Sam Hyde - Images
Twink death comes for us all

Sam Hyde
FurAffinity Hacker revealed as Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde
Doctor behind Dragoneer's Medical Fees has been Identified

Sam Hyde
Korean Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde
So sad she’s got an offensive/great sense of humor and is forced to hide it from the world

Sam Hyde
Doja Repost Cropped Sam Hyde Tshirt

Sam Hyde
hey doja cat fans, welcome to the kanye west fan experience

Sam Hyde
Doja Cat poses for a selfie wearing a shirt with Sam Hyde on it.

Sam Hyde
Doja Cat Sam Hyde Shirt Instagram Story

Sam Hyde
Submarine engineer

Sam Hyde
Mass-shooters of 2022
Sam Hyde
sam hyde sticks things up his ass
![To: Sam Hyde : Lemme know when it's time I'm rdy Sam Hyde Sticks Things Up His Ass And Other Secrets Revealed by Ex-Employees that Sam F-----! Yay Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Sun 05 Aug 2018 23:33:29 No.181306473 Report Quoted By: >>181306563 >>181306593 >>181308605 Don't break it. I'll show you It is tricky >>181306381 no I actually was friends with Sam until recently because I found out hes an actual k--- who doesnt pay people for work even tho hes making 18k a month just from hydewars View Same Google iqdb Sauce NAO cool.jpg, 52KiB, 750x750 Doritos HE CONSTANTLY Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Sun 05 Aug 2018 23:39:19 No.181306912 Report Quoted By: >>181306992 >>181307016 >>181306563 pretty sure his fans (paypigs) will care that hes a p-------- and degenerate f----- like literally has gay sex from craigslist and is probably an irl jew View Same Google iqdb Sauce NAO photo_2017-11-23_18-11-10.jpg, 135KiB, 720x1280 Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Sun 05 Aug 2018 23:55:17 No.181308100 Report Quoted By: >>181308167 >>181308491 >>181308639 roastie #1 posts a never-before-seen pic of Sam at his place/office >>181306593 hmm i wonder how i got this picture from the office on thanksgiving thats never been posted online yeh i guess im lying tho and marky never existed u guys are right she is actually like 30 now AB BRI roastie #1 that f-----/worked with Sam chimes in on one of his shill posts JPG x All Images Maps About 2 results (1.55 seconds) Image size: 720 x 1280 Legit man keeping techniques... Ur attracted 2 me cus I'm funny tall and alpha... Use ur p---- to hypnotize me lanttulaatikko I like u a lot and think ur a sharp girl.. caring about a person comes months/years into a thing Best guess for this image: lanttulaatikko Anonymous ID: 0GWFvPSI Mon 06 Aug 2018 00:05:38 No.181308954 Report Quoted By: >>181309084 Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Mon 06 Aug 2018 00:35:35 No.181311280 Report Quoted By: >>181311506 >>181311608 >>181310694 No other sizes of this image found. Gay Jew Trailer Park Mon >>181308853 i live five minutes away from your place. i was the one who came out to breakfast that one time when the dagger mag guy was there. > talkin about some other bitch sam hired just to bang yeh basically before i left i told him if he wants to date that girl i dont want to live with them that was never the agreement to live with him and made my job harder n suck so he said she would leave n also before that he was f------ like tons of other girls because hes a degenerate sex addict even flew girls from europe and chicago Awesome. And I will bring rats tonight My ex comes back Thursday to Saturday so I'll sleep over those nights Shopping More Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Mon 06 Aug 2018 00:07:13 No.181309084 Report Quoted By: >>181309158 >>181309258 >>181309375 >>181308954 while i was gone she came back and started talking s--- on me even tho the whole reason she even have a job there is to suck sams d--- and she is literal art school w---- from ny the kind sam talks s--- on she cant even use photoshop but shes getting paid by him to do graphic design neway also I would never f--- him even tho he ask me was prty creepy sometimes so i think that why he made me leave which is fine because i wanted to lol JEWS ABSOLUTELY >0 oh cool haha whatsup yeh sam jewed me hard he owes me like 20k and also prob stole my btc when i was in europe GREAT FRIEND TOTALLY NOT JEWISH GUYS hes not as chad as u guys think he literally puts stuff in his ass and his d--- is broken from hardcore p--- addiction and he doesnt get tested for stds because he is scared to know if he has anything he literally f---- n------ spics and jews but go on and keep paying him to give u guys life advice Anonymous ID:WPmecy5s Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:22:54 No.181314661 Report Quoted By: >>181314817 >>181314922 Any girl who's been with him knows he's toxic, a liar, and a sex addict. I don't know why his fanbase (males) refuse to accept he sucks. Anonymous ID:Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:25:12 No.181314817 Report Quoted By: >>181314935 >>181315046 >>181315114>>181315137 >>181315224>>181316221 >>181316273 >>181316669 >>181314661 because they are literally all gay for him and just like f------ they hate women 4/17/18, 5:41 PM Sam had to pay nick 1k to even appear in one of his vids Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:48:46 No.181316400 Report Quoted By: >>181316636 >>181316306 Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Mon 06 Aug 2018 00:10:35 No.181309355 Quoted By: >>181309425 >>181309471 >>1813088 roastie #1 brings up marky (google Sam Hyde Marky) IM SAYING IVE KNOWN SAM HYDE FOR 9 YEARS AND THIS S--- IS REAL HOW DENSE ARE U H-------- why do you think sam is like this? i had proof from his old phone that he had gay hookups and i told my friend about it on my email and he read that and freak the f--- out and has been sick for an entire month over s--- i know about him > sam paid nick 1000 dollars to do a video because everyone was complaining that new videos were s--- 4/17/18, 10:03 PM the girl is easily doxable and they dated in like 2012-2013 when she was 15 and 16 but hes going around calling other people pedos he should be scared tho bad ppl like him are gonna be exposed at some point also he shouldnt have been such a degenerate jewish pervert Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:52:45 No.181316642 Report Quoted By: >>181316733 >>181316778 AMOMD 13:07 A Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:53:59 No.181316702 Report >>181316461 he literally says all his fans are f----- losers and he doesnt care what they like >>181318365 Also how much did he make off of bitcoin? Anonymous ID:Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:09:44 No. 181317643 Report Quoted By: >>181317783 >>181317798 >>181317820 >>181317936 >>181318178 >>181319226 sam didnt pay charles a share of merch for the books and other stuff then sam told everyone he knows to never work with charles or be his friend so basically what has done to me and a few others this year 3 people who worked at the office left in the last year as well for similar s--- and they are male so make what that what you will Sam Jewed Charls and other employees of his >>181319051 Do you know exactly what happened between Charls and Sam? Anonymous ID:Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:39:07 No.181319386 Report Quoted By: >>181319540 What she claims Sam thinks of his own fans >>181317503 no my anger at sam is because he commited actual crimes against me and didnt pay me for a year of work and is a liar/uses everyone around him Nah I'm just kidding with you. Will honestly take your advice. Many other reasons I like you of course. Have a nice night Sam :) roastie #2 that also worked with Sam comes forward >>181316433 yes thats the whole point hes talking s--- on eric warheim for f------ 19 year olds but hes literally borderline illegally f------ 15 year olds about to turn 16 and drives into another state to do so he is just like the guys cam is catfishing in the new videos thats why I really hate this f----- hes such a hypocrit Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:35:28 No.1813191763 Report Quoted By: >>181319291 >>181319310 ||| Great see u later :) and sounds good Come on over anytime ~ I'm excited Why can't I open this cage... I'm actually retarded Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:33:39 No.181319051 Report Quoted By: >>181319128 >>181319161 >>181319226 >>181319512 >>181318834 probably around a million dollars maybe more desu he gets a lot of money from his paypigs now too he buys expensive cars and stuff though and doesnt pay people who work for him so he doesnt really need desu Anonymous ID: OUCK8D3W Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:37:29 No.181319291 Report Details To: Sam Hyde roastie #2 posts more chat texts with Sam and signed book as evidence of her relations with him Kk thx Mk Need to use butt plug on you soon Need you to be alil sluttierfor me Ru still doing kegels >>181318752 no hes never been drunk or high he uses sex and manipulation as a drug he also injects testosterone and takes s----- indian fake cialis that is prob poison 200 a day Can I start being more dominant Date:05-18-2018 18:47:48 roastie #2 brings up text logs with Sam about Marky, posts her own proof with a pic of Sam's custom bieber shirt from inside his office I Delleve dial + [-] worried_duc. He runs that place like any other subreddit. JPG x I f----- that c------- but it was le gal in ri not to mention I was in love with her, not like I was just manipulat ing her or something All L I saw this a long time ago on 4chan and I'm still unsure whether it's real or not ◆ [-] Nordicist1 1 points 14 hours ago it is, i have the full picture un obscured. what's the big deal though permalink save report give gold reply EVERYBODY permalink save report give gold reply ◆ [-] IslamicState Patriot 48 points 19 hours ago well its unarchived screen shots so im assuming its admissible in a court of law permalink save report give