Bad Joke Eel - Images + Sorted By: Newest Oldest Comments Favorites High Score Low Score Views Bad Joke Eel When down by the sea and an eel bites your knee... that's a moray Bad Joke Eel moray advice animal image macro eel bad joke impact Bad Joke Eel Bad Joke Eel meta funny panel i don't know i dont know pun puns Bad Joke Eel pinkie pie baby cakes bad joke eel ant farm Bad Joke Eel Bad Joke Eel Bad Joke Eel Bad Joke Eel image macro face series advice animal eel bad joke eel mollusk sea cucumber Bad Joke Eel bicycle tire tired Bad Joke Eel holy water boiling hell Bad Joke Eel Bad Joke Eel mexican black juan jamal eel Bad Joke Eel Bad Joke Eel Bad Joke Eel Today's Top Image Galleries Slow Clap Hex Maniac Merrivius Elf and Human Comics Crossover