We understand, Homer. After all, we are from the land of chocolate.

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
Fox News vs Chocolate Bunny

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
The new Donnie Darko is gonna be so good.

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
Donald Trump, Jr. Denies Establishing Secret Backchannel with Chocolate Rabbits

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
In the next photo, Putin eats his way out of the Trojan bunny

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
The chocolate rabbit gave a hard hitting interview and was delicious afterwards.

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
“If it’s what you say, I love it. Maybe later in the spring.”

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
Head swap

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
Gotta get that chocolate bunny vote.

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
When you definitely didn’t take a meeting to dig up dirt on Marshmallow Peeps

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
"did YOU frame roger rabbit?"

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview
This is the danger of campaigning at a candy factory. #PA18

Donald Trump Jr. Chocolate Bunny Interview