mars EXTINCT ONE HEART LETS IMPROVE THIS WORLD AND CHERISH IT FOREVER


[1] /mu/ Comics Archive – Can You Recommend Me A Band?

[2] – Complete History of 4chan

[3] r/OutOfTheLoop – What is this meme called?

[4] Encyclopedia Dramatica/n/

[5] r/DarkestDungeon – Made a DD version of an old 4chan comic

[6] Yotsuba Society – YSArchive

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