Finngolia - Images
Finno-Ugric Gang

Chad Finngolian Flag Bearer

The Finngolian Army is on its way

Flag of Finngolia

Map of the Great Finngolian Kahnate and its vassal states

Finngolian nomads and allies raid a Swedish fort

George W. Bush visits Finland (2005)

Proud Finngolians celebrate

r/fingols talks about the origin of the meme
![r/fingols pavulus · 3y ... DerEinsieder 3y Thar's not a meme, Finns are western How Finns are Mongols meme started Mongols and we already know that here. 40 Reply 300 years ago, a German scientist named Johann Friedrich Blumenbach studied Finnish skulls. pavulus 3y That is not true. To survive the extreme Finnish winters, Finns evolved higher cheekbones and relatively flatter faces than other Europeans. Finns are Europeans, with sizeable Mongolian genes. They are by most people's definition White. Germans, on the other hand, have much less prominent cheekbones than Europeans. Finns are Mongols only to Nazis and Germans. Reply Blumenbach concluded that Finns are not white but mongols from central asia, just simply because Finns have high cheekbones. DerEinsieder 3y Hmm no sweety, Finns are Mongolians as the same way that my people from the Portuguese Caliphate are Arabs.Also the last know pure white people in Europe are living in a bunker below Dresden that the Führer himself ordered to be built.Please don't bring your "science" munbo jumbo to a serious sub and let the peoples of western Mongolia be proud of their heritage. This faux race science was widely accepted by Germans who were jealous of Finnish cheekbones, and was adopted by Hitler as well. Hitler classified Finland as a non-white, non- Germanic nation, but thought that Finnish cultural achievements were equal to Germanic achievements. So he considered Finland to be honorary A----, along with Japan. 4 45 Q Reply [deleted] 3y In early 1900s, delusional Finnish scientists started to claim that Finns are actually white, and their high cheekbones are due to Cro-magnon hunter heritage. what meme this is reality 4 18 Q Reply In late 20th century, 4chan, a website dedicated to Christianity and Nazism, adopted Hitler's definition of race, and concluded that Finns are Mongols, not white. sauihdik 3y Actually, Finnish and Mongolian languages have a lot in common, like vowel harmony. 4 10 Q Reply](
![r/fingols pavulus · 3y ... DerEinsieder 3y Thar's not a meme, Finns are western How Finns are Mongols meme started Mongols and we already know that here. 40 Reply 300 years ago, a German scientist named Johann Friedrich Blumenbach studied Finnish skulls. pavulus 3y That is not true. To survive the extreme Finnish winters, Finns evolved higher cheekbones and relatively flatter faces than other Europeans. Finns are Europeans, with sizeable Mongolian genes. They are by most people's definition White. Germans, on the other hand, have much less prominent cheekbones than Europeans. Finns are Mongols only to Nazis and Germans. Reply Blumenbach concluded that Finns are not white but mongols from central asia, just simply because Finns have high cheekbones. DerEinsieder 3y Hmm no sweety, Finns are Mongolians as the same way that my people from the Portuguese Caliphate are Arabs.Also the last know pure white people in Europe are living in a bunker below Dresden that the Führer himself ordered to be built.Please don't bring your "science" munbo jumbo to a serious sub and let the peoples of western Mongolia be proud of their heritage. This faux race science was widely accepted by Germans who were jealous of Finnish cheekbones, and was adopted by Hitler as well. Hitler classified Finland as a non-white, non- Germanic nation, but thought that Finnish cultural achievements were equal to Germanic achievements. So he considered Finland to be honorary A----, along with Japan. 4 45 Q Reply [deleted] 3y In early 1900s, delusional Finnish scientists started to claim that Finns are actually white, and their high cheekbones are due to Cro-magnon hunter heritage. what meme this is reality 4 18 Q Reply In late 20th century, 4chan, a website dedicated to Christianity and Nazism, adopted Hitler's definition of race, and concluded that Finns are Mongols, not white. sauihdik 3y Actually, Finnish and Mongolian languages have a lot in common, like vowel harmony. 4 10 Q Reply](
Finnish nomad "kidnaps" a Swedish woman

Genghis "Pekka" Khan smiles upon (You)

Finngolian Horde Takes Stockholm

Le Finnic Face

Finnish Warrior in Armor

Le Skeptical Finnish Man

Finno-Korean Hyper war