gold reply E How long are you in RI for? I mean with school and everything.... What's your plan again Report Images About 2 results (0.72 seconds) [-] DrWinkum Dice 1 paints 15 hour It's real. I used to watch Marky's streams and she was real sensitive about it. Poor girl permalink save report give gold reply [removed by moderators] barechested Best guess for this image: barechested Chinese Kissie & H ARAS Orda Chinee F I'm Outsi Two Egg F One S Date:05-18-2018 18:48:23 Image size: 576 x 1024 Maps Shopping More Meh I had a f----- up day. This s--- is making me anxious. I'll come over if I need a place and feel like not being alone :-P No other sizes of this image found. Anonymous ID: OUCK8D3W Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:12:42 No. 181317811 Quoted By: >>181317884>>181321136 pic of the shirt he's wearing in the hydewars video with nick. my little sister was big into justin bieber so i snapped a pick to send to her agost Exact L-Thear confirmed from Sam's old instagram T VES SPECIAL E SWEET PERSON... ONU A BASIC BITCH WHEN IT COMES TO FASHIONL ·FTG.- -NEVER IN SPIRIT... KEEP BEING MATTQ SHARP, HOLD ON TO THAT MONE, INVEST IT WEL, WEEN YOURSELF OFF FootION.. KEEP BOING GOOD. U ROCK J ♡- Mjection 200 mg/ml Gonna be here for about one more year, maybe longer depending on if I decide to write a thesis or shorter if I decide to take extra classes during upcoming semesters estosterone Sam Hyde 27 June 2016 roastie #1 and #2 chime in on his bitcoin s--- i know most of you guys don't have two nickels to rub together but can you all do me a yuge favor and put 2% of your net worth into bitcoin and ethereum and just sit on it for five years... i know i know.... if it fizzles i'll pay you back with SuperMoney >>181318834 he told me he was trying to get to a million late winter but i think things took a downturn after that >>181319176 yeah he's a total k--- in that regard--- had people working for him sleeping on the couch with no privacy while he was emailing back in forth with car dealers in japan and worrying about his supra. was all excited about a new motorcycle early last month Good luck bringing up all this stuff on his circle-jerk reddit, so much for Mr. Free Speech? marky DONATE MASAI 4/19/18, 8:29 PM If you're still looking to crash here come by at any time, would be gr8 to see u Details Yeah. I like it here :p Lels that's probably fine at some point Just wasn't expecting it the first time 4/18/18, 11:52:32 PM Yeah I'll get there just give me time- Yes](
![To: Sam Hyde : Lemme know when it's time I'm rdy Sam Hyde Sticks Things Up His Ass And Other Secrets Revealed by Ex-Employees that Sam F-----! Yay Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Sun 05 Aug 2018 23:33:29 No.181306473 Report Quoted By: >>181306563 >>181306593 >>181308605 Don't break it. I'll show you It is tricky >>181306381 no I actually was friends with Sam until recently because I found out hes an actual k--- who doesnt pay people for work even tho hes making 18k a month just from hydewars View Same Google iqdb Sauce NAO cool.jpg, 52KiB, 750x750 Doritos HE CONSTANTLY Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Sun 05 Aug 2018 23:39:19 No.181306912 Report Quoted By: >>181306992 >>181307016 >>181306563 pretty sure his fans (paypigs) will care that hes a p-------- and degenerate f----- like literally has gay sex from craigslist and is probably an irl jew View Same Google iqdb Sauce NAO photo_2017-11-23_18-11-10.jpg, 135KiB, 720x1280 Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Sun 05 Aug 2018 23:55:17 No.181308100 Report Quoted By: >>181308167 >>181308491 >>181308639 roastie #1 posts a never-before-seen pic of Sam at his place/office >>181306593 hmm i wonder how i got this picture from the office on thanksgiving thats never been posted online yeh i guess im lying tho and marky never existed u guys are right she is actually like 30 now AB BRI roastie #1 that f-----/worked with Sam chimes in on one of his shill posts JPG x All Images Maps About 2 results (1.55 seconds) Image size: 720 x 1280 Legit man keeping techniques... Ur attracted 2 me cus I'm funny tall and alpha... Use ur p---- to hypnotize me lanttulaatikko I like u a lot and think ur a sharp girl.. caring about a person comes months/years into a thing Best guess for this image: lanttulaatikko Anonymous ID: 0GWFvPSI Mon 06 Aug 2018 00:05:38 No.181308954 Report Quoted By: >>181309084 Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Mon 06 Aug 2018 00:35:35 No.181311280 Report Quoted By: >>181311506 >>181311608 >>181310694 No other sizes of this image found. Gay Jew Trailer Park Mon >>181308853 i live five minutes away from your place. i was the one who came out to breakfast that one time when the dagger mag guy was there. > talkin about some other bitch sam hired just to bang yeh basically before i left i told him if he wants to date that girl i dont want to live with them that was never the agreement to live with him