Man Bun Ken - Images
Features of the new Ken doll

Man Bun Ken

Man Bun Ken
The new "Man Bun" Ken doll comes with shirt, shoes, and keys to Barbie's car that he's driving until he "gets back on his feet again."

Man Bun Ken
which new Ken are you? Bisexual model, Rachel Maddow, "Bernie Would Have Won", 15 yr old app developer, hottest lesbian on tinder, or Chad?

Man Bun Ken
Does the new man bun Ken doll also come with a tiny vape?

Man Bun Ken
Does man bun Ken doll also come with a Soul Cycle membership, vintage record player, and $50,000 in student loan debt?

Man Bun Ken
this new ken doll is from philly and owns about 600 guitar pedals

Man Bun Ken
this ken doll wants to know why there's no white history month

Man Bun Ken
Man-bun Ken doll just interrupted me to tell me that Bernie would have won.

Man Bun Ken
Man-bun Ken doll just interrupted me to tell me that Bernie would have won.

Man Bun Ken
"Why do you have to make everything about race what about class?"

Man Bun Ken
Do u wanna meet at Whole Foods?

Man Bun Ken

Man Bun Ken
Our new Fashionistas feature even more skin tones, eye colors, and hairstyles. 💯

Man Bun Ken