Doomer - Images
r/lilpeep has ruined the format | /r/Doomers

Ambient Berlin Techno artist Recondite. Is he one of us? Anyone else a fan? | /r/Doomers

Pausing the nightdrive and walking for a few minutes. Watching the bright city lights from far away....

reality | /r/Doomers

Noah, get your ark. It's about to get real slippery around here.... | /r/Doomers

Where are you on the Doomer Spectrum? | /r/Doomers

We’re all going to make it... | /r/Doomers

Drew this last night after a night walk | /r/Doomers

Is that all there is to it? | /r/Doomers

Why is this happening | /r/Doomers

the end | /r/Doomers
![In calling the ce ANCLA He's kinda cute Why do l even bother ? LANCLAU I will not assist your ignoble plight, cur. Though your meat-eyes cannot perceive it, I have summoned an affront-line sixty meters in front of you. How do i relocate my DEATH MACHINE to the nice neighborhood of hawthorne where i may POLLUTE it and SPLAY PEDESTRIANS' INNARDS ACROSS THE CONCRETE? Drive backward, be absolved, become unflesh. Drive forward, and watch as a shroud of little tatters and bird bones engulfs you, and enter a final fever dream for the remainder of spacetimc... hey which street do I take to get to Hawthorne? haaa idk. when I need to get somewhere I walk in a straight line across private property to maximize efficiency. you really don't need a car in portland, dude. 9 seconds later ... if you have a car you can go wherever you want actually, no, it's more like, a grid. you can't really go backwards or sideways or stop. plus if you leave it you need to come back to it later. the freedom is an illusion. hmm... never thought about it like that. guess you're right. Yes. 741 MILLION YEARS LATER.c. F--- IMSTILLIN THE FEVER DREAMFVE BEEN WALKING INA STRAIGHT LINE AND IT KEEPS F------ LOOPING WHY DID I GROSS THE AFFRONT LĨNE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAÄAAAAAAÄAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA damn i wish there could be some justice delivered to these selfish worms who drive cars and make it dangerous just to walk in my own neighborhood uhhh huh? huh? what? F---. what the f---. I gotta lay off the scopolamine h--------. OHHHH F--- I REALLY DID CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF DIDN'T I! F---! F---! THOUGHT IT WAS A DREAM! okay no no no. gotta get a grip. you can handle this girl. just go out and get some fresh air. we can go to sephora and get some products to salvage this mess. Sephora.. At whoa, hey! I've always wanted to meet you! thought you were 5"11 for some reason, i got-a new haircut for 2020. in with the times. dig? Nice. do you want to go see a mov- BABE WHO IS THIS OH GREAT: ANOTHER F------ WOJAK MEME GLOOMER DOOMER PEE PEE POOMER SHUT THE F--- UP. OTHER LIFE HONESTLY RETARD, THIS IS STARTING TO UNNERVE ME, NO ONE CANICONCEIVE OF PRODUCED, WE RE JUST SUBSISTING ON NOSTALGIA AND THE RECONTEXTUALIZATION OF EXISTING CULTURE, MEMES ARE THE WORST OFFENDER, YOU CAN'T SAY MEMES" PLURAL ANYMORE, EVERYTHINGIHAS BEEN AMALGAMATED INTO ASINGLE CONTIINUITY. ANYTHINGINEW ISIEITHERIEPHEMERAL AND VAPID OR JUST ENDS UP SUBDUEDTAND INCORPORATED] BY THIS GROTESQUE MASS. THE CREATIVE SPARK FADESIFROM MEMORY AND THE MEME REFERENCES REFERENCES OF ITSELF IN A FEEDBACK LOOP IN THIS, THE PAST TOOIWILL BE BEYOND CONCEPTION ALL EXISTENCE SHALL BE A METANARRATIVE ABOUT ITS OWN EXISTENCE ISITHERE ANY WAY OUT, OTHER THAN THROUGH? DUNNO I'M JUST THINKING OUT LOUD LOL. "FUTURE ANYMORE. NOTHINGINEW IS BEING OTHER LIFE ANNA LET'S ZELT OUTITA HERE. I LEFT A-WICKED STI NKER IN THE LADIES ROOM AND WHEN THEY CHECK THE CAMERAS THEY ARE GONNA SEE YOU SHOPLIFTING. what ЯЗнТо FILE 