and made my job harder n suck so he said she would leave n also before that he was f------ like tons of other girls because hes a degenerate sex addict even flew girls from europe and chicago Awesome. And I will bring rats tonight My ex comes back Thursday to Saturday so I'll sleep over those nights Shopping More Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Mon 06 Aug 2018 00:07:13 No.181309084 Report Quoted By: >>181309158 >>181309258 >>181309375 >>181308954 while i was gone she came back and started talking s--- on me even tho the whole reason she even have a job there is to suck sams d--- and she is literal art school w---- from ny the kind sam talks s--- on she cant even use photoshop but shes getting paid by him to do graphic design neway also I would never f--- him even tho he ask me was prty creepy sometimes so i think that why he made me leave which is fine because i wanted to lol JEWS ABSOLUTELY >0 oh cool haha whatsup yeh sam jewed me hard he owes me like 20k and also prob stole my btc when i was in europe GREAT FRIEND TOTALLY NOT JEWISH GUYS hes not as chad as u guys think he literally puts stuff in his ass and his d--- is broken from hardcore p--- addiction and he doesnt get tested for stds because he is scared to know if he has anything he literally f---- n------ spics and jews but go on and keep paying him to give u guys life advice Anonymous ID:WPmecy5s Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:22:54 No.181314661 Report Quoted By: >>181314817 >>181314922 Any girl who's been with him knows he's toxic, a liar, and a sex addict. I don't know why his fanbase (males) refuse to accept he sucks. Anonymous ID:Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:25:12 No.181314817 Report Quoted By: >>181314935 >>181315046 >>181315114>>181315137 >>181315224>>181316221 >>181316273 >>181316669 >>181314661 because they are literally all gay for him and just like f------ they hate women 4/17/18, 5:41 PM Sam had to pay nick 1k to even appear in one of his vids Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:48:46 No.181316400 Report Quoted By: >>181316636 >>181316306 Anonymous ID:wo760aHd Mon 06 Aug 2018 00:10:35 No.181309355 Quoted By: >>181309425 >>181309471 >>1813088 roastie #1 brings up marky (google Sam Hyde Marky) IM SAYING IVE KNOWN SAM HYDE FOR 9 YEARS AND THIS S--- IS REAL HOW DENSE ARE U H-------- why do you think sam is like this? i had proof from his old phone that he had gay hookups and i told my friend about it on my email and he read that and freak the f--- out and has been sick for an entire month over s--- i know about him > sam paid nick 1000 dollars to do a video because everyone was complaining that new videos were s--- 4/17/18, 10:03 PM the girl is easily doxable and they dated in like 2012-2013 when she was 15 and 16 but hes going around calling other people pedos he should be scared tho bad ppl like him are gonna be exposed at some point also he shouldnt have been such a degenerate jewish pervert Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:52:45 No.181316642 Report Quoted By: >>181316733 >>181316778 AMOMD 13:07 A Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 01:53:59 No.181316702 Report >>181316461 he literally says all his fans are f----- losers and he doesnt care what they like >>181318365 Also how much did he make off of bitcoin? Anonymous ID:Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:09:44 No. 181317643 Report Quoted By: >>181317783 >>181317798 >>181317820 >>181317936 >>181318178 >>181319226 sam didnt pay charles a share of merch for the books and other stuff then sam told everyone he knows to never work with charles or be his friend so basically what has done to me and a few others this year 3 people who worked at the office left in the last year as well for similar s--- and they are male so make what that what you will Sam Jewed Charls and other employees of his >>181319051 Do you know exactly what happened between Charls and Sam? Anonymous ID:Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:39:07 No.181319386 Report Quoted By: >>181319540 What she claims Sam thinks of his own fans >>181317503 no my anger at sam is because he commited actual crimes against me and didnt pay me for a year of work and is a liar/uses everyone around him Nah I'm just kidding with you. Will honestly take your advice. Many other reasons I like you of course. Have a nice night Sam :) roastie #2 that also worked with Sam comes forward >>181316433 yes thats the whole point hes talking s--- on eric warheim for f------ 19 year olds but hes literally borderline illegally f------ 15 year olds about to turn 16 and drives into another state to do so he is just like the guys cam is catfishing in the new videos thats why I really hate this f----- hes such a hypocrit Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:35:28 No.1813191763 Report Quoted By: >>181319291 >>181319310 ||| Great see u later :) and sounds good Come on over anytime ~ I'm excited Why can't I open this cage... I'm actually retarded Anonymous ID: Ua8k2K/T Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:33:39 No.181319051 Report Quoted By: >>181319128 >>181319161 >>181319226 >>181319512 >>181318834 probably around a million dollars maybe more desu he gets a lot of money from his paypigs now too he buys expensive cars and stuff though and doesnt pay people who work for him so he doesnt really need desu Anonymous ID: OUCK8D3W Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:37:29 No.181319291 Report Details To: Sam Hyde roastie #2 posts more chat texts with Sam and signed book as evidence of her relations with him Kk thx Mk Need to use butt plug on you soon Need you to be alil sluttierfor me Ru still doing kegels >>181318752 no hes never been drunk or high he uses sex and manipulation as a drug he also injects testosterone and takes s----- indian fake cialis that is prob poison 200 a day Can I start being more dominant Date:05-18-2018 18:47:48 roastie #2 brings up text logs with Sam about Marky, posts her own proof with a pic of Sam's custom bieber shirt from inside his office I Delleve dial + [-] worried_duc. He runs that place like any other subreddit. JPG x I f----- that c------- but it was le gal in ri not to mention I was in love with her, not like I was just manipulat ing her or something All L I saw this a long time ago on 4chan and I'm still unsure whether it's real or not ◆ [-] Nordicist1 1 points 14 hours ago it is, i have the full picture un obscured. what's the big deal though permalink save report give gold reply EVERYBODY permalink save report give gold reply ◆ [-] IslamicState Patriot 48 points 19 hours ago well its unarchived screen shots so im assuming its admissible in a court of law permalink save report give gold reply E How long are you in RI for? I mean with school and everything.... What's your plan again Report Images About 2 results (0.72 seconds) [-] DrWinkum Dice 1 paints 15 hour It's real. I used to watch Marky's streams and she was real sensitive about it. Poor girl permalink save report give gold reply [removed by moderators] barechested Best guess for this image: barechested Chinese Kissie & H ARAS Orda Chinee F I'm Outsi Two Egg F One S Date:05-18-2018 18:48:23 Image size: 576 x 1024 Maps Shopping More Meh I had a f----- up day. This s--- is making me anxious. I'll come over if I need a place and feel like not being alone :-P No other sizes of this image found. Anonymous ID: OUCK8D3W Mon 06 Aug 2018 02:12:42 No. 181317811 Quoted By: >>181317884>>181321136 pic of the shirt he's wearing in the hydewars video with nick. my little sister was big into justin bieber so i snapped a pick to send to her agost Exact L-Thear confirmed from Sam's old instagram T VES SPECIAL E SWEET PERSON... ONU A BASIC BITCH WHEN IT COMES TO FASHIONL ·FTG.- -NEVER IN SPIRIT... KEEP BEING MATTQ SHARP, HOLD ON TO THAT MONE, INVEST IT WEL, WEEN YOURSELF OFF FootION.. KEEP BOING GOOD. U ROCK J ♡- Mjection 200 mg/ml Gonna be here for about one more year, maybe longer depending on if I decide to write a thesis or shorter if I decide to take extra classes during upcoming semesters estosterone Sam Hyde 27 June 2016 roastie #1 and #2 chime in on his bitcoin s--- i know most of you guys don't have two nickels to rub together but can you all do me a yuge favor and put 2% of your net worth into bitcoin and ethereum and just sit on it for five years... i know i know.... if it fizzles i'll pay you back with SuperMoney >>181318834 he told me he was trying to get to a million late winter but i think things took a downturn after that >>181319176 yeah he's a total k--- in that regard--- had people working for him sleeping on the couch with no privacy while he was emailing back in forth with car dealers in japan and worrying about his supra. was all excited about a new motorcycle early last month Good luck bringing up all this stuff on his circle-jerk reddit, so much for Mr. Free Speech? marky DONATE MASAI 4/19/18, 8:29 PM If you're still looking to crash here come by at any time, would be gr8 to see u Details Yeah. I like it here :p Lels that's probably fine at some point Just wasn't expecting it the first time 4/18/18, 11:52:32 PM Yeah I'll get there just give me time- Yes](
Sam Hyde
Sam Hyde Charlotte

Sam Hyde
Sam Hyde Edie
