Bring Back National Dex - Images
tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

Bring Back National Dex
How to design an imp and how to not

Bring Back National Dex
Back in 2006...

Bring Back National Dex
I'm trying

Bring Back National Dex
Chart of cut pokemon in SwSh

Bring Back National Dex
Remember Me?

Bring Back National Dex
Whatever It Takes BBND

Bring Back National Dex
You Shouldn't Be Here

Bring Back National Dex
Some People Move On...

Bring Back National Dex

Bring Back National Dex
CONFIRMED: Pokemon Sword and Shield uses the same 3D models from the 3DS games. (OCTILLERY)

Bring Back National Dex
CONFIRMED: While some models were slightly altered, none of them were redone from scratch (SCRAFTY)...

Bring Back National Dex
CONFIRMED: Sword and Shield didn't have to redo the 3DS models from scratch (GYARADOS)

Bring Back National Dex
CONFIRMED: Models weren't redone from scratch, and some were even slightly tweaked. (PIKACHU)

Bring Back National Dex
they locked sound options behind an item...

Bring Back National Dex
3DS's Charizard Vs Sword/Shield's Charizard (model-wise)

Bring Back National Dex