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Roadhog's hook

Added 7 years ago by Caylo Orion • Updated about a year ago by Z.
Added 7 years ago by Caylo Orion • Updated about a year ago by Z.

Roadhog's hook
Roadhog's hook

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2015 Origin: Overwatch Region:
Tags: overwatch

Additional References: Reddit

Do you see this? This is Roadhog. He has a hook. It doesn't matter where, it doesn't matter when. If there is a roadhog, you WILL get hooked, and then you will die.

Roadhog is a playable hero in Overwatch who is most notable for his chain hook. The hook itself has a range longer than it seems, can grab players without completely touching them, and can go through walls, ceilings, floors, and any other solid object if thrown right. No matter what is in between Roadhog and the hooked player, the target will always be brought close to Roadhog, making his scrap gun extremely deadly to the point of instantly killing heroes with low base HP. This has resulted in players making fun of how broken the hook is outside of gameplay, and fearing it more than anything else within gameplay. Some players have even become emotionally scarred by it.

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