![>>3913585 eh if family sucks then f--- em >>3913586 >>3913604 how ridic it is!! lol idk he never talked to me about his vids or anything. i stopped seeing him a few weeks before i started dating my tall ex and he was literally begging me to go out wit him. it's just weird to know that so many people were like 'U DATED HIM????' when he was just like this weird but nice guy from okcupid who emailed me to me Hi Edie-- he has a certain kind of humor i guess um well like idk. i was bored and it was when i was living in that studio in providence and i was just going on dates to waste time. he was really tall and stuff so i was like w/e!! and ye lol LMAO NO ONE BELIEVED ME ON R9K EITHER TILL I POSTED SCREENSHOTS OF WHEN HE FIRST STARTED HOUNDING ME admittedly he had a really nice d--- and we sort of f----- once. i told a story about how i fell for the "just the tip baby" trick with a guy once in here about how we f----- for like 40 seconds and that was about him >>3913506 Edie well for starters, who are you on okcupid? xoxo some comedian guy who i didn't even know had a following till a while after we went out Imao i guess i'm glad it's not a general 4chan thing tho i was gettin spooked to me See attached. That guy-do you remember? P Dollface !!8AhHSGD36ji Tue 27 Jan 2015 15:46:24 No.3913622 Report Quoted By: >>3913630 >>3913631 >>3913641 >>3913647 >>3913584 I messaged you on OkCupid a bunch of times... maybe you remember me? Anyway, I realize I run the risk of coming across as a huge creep, which I guess is true because of what I'm proposing. But honestly I never do this sort of thing. I've barely ever had sex outside of the context of a monogamous relationship, and I've never offered money in exchange for something sexual. But I'm totally in love with you, and I know you can probably have your pick from any guy that you want, so paying is probably my best bet. Would you make a p--- with me if I paid you $300? A p--- that's only for my own personal files and not internet dispersal. I am in great shape, I'm very tall, and I smell good. I'm really not a weird creep, I'm just being realistic. You probably get new suitors all the time so the only thing I really have to make myself stand-out is money, lol. Let me come visit you with my camera. We can sit and watch TV or youtube or whatever and chit-chat and see if there's a connection. If not, I'll just head home, if there is we can do whatever. That's it. Please don't think I'm some a------ or go posting my info online making fun of me. I'm a perfectly normal guy except for the fact that I've developed a mild infatuation with you and I'm smart enough to know that I'm not the most handsome/indie/bearded/tattooed guy who's messaged you this week. -C Hi :) OK well, I'm 6'2", 195lbs, and uh, 7" cut if you want to get really in... Can we do something? dd Edie Oh, yes I do remember you. I just don't know why you always use that picture... Edie Ahahaha nonestly just tell me this: Is all you want from me sex, or is that a. Edie to ccriztoff Then take me out on a date or something silly. Either way, my number is 7 message or something. Not sure what you mean but I just want to be with you like romantically et... >>3913647 On 10/1/12, <> wrote: > *Not sure what you mean but I just want to be with you :\ like romantically > etc. etc. not just sexually. Would love to go for a walk or fall asleep > next to you. > "ridi View Same Google iqdb Sauce NAO sh.jpg, 77KiB, 527x657> he was very desperate type teas i cannot >>3913693 Sam Hyde F----- a T----- T----- is a tripfag (8AhHSGD36ji) on 4chan's /lgbt/ & /r9k/ he was a lil odd. but i miss him sometimes lol Dollface !!8AhHSGD36ji Tue 27 Jan 2015 15:56:06 No.3913670 Report Quoted By: >>3913679 >>3913691 >>3913693 >>3913707 >>3913631 We can discuss whatever via text since when is million dollar extreme something people even know about i'm legitimately shocked not to mention he wasn't that cute. do people in mtfg know who he is or is this just a chan thing in others boards i don't know about? omg Imao he asked me like 4-5 times after we started hangin out if i'd ever want to make vids with him and i was like Anonymous 2015-11-14 04:12:52 Post No.24251974 Quoted by: >>24253380 File: IMG 0152.jpg (460.21 KB, 900x900) >>24253452 >>24253380 u said you put ur penis in his mouth on chaturbate Dollface !!8AhHSGD36ji Tue 27 Jan 2015 15:18:17 No.3913488 Report Quoted By: >>3913506 >>24249935 edie f----- sam hyde? Anonymous 2015-11-14 05:39:51 Post No.24253452 Quoted by: >>24253490 Tags: found >browsin r9k cause i love da robos >see a thread with sam hydes pic from mde >mention i went on dates with him for awhile etc edie 2015-11-14 05:35:38 Post No.24253380 Quoted by: >>24253410 >>24253418 >>24253452 File: IMG_2199-.jpg (438.4 KB, 640x1136) >>24251974 T-John Noob >a bunch of people know him and his yt and ask me a ton of questions >some don't believe i even dated him till i show them our correspondence Joined: Messages: Ratings: he was too kinky for me!!!!! wanted me to top a lot too. plus he literally begged me to go out to dinner with him towards the end it was just very unattractive.......... but he did have a reallly nice d---. >>3913641 we never really had sex unless you count like 30 seconds if his d--- in me sex also why would you use a 3-4 year old pic of me tho? if ur gonna objectify me at least pick something recent edie 2015-11-14 05:41:55 Post No.24253490 Quoted by: >>24253534>>24253670 >>24253898 File: smiles in transgender.gif (877.56 KB, 440x330) >>24253410 ya i f----- his face! i guess i meant more a--- than anything. oh no you