Commander of Cheese - Images
Commander of Cheese
Commander of Cheese
I made a thing. #CommanderOfCheese
Commander of Cheese
So Kellyanne Conway called Donald Trump "the Commander of Cheese," you all understand that's hardly the worst thing she ever said... ... I mean don't you remember how disrespectful she was to the victims of the Bowling Green massacre?
Commander of Cheese
So which hashtag are we going with? #CommanderOfCheese #CommanderCheese #CommanderInCheese? (Thanks Kellyanne CONway!)
Commander of Cheese
“Commander of Cheese” Kellyanne Conway #CommanderOfCheese
Commander of Cheese
Kellyanne Conway just called trump the Commander of Cheese. I'll just leave this here. #commanderofcheese
Commander of Cheese
Now we know Kellyanne Conway's favorite book... Also, this cover is way too real. #commanderofcheese
Commander of Cheese
No, Kellyanne, THIS is the Commander in Cheese.
Commander of Cheese
John Quincy Edams Abraham Lincoln Log Ulysses C. Jack Cheddar A. Aurther Theodore Roquefort Franklin D. Roosevelveeta Burrata Obama Cheeto #CommanderInCheese #CommanderOfCheese
Commander of Cheese
"Commander of Cheese" He's no gouda
Commander of Cheese
CNN: Kellyanne Conway accidentally calls Trump “commander of cheese” NBC: Kellyanne Conway accidentally calls Trump “commander of cheese” Fox News: Kellyanne Conway successfully appeals to Wisconsin voters where Hillary failed miserably
Commander of Cheese
Kellyanne Conway just called Donald Trump the Commander-of-Cheese. Apparently, she's seen his Trump Tower decor. And I just lost a $100 bet that Kellyanne would never say anything true. #CommanderOfCheese
Commander of Cheese
I am literally dead now. Kellyanne Conway just called Trump "the Commander of Cheese"
Commander of Cheese