Brewster T. Koopa [PSA] False flaggers on the Garry's Mod Workshop. 2/2 (1)

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Brewster T. Koopa [PSA] False flaggers on the Garry's Mod Workshop. 1/2

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
[PSA] False flaggers on the Garry's Mod Workshop
![[PSA] False flaggers on the Garry's Mod Workshop.
There is someone, or a group of trolls going around the Gmod workshop filing false DMCA claims and shutting down addons, over 10 Gmod addon makers, myself included have been attacked, with over a dozen of our addons gone.
Posted By @brewsterkoopa (Feb 12, 2024)](
![[PSA] False flaggers on the Garry's Mod Workshop.
There is someone, or a group of trolls going around the Gmod workshop filing false DMCA claims and shutting down addons, over 10 Gmod addon makers, myself included have been attacked, with over a dozen of our addons gone.
Posted By @brewsterkoopa (Feb 12, 2024)](
Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Piss brain

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Garry Newman's Response

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Aaron Peters

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Final Update re: Clearing up some confusion

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Most intelligent Reddit moderator in history
![Stickied comment FeatherThePirate MOD 10d ago. Parrot It was a DMCA troll, not Nintendo itself. Vote Reply ↑ Share solidsnakes453 OP⚫ 10d ago What does a dmca troll mean? Is it just like a false copyright claim? 30⇓ Reply ↑ Share FeatherThePirate • 10d ago Parrot A copyright troll is a party (person or company) that enforces copyrights it owns for purposes of making money through strategic litigation,[1] in a manner considered unduly aggressive or opportunistic, sometimes without producing or licensing the works it owns for paid distribution. Critics object to the activity because they believe it does not encourage the production of creative works, but instead makes money through the inequities and unintended consequences of high statutory damages provisions in copyright laws intended to encourage creation of such works.[2] ↑ 59⇓ 4 more replies UnVincent 10d ago Is this confirmed? Reply ↑ Share 43⇓ Reply ↑ Share FeatherThePirate ⚫ 10d ago Parrot Yes, I wouldn't have pinned it if it wasn't 29⇓ Reply ↑ Share](
![Stickied comment FeatherThePirate MOD 10d ago. Parrot It was a DMCA troll, not Nintendo itself. Vote Reply ↑ Share solidsnakes453 OP⚫ 10d ago What does a dmca troll mean? Is it just like a false copyright claim? 30⇓ Reply ↑ Share FeatherThePirate • 10d ago Parrot A copyright troll is a party (person or company) that enforces copyrights it owns for purposes of making money through strategic litigation,[1] in a manner considered unduly aggressive or opportunistic, sometimes without producing or licensing the works it owns for paid distribution. Critics object to the activity because they believe it does not encourage the production of creative works, but instead makes money through the inequities and unintended consequences of high statutory damages provisions in copyright laws intended to encourage creation of such works.[2] ↑ 59⇓ 4 more replies UnVincent 10d ago Is this confirmed? Reply ↑ Share 43⇓ Reply ↑ Share FeatherThePirate ⚫ 10d ago Parrot Yes, I wouldn't have pinned it if it wasn't 29⇓ Reply ↑ Share](
Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Vimm liar 'Final Update' post

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Fraymakers Aaron Peters Tweet

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Brewster T. Koopa Garry's Mod Workshop DMCA Tweet
![Brewster T. Koopa @brewsterkoopa. Follow [PSA] False flaggers on the Garry's Mod Workshop. There is someone, or a group of trolls going around the Gmod workshop filing false DMCA claims and shutting down addons, over 10 Gmod addon makers, myself included have been attacked, with over a dozen of our addons gone. TO A DIVICA Notice of copyright Infringement has been filed on this item. Valve will review the complaint and reach out to the person who posted this item and provide details and information on the next steps. Super Mario Galaxy Model Pack 599 ratings X](
![Brewster T. Koopa @brewsterkoopa. Follow [PSA] False flaggers on the Garry's Mod Workshop. There is someone, or a group of trolls going around the Gmod workshop filing false DMCA claims and shutting down addons, over 10 Gmod addon makers, myself included have been attacked, with over a dozen of our addons gone. TO A DIVICA Notice of copyright Infringement has been filed on this item. Valve will review the complaint and reach out to the person who posted this item and provide details and information on the next steps. Super Mario Galaxy Model Pack 599 ratings X](
Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
I've got some legit questions for the it's fake guys. There are a lot of walls of text and 900 page ...

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
it's real

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown
Gee, thanks

Steam Workshop's Nintendo Add-ons Takedown