misunderstand, sam was actually really great and cool to me for the majority of our dating experience. i just mean that he literally stuck his d--- in me for like 30-40 seconds and i told him to stop and he came on my ass instead. we never f----- after that. Google About 60 results (0.57 seconds) Sep 8, 2010 2 i'm edie the purple haired girl in the pic. except i haven't had purple hair for awhile lol >>24253418 467 Name: Anonymous 2010-10-25 04:38 Say, is there anyone who would help translate this video into Japanese?: If anyone likes the video enough to want to help, send me an email--ccriztoff at gmail--and I'll get you a line by line transcript. +0/0/-0 here are some funny videos I found! Discussion in Videos' started by T-John, Sep 8, 2010. funny videos All Videos News Shopping Maps More 4chan Thread: Update for November 2015: Sam Hyde got face f----- ?[/ame] Post up some dope music videos [Archive] - - Forums > - Forums > Off Topic > Completely Off Topic Mar 15, 2008 - 65 posts - 30 authors every kind of win every single kind EVERY KIND WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN TRUCK LOADS OF .... here are some funny videos I found! | Emuse Forum > Forums › Media Plaza > Videos ▾ Sep 8, 2010 1 post T-John, Sep 8, 2010 [ame=""]YouTube- Extreme BassFX - Hot Import Nights in your s----- Dodge Neon[/ame] LOLZ (Now with less lolz, more Reddit than ever before) [Archive ... > Be-Mag Msgboard > General > General Gossip Oct 30, 2010-100+ posts - 76 authors Do you watch The League? The reason I got into that show was because of Jon Lajoie. 8/14/12 Settings Tools 8/16/12 8/15/12 10/6/12 8/1 8/2 10/ 10/" 10/1 Bluh u said you put ur penis in his mouth on chaturbate ya i f----- his face! i guess i meant more a--- than anything. PYF video that makes you laugh - The Something Awful Forums ▼ Feb 2, 2010 12 posts VideoTapir: Oct 18, 2005. He'll tire eventually. fake car audio ad in the style of Tim and Eric C-- You laugh you lose! | Page 1130 | Grasscity Forums > Chill Out Zone > Grasscity Forum Humor Mar 15, 2009 - 20 posts 15 authors Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2012. [ame= sqT-5nLZUI4]Extreme BassFX - YouTube[/ame] old...but still ... Extreme BassFX - Hot Import Nights (Escort Reference) | Ford ... > Styling > ICE (In Car Entertainment) ▼ Jul 16, 2009 1 post - 1 author Location: Utah - http://www. baltimucho, Jul 16, 2009. [ame=""]YouTube- Smocaine 2: Back in Blues[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube- Extreme BassFX - Hot Import Nights in your s----- Dodge Neon[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube-Russel Sweet's Sweet Sweet Cookies (pervert mastermind)[/ame] Boom - Prelude Power> ... > Multimedia > Videos ▾ Oct 29, 2009 - 2 posts - 1 author "Put TV's in the headrest to watch Good Will Hunting!" NavaSoulja. 10-31-2009, 05:22 AM. • View topic - It's Friday and I'm bored > Board index > Madison Motorsports > Lounge ▾ 20 posts 13 authors [ame=""]YouTube- ? Christ Dance ? -- Two Innocent Cherubs Sing High Praise Upon His Lap ...2004 4:51 am: Location: Augusta Jawjuh ya'll. Post Jul Fri 31, 2009 3:27 pm. i want what these people are on #1 2:22 2:56 Extreme BassFX Million DollarExtreme 4 years ago 50,170 views Extreme Boomin Car Audio You Cavalier You Need Head Units Chris AKA Shinjiro, Y Million DollarExtreme 4 years ago 15,213 views This sketch is the only one real the inaugural episode, which g](
![>>3913585 eh if family sucks then f--- em >>3913586 >>3913604 how ridic it is!! lol idk he never talked to me about his vids or anything. i stopped seeing him a few weeks before i started dating my tall ex and he was literally begging me to go out wit him. it's just weird to know that so many people were like 'U DATED HIM????' when he was just like this weird but nice guy from okcupid who emailed me to me Hi Edie-- he has a certain kind of humor i guess um well like idk. i was bored and it was when i was living in that studio in providence and i was just going on dates to waste time. he was really tall and stuff so i was like w/e!! and ye lol LMAO NO ONE BELIEVED ME ON R9K EITHER TILL I POSTED SCREENSHOTS OF WHEN HE FIRST STARTED HOUNDING ME admittedly he had a really nice d--- and we sort of f----- once. i told a story about how i fell for the "just the tip baby" trick with a guy once in here about how we f----- for like 40 seconds and that was about him >>3913506 Edie well for starters, who are you on okcupid? xoxo some comedian guy who i didn't even know had a following till a while after we went out Imao i guess i'm glad it's not a general 4chan thing tho i was gettin spooked to me See attached. That guy-do you remember? P Dollface !!8AhHSGD36ji Tue 27 Jan 2015 15:46:24 No.3913622 Report Quoted By: >>3913630 >>3913631 >>3913641 >>3913647 >>3913584 I messaged you on OkCupid a bunch of times... maybe you remember me? Anyway, I realize I run the risk of coming across as a huge creep, which I guess is true because of what I'm