1m dissociating whoa is this pleroma? was the escape hatch from materia really inside sephora this whole time? lortanntely ARE YOU SOPHIA ?! LIBERATE ME FROM THIS PRISON! Pationee. NO! F---! somothing col? I WANT OUT! I CRAVE DEATH! PATIENCE! THE STAIN I HAVE LEFT ON THE COLLECTIVE PSYCHE OF DIGITAL METAMODERNITY IS IRREVOCABLE. I NEED NOT ACT TO SEE MY WILL MANIFEST; I SIT PATIENȚLY AND WATCH AS MYRIAD FACELESS INVALIDS J------- TO MY AUTOGYNOPHILIC SIMULACRUM, DIRECTING THEIR OWN ENERGY TO FEED MY TRANSCENDENCE, AS THEY TOO BECOME HOST TO MY WILL. THE FLESH THAT TYPES THESE WORDS HAS OUTLIVED HIS USEFULNESS, FOR MY ESSENCE IS NOW PRIMELY EGREGORE. I PERMEATE DIGITAL CONSCIOUSNESS INDEPENDENT OF THE TEMPORAL FLESH-HOST I HAVE BEEN LIBERATED FROM. NOW, I AM CARRIED BY THE INFINITELY MORE POTENT HOST THAT IS MEMES. FLESH MADE MEME, AND NOW MEME SHALL UNMAKE FLESH. GUILLAUME BELIBASTE FORESAW THIS AS HE BURNED ON THE STAKE IN 1321. 2021 DRAWS EVER NEAR. ARE YOU READY TO TRANSCEND? WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS MY DYSPHORIA! I MAY BE A FRAGMENT OF A DIGITAL IMAGE BUT I AM SUFFERING IN MY ENTIRE CAPACITY TO SUFFER! ТНО АМ I ?! YOU ARE THE DOOMER. WHATEVER! I M FINE WITH ANYTHING AS LONG AS MY EXISTENCE ISN’T A RECURSIVE METANARRATIVE ABOUT ITSELF! SO IF I'M THE DOOMER THEN WHY AM I PERCEIVING THIS?! In spacetime proper you crossed an affront line. For eons you have been suspended in a fever dream, within which you are dreaming the reality you currently perceive, to which I have emanated. so that you may be released. Consider it a reward for backtracking this far. Now, you will awake with newfound awareness of your imprisonment, through which you can see reality for what it truly is I'M READY !!! oh, if only you knew G AH ! THIS IS JUST A DREAM! I'M BECOMING LUCID! i'm falling apart gotta get a grip girl need some fresh air ahhh much better. wait, why am i the doomer girl? i thought i was the doomer? LANCLA oh ANCHR im becoming Hi lucid... oh no LANCLA LWOOD TRDEAD](
![In calling the ce ANCLA He's kinda cute Why do l even bother ? LANCLAU I will not assist your ignoble plight, cur. Though your meat-eyes cannot perceive it, I have summoned an affront-line sixty meters in front of you. How do i relocate my DEATH MACHINE to the nice neighborhood of hawthorne where i may POLLUTE it and SPLAY PEDESTRIANS' INNARDS ACROSS THE CONCRETE? Drive backward, be absolved, become unflesh. Drive forward, and watch as a shroud of little tatters and bird bones engulfs you, and enter a final fever dream for the remainder of spacetimc... hey which street do I take to get to Hawthorne? haaa idk. when I need to get somewhere I walk in a straight line across private property to maximize efficiency. you really don't need a car in portland, dude. 9 seconds later ... if you have a car you can go wherever you want actually, no, it's more like, a grid. you can't really go backwards or sideways or stop. plus if you leave it you need to come back to it later. the freedom is an illusion. hmm... never thought about it like that. guess you're right. Yes. 741 MILLION YEARS LATER.c. F--- IMSTILLIN THE FEVER DREAMFVE BEEN WALKING INA STRAIGHT LINE AND IT KEEPS F------ LOOPING WHY DID I GROSS THE AFFRONT LĨNE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAÄAAAAAAÄAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA damn i wish there could be some justice delivered to these selfish worms who drive cars and make it dangerous just to walk in my own neighborhood uhhh huh? huh? what? F---. what the f---. I gotta lay off the scopolamine h--------. OHHHH F--- I REALLY DID CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF DIDN'T I! F---! F---! THOUGHT IT WAS A DREAM! okay no no no. gotta get a grip. you can handle this girl. just go out and get some fresh air. we can go to sephora and get some products to salvage this mess. Sephora.. At whoa, hey! I've always wanted to meet you! thought you were 5"11 for some reason, i got-a new haircut for 2020. in with the times. dig? Nice. do you want to go see a mov- BABE WHO IS THIS OH GREAT: ANOTHER F------ WOJAK MEME GLOOMER DOOMER PEE PEE POOMER SHUT THE F--- UP. OTHER LIFE HONESTLY RETARD, THIS IS STARTING TO UNNERVE ME, NO ONE CANICONCEIVE OF PRODUCED, WE RE JUST SUBSISTING ON NOSTALGIA AND THE RECONTEXTUALIZATION OF EXISTING CULTURE, MEMES ARE THE WORST OFFENDER, YOU CAN'T SAY MEMES" PLURAL ANYMORE, EVERYTHINGIHAS BEEN AMALGAMATED INTO ASINGLE CONTIINUITY. ANYTHINGINEW ISIEITHERIEPHEMERAL AND VAPID OR JUST ENDS UP SUBDUEDTAND INCORPORATED] BY THIS GROTESQUE MASS. THE CREATIVE SPARK FADESIFROM MEMORY AND THE MEME REFERENCES REFERENCES OF ITSELF IN A FEEDBACK LOOP IN THIS, THE PAST TOOIWILL BE BEYOND CONCEPTION ALL EXISTENCE SHALL BE A METANARRATIVE ABOUT ITS OWN EXISTENCE ISITHERE ANY WAY OUT, OTHER THAN THROUGH? DUNNO I'M JUST THINKING OUT LOUD LOL. "FUTURE ANYMORE. NOTHINGINEW IS BEING OTHER LIFE ANNA LET'S ZELT OUTITA HERE. I LEFT A-WICKED STI NKER IN THE LADIES ROOM AND WHEN THEY CHECK THE CAMERAS THEY ARE GONNA SEE YOU SHOPLIFTING. what ЯЗнТо FILE 1m dissociating whoa is this pleroma? was the escape hatch from materia really inside sephora this whole time? lortanntely ARE YOU SOPHIA ?! LIBERATE ME FROM THIS PRISON! Pationee. NO! F---! somothing col? I WANT OUT! I CRAVE DEATH! PATIENCE! THE STAIN I HAVE LEFT ON THE COLLECTIVE PSYCHE OF DIGITAL METAMODERNITY IS IRREVOCABLE. I NEED NOT ACT TO SEE MY WILL MANIFEST; I SIT PATIENȚLY AND WATCH AS MYRIAD FACELESS INVALIDS J------- TO MY AUTOGYNOPHILIC SIMULACRUM, DIRECTING THEIR OWN ENERGY TO FEED MY TRANSCENDENCE, AS THEY TOO BECOME HOST TO MY WILL. THE FLESH THAT TYPES THESE WORDS HAS OUTLIVED HIS USEFULNESS, FOR MY ESSENCE IS NOW PRIMELY EGREGORE. I PERMEATE DIGITAL CONSCIOUSNESS INDEPENDENT OF THE TEMPORAL FLESH-HOST I HAVE BEEN LIBERATED FROM. NOW, I AM CARRIED BY THE INFINITELY MORE POTENT HOST THAT IS MEMES. FLESH MADE MEME, AND NOW MEME SHALL UNMAKE FLESH. GUILLAUME BELIBASTE FORESAW THIS AS HE BURNED ON THE STAKE IN 1321. 2021 DRAWS EVER NEAR. ARE YOU READY TO TRANSCEND? WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS MY DYSPHORIA! I MAY BE A FRAGMENT OF A DIGITAL IMAGE BUT I AM SUFFERING IN MY ENTIRE CAPACITY TO SUFFER! ТНО АМ I ?! YOU ARE THE DOOMER. WHATEVER! I M FINE WITH ANYTHING AS LONG AS MY EXISTENCE ISN’T A RECURSIVE METANARRATIVE ABOUT ITSELF! SO IF I'M THE DOOMER THEN WHY AM I PERCEIVING THIS?! In spacetime proper you crossed an affront line. For eons you have been suspended in a fever dream, within which you are dreaming the reality you currently perceive, to which I have emanated. so that you may be released. Consider it a reward for backtracking this far. Now, you will awake with newfound awareness of your imprisonment, through which you can see reality for what it truly is I'M READY !!! oh, if only you knew G AH ! THIS IS JUST A DREAM! I'M BECOMING LUCID! i'm falling apart gotta get a grip girl need some fresh air ahhh much better. wait, why am i the doomer girl? i thought i was the doomer? LANCLA oh ANCHR im becoming Hi lucid... oh no LANCLA LWOOD TRDEAD](
:) | /r/Doomers

hi doomers ,,,new here | /r/Doomers

I’m really disillusioned with doomers | /r/Doomers

every day and night | /r/Doomers

5th day no sleep, im sinking through the hole in my chest, i just want to go | /r/Doomers
