It's Okay to Be White - Images
Most people rejected his message

It's Okay to Be White
On the road

It's Okay to Be White
Ellen Agrees - it's okay to be white!

It's Okay to Be White
United we Stand

It's Okay to Be White
It's okay to be White

It's Okay to Be White
It's designed to be a Catch-22 Troll

It's Okay to Be White
The Obamas said it on a t-shirt so it's not racist

It's Okay to Be White

It's Okay to Be White
Gab's founder trying to milk it.

It's Okay to Be White
This thing has a Gab account.

It's Okay to Be White
This thing has a Gab account?

It's Okay to Be White
It's Okay to Be White - salt montage.

It's Okay to Be White

It's Okay to Be White
"I am seeing these all over Seattle. I reported to the police. This is disturbing."

It's Okay to Be White
4chan thread
![File: 1509473490484png (101 KB, 399x532) ) 10/31/17(Tue)18:24:22 No. 147370754 ITS OKAY TO BE WHITE ORIGINAL Anonymous (D GAME PLAN (IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT ALREADY): 1. anons organize on here, infinity chan and elsewhere, print out uniform posters UyEXmw5 >2147373621 2. put on silly halloween costume for anonymity, nobody will think twice because it's halloween 3. posters go up on campuses (and elsewhere) across the world on halloween night 4. the next morning, the media goes completely berserk 5. normies tune in to see what's going on, see the posters saying "it's okay to be white" and the media & leftists frothing at the KAY WHITE mouth 6. normies realize that leftists & journalists hate white people, so they turn on them 7. credibility of far left campuses and media gets nuked, massive victory for the right in the culture war, many more lourguys/ spawned overnight PROOF OF CONCEPT A harmless message like this has already caused a massive media shitstorm before [Embed] [Open] [Embed] IMPORTANT REMINDERS Ignore anyone advocating criminal activity, vandalism, etc. These are shills trying to ruin our operation. It is pointless most importantly bad PR to do anything illegal. The point is to have the MAXIMUM CONTRAST between how evil the media portrays these posters, and how clearly benign they are to normies DO NOT ALTER THE POSTER: uniformity is key, it will have the biggest impact. A watermark or URL IS NOT TO BE ADDED. IGNORE SHILLS WHINING TRYING TO RUIN THE OPERATION BY ADDING WATERMARKS TO FAR RIGHT SITES. PATROL YOUR NEIGHBOURHOODS AND TAKE THESE DOWN IF YOU SEE THEM](
![File: 1509473490484png (101 KB, 399x532) ) 10/31/17(Tue)18:24:22 No. 147370754 ITS OKAY TO BE WHITE ORIGINAL Anonymous (D GAME PLAN (IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT ALREADY): 1. anons organize on here, infinity chan and elsewhere, print out uniform posters UyEXmw5 >2147373621 2. put on silly halloween costume for anonymity, nobody will think twice because it's halloween 3. posters go up on campuses (and elsewhere) across the world on halloween night 4. the next morning, the media goes completely berserk 5. normies tune in to see what's going on, see the posters saying "it's okay to be white" and the media & leftists frothing at the KAY WHITE mouth 6. normies realize that leftists & journalists hate white people, so they turn on them 7. credibility of far left campuses and media gets nuked, massive victory for the right in the culture war, many more lourguys/ spawned overnight PROOF OF CONCEPT A harmless message like this has already caused a massive media shitstorm before [Embed] [Open] [Embed] IMPORTANT REMINDERS Ignore anyone advocating criminal activity, vandalism, etc. These are shills trying to ruin our operation. It is pointless most importantly bad PR to do anything illegal. The point is to have the MAXIMUM CONTRAST between how evil the media portrays these posters, and how clearly benign they are to normies DO NOT ALTER THE POSTER: uniformity is key, it will have the biggest impact. A watermark or URL IS NOT TO BE ADDED. IGNORE SHILLS WHINING TRYING TO RUIN THE OPERATION BY ADDING WATERMARKS TO FAR RIGHT SITES. PATROL YOUR NEIGHBOURHOODS AND TAKE THESE DOWN IF YOU SEE THEM](
