Dog Burger Receipt - Images
@ericgeller Anytime I drop by In and Out, they know me and my dog well enough to include a burger patty, no but, no sides, no condiments. They always ...

Dog Burger Receipt
this is very real because i have heard my mom order sophie a plain cheeseburger no bun at many a fast food drive thru and she does always add “it’s fo...

Dog Burger Receipt
This is almost normal in LA except you wouldn’t even need to specify it’s for a dog because you would just order the dog’s food from the dog menu.

Dog Burger Receipt
Simple.. med rare burger plain ass fuck.. it’s for a dog.. that’s ALL THEY HAD TO WRITE!

Dog Burger Receipt
If you go to @inandoutburger and tell them it’s for a dog, they do the no salt/seasoning thing automatically. You don’t even have to tell them. I’ve t...

Dog Burger Receipt
I was gonna say sounds about white but it’s for a dog so never mind

Dog Burger Receipt
Friend of mine takes his dog to Arby’s once a week for whatever the hell it is they serve. Never gets anything for himself, just a pile of meat for h...

Dog Burger Receipt
I was at The Cliffs in Laguna Beach this weekend and they had a full menu for dogs. Now I see how much typing that must spare the servers.

Dog Burger Receipt
I worked at a place in Silver Lake (Los Angeles) and we had a Dog Menu. No joke. Part of my life was warming a burger 10 seconds on both sides and to...

Dog Burger Receipt
the ‘it’s for a dog’ tweet has inspired 50% people sharing cute stories about their dogs and 50% people calling for class warfare... the perfect tweet

Dog Burger Receipt
Steve, when I checked my blood pressure tonight it was high. Was my burger salted?

Dog Burger Receipt
my friend is the chef at an extremely fancy nyc restaurant and this is an order he received today

Dog Burger Receipt
He protec He attac But mostly He want a la carte snacc

Dog Burger Receipt