![Mineturtle Mineturtle](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/010/683/tumblr_m3zb6i46UI1r3f6fto1_1280.jpg)
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Mineturtle is a fictional character which is a cross between a turtle and a mine where it will explode when someone or a large mass presses down the switch on the top of its shell. It has been known for how innocent it can be due for the damage it can do within someone. It has been used for many songs, remixes and parodys as well.
Mineturtle was first introduced within asdfmovie 5 which was released in 2012 and had a quick scene where he was introduced, it replied with "Hello", then accidently stepped on and exploded.
For ASDF 5 Mine Turtle was going to have a three second intro with a song playing that TheLivingTombstone created. Tomska and TheLivingTombStone felt that the intro was to happy to be a good intro. Even though the idea of scrapped the Creator extended the 3 second tune into a whole 3 minute song.
Creators Response
To help with the population of Mineturtle, the creator Tomska created a song along to a music video of Mineturtle along with dialog to other created characters from the asdfmovie videos.
Asdf6, released Feb. 9, 2013, featuring a few old characters. Mine Turtle apeared in a 5 second clip of a Barber Shop Quartet, featuring three sings all saying, "Hello," until one of them step on the Mine Turtle. The clip sadly contained only less then 2 seconds of the Mine Turtle, long enough for the Mine Turtle to say Hello.
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Iced Hot Chocolate
Jun 27, 2012 at 02:29AM EDT