It's Okay to Be White
4chan thread
![■ MG/ White General ~ Killing the Embed Snake Edition Anonymous (ID: gQ6Y p ) 11/01/17(Wed)06:08:48 No. 147466563 ▶ > 147466999 >147 >S PROOF OF CONCEPT A harmless message like this has already caused a massive media shitstorm before: [Embed] OKAY TO BE WHITE SCHEME OF OPERATIONS: Print out posters saying "It's ok to be white" (Pic-Related) NOTE: USE EITHER OP IMAGE IN PREVIOUS GENERAL, OR PDF IN THE LINK BELoW TONIGHT post the fliers EVERYWHERE possible. Only universities seems like alt-right money Car windshields, bulletins, posts, walls, ect GENERAL INFO >Wear a costume, it's halloween! Show some spirit and disguise yourself Simplistic design, no excessive use of font or text decoration >Make sure it says 'Okay', not 'Ok' >Make sure that posting signs and posters on public property is legal in your area, /wg/ does not endorse breaking the law in any way, shape, or form >Consider making stickers ( instead of posters to speed up the process of posting if you're in an area where antifa and other leftist groups are likely to operate >If using stickers, strongly consider making instead of buying as your anonymity is compromised when purchasing online Consider laminating your posters to protect from the elements >THIS IS NOT HATE. We are doing this for the pure reaction from the left, to one simple statement. This will reveal them as hypocrites to all normies, in the boldest manner imaginable SUPPLIES Glue Spray?(Vandalism, thoughts? Personally not what I want) >Ductape due to it's stick-to-all surface nature and easy to rip >Staple-gun to snap to posts and bulletin boards If you get into any trouble, DO NOT TALK. Speak to a lawyer. Start posting Halloween night/Nov. 1st morning. Do not go out on the 4th if antifa is chimping out. Stay safe and be smart! Stay frosty, and good luck!](
![■ MG/ White General ~ Killing the Embed Snake Edition Anonymous (ID: gQ6Y p ) 11/01/17(Wed)06:08:48 No. 147466563 ▶ > 147466999 >147 >S PROOF OF CONCEPT A harmless message like this has already caused a massive media shitstorm before: [Embed] OKAY TO BE WHITE SCHEME OF OPERATIONS: Print out posters saying "It's ok to be white" (Pic-Related) NOTE: USE EITHER OP IMAGE IN PREVIOUS GENERAL, OR PDF IN THE LINK BELoW TONIGHT post the fliers EVERYWHERE possible. Only universities seems like alt-right money Car windshields, bulletins, posts, walls, ect GENERAL INFO >Wear a costume, it's halloween! Show some spirit and disguise yourself Simplistic design, no excessive use of font or text decoration >Make sure it says 'Okay', not 'Ok' >Make sure that posting signs and posters on public property is legal in your area, /wg/ does not endorse breaking the law in any way, shape, or form >Consider making stickers ( instead of posters to speed up the process of posting if you're in an area where antifa and other leftist groups are likely to operate >If using stickers, strongly consider making instead of buying as your anonymity is compromised when purchasing online Consider laminating your posters to protect from the elements >THIS IS NOT HATE. We are doing this for the pure reaction from the left, to one simple statement. This will reveal them as hypocrites to all normies, in the boldest manner imaginable SUPPLIES Glue Spray?(Vandalism, thoughts? Personally not what I want) >Ductape due to it's stick-to-all surface nature and easy to rip >Staple-gun to snap to posts and bulletin boards If you get into any trouble, DO NOT TALK. Speak to a lawyer. Start posting Halloween night/Nov. 1st morning. Do not go out on the 4th if antifa is chimping out. Stay safe and be smart! Stay frosty, and good luck!](
It's Okay to Be White