Jessica Biel Anti-vaxx Controversy - Images
This week I went to Sacramento to talk to legislators in California about a proposed bill. I am not against vaccinations — I support children getting ...

Jessica Biel Anti-vaxx Controversy
Vaccines definitely work. Movie theaters were vaccinated against Jessica Biel back in 2012 and look. They worked.

Jessica Biel Anti-vaxx Controversy
I spoke to a legislative staffer who met with Jessica Biel and RFK Jr. The staffer says that Biel "said that her doctor recommended the regular vaccin...

Jessica Biel Anti-vaxx Controversy
For clarity - @JessicaBiel is being criticized for lobbying against life-saving #vaccine laws, not her 'beliefs'. This isn't a matter of opinion, her...

Jessica Biel Anti-vaxx Controversy
Please say thank you to the courageous @jessicabiel for a busy and productive day at the California State House.

Jessica Biel Anti-vaxx Controversy