Cray Cray - Images + Sorted By: Newest Oldest Comments Favorites High Score Low Score Views Is actually not a shortened form of “crazy”, nor is it “cray”, it’s actually “Kray”. It’s in reference to the schizophrenic twins Ronald and Reginald... Cray Cray fatty-mcmia le-mia Cray Cray Cray Cray pint-o cray crazy slang Cray Cray Defition Cray Cray jeremy from chicago crazy slang You so Cray Cray Cray cray cray-cray puns visual pun Cray Cray Cray Cray cray ~cray cray~ gunnarolla Cray Cray cray ~cray cray~ gunnarolla Today's Top Image Galleries Merrivius Elf and Human Comics Avatar Seven Havens Pavi Leak Red Equal Sign My Little Pony