Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note - Images
Tiny hand alphabet

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
His great plan for America by Imperial Guardsman

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
Sondland Head

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
Hilarious that Trump’s latest ranted response to testimony at the #ImpeachmentHearing was written in sharpie. 😂 When will the man realize that writing...

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
Sharpie ✓ Yuge font ✓ Random all caps ✓ Zelensky spelled wrong ✓ Yep, Trump wrote this

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
I'm actually at capacity

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
Written with a sharpie. Didn't spell the name right. And I seriously doubt if it's his final word on the matter either.

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
That Trump note is full of dangerous lies.

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
Suddenly Trump needs notes to say these simple words? After he was rushed to hospital on Saturday? Did he have emergency neurological symptoms?

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
Words of the day (in capital letters): I WANT NOTHING I WANT NOTHING WANT NO QUID PRO QUO

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
Trump appears to believe that his statement just now will be “the final word from the pres of the U.S.”

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
President Trump holds what appears to be a prepared statement and handwritten notes after watching testimony by Gordon Sondland as he speaks to report...

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
Original 1st draft: #ImpeachmentHearing #QuidProQuo #TraitorTrump

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
I want nothing photo

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note
South Lawn

Donald Trump's "I Want Nothing" Note