proposing. But honestly I never do this sort of thing. I've barely ever had sex outside of the context of a monogamous relationship, and I've never offered money in exchange for something sexual. But I'm totally in love with you, and I know you can probably have your pick from any guy that you want, so paying is probably my best bet. Would you make a p--- with me if I paid you $300? A p--- that's only for my own personal files and not internet dispersal. I am in great shape, I'm very tall, and I smell good. I'm really not a weird creep, I'm just being realistic. You probably get new suitors all the time so the only thing I really have to make myself stand-out is money, lol. Let me come visit you with my camera. We can sit and watch TV or youtube or whatever and chit-chat and see if there's a connection. If not, I'll just head home, if there is we can do whatever. That's it. Please don't think I'm some a------ or go posting my info online making fun of me. I'm a perfectly normal guy except for the fact that I've developed a mild infatuation with you and I'm smart enough to know that I'm not the most handsome/indie/bearded/tattooed guy who's messaged you this week. -C Hi :) OK well, I'm 6'2", 195lbs, and uh, 7" cut if you want to get really in... Can we do something? dd Edie Oh, yes I do remember you. I just don't know why you always use that picture... Edie Ahahaha nonestly just tell me this: Is all you want from me sex, or is that a. Edie to ccriztoff Then take me out on a date or something silly. Either way, my number is 7 message or something. Not sure what you mean but I just want to be with you like romantically et... >>3913647 On 10/1/12, <> wrote: > *Not sure what you mean but I just want to be with you :\ like romantically > etc. etc. not just sexually. Would love to go for a walk or fall asleep > next to you. > "ridi View Same Google iqdb Sauce NAO sh.jpg, 77KiB, 527x657> he was very desperate type teas i cannot >>3913693 Sam Hyde F----- a T----- T----- is a tripfag (8AhHSGD36ji) on 4chan's /lgbt/ & /r9k/ he was a lil odd. but i miss him sometimes lol Dollface !!8AhHSGD36ji Tue 27 Jan 2015 15:56:06 No.3913670 Report Quoted By: >>3913679 >>3913691 >>3913693 >>3913707 >>3913631 We can discuss whatever via text since when is million dollar extreme something people even know about i'm legitimately shocked not to mention he wasn't that cute. do people in mtfg know who he is or is this just a chan thing in others boards i don't know about? omg Imao he asked me like 4-5 times after we started hangin out if i'd ever want to make vids with him and i was like Anonymous 2015-11-14 04:12:52 Post No.24251974 Quoted by: >>24253380 File: IMG 0152.jpg (460.21 KB, 900x900) >>24253452 >>24253380 u said you put ur penis in his mouth on chaturbate Dollface !!8AhHSGD36ji Tue 27 Jan 2015 15:18:17 No.3913488 Report Quoted By: >>3913506 >>24249935 edie f----- sam hyde? Anonymous 2015-11-14 05:39:51 Post No.24253452 Quoted by: >>24253490 Tags: found >browsin r9k cause i love da robos >see a thread with sam hydes pic from mde >mention i went on dates with him for awhile etc edie 2015-11-14 05:35:38 Post No.24253380 Quoted by: >>24253410 >>24253418 >>24253452 File: IMG_2199-.jpg (438.4 KB, 640x1136) >>24251974 T-John Noob >a bunch of people know him and his yt and ask me a ton of questions >some don't believe i even dated him till i show them our correspondence Joined: Messages: Ratings: he was too kinky for me!!!!! wanted me to top a lot too. plus he literally begged me to go out to dinner with him towards the end it was just very unattractive.......... but he did have a reallly nice d---. >>3913641 we never really had sex unless you count like 30 seconds if his d--- in me sex also why would you use a 3-4 year old pic of me tho? if ur gonna objectify me at least pick something recent edie 2015-11-14 05:41:55 Post No.24253490 Quoted by: >>24253534>>24253670 >>24253898 File: smiles in transgender.gif (877.56 KB, 440x330) >>24253410 ya i f----- his face! i guess i meant more a--- than anything. oh no you misunderstand, sam was actually really great and cool to me for the majority of our dating experience. i just mean that he literally stuck his d--- in me for like 30-40 seconds and i told him to stop and he came on my ass instead. we never f----- after that. Google About 60 results (0.57 seconds) Sep 8, 2010 2 i'm edie the purple haired girl in the pic. except i haven't had purple hair for awhile lol >>24253418 467 Name: Anonymous 2010-10-25 04:38 Say, is there anyone who would help translate this video into Japanese?: If anyone likes the video enough to want to help, send me an email--ccriztoff at gmail--and I'll get you a line by line transcript. +0/0/-0 here are some funny videos I found! Discussion in Videos' started by T-John, Sep 8, 2010. funny videos All Videos News Shopping Maps More 4chan Thread: Update for November 2015: Sam Hyde got face f----- ?[/ame] Post up some dope music videos [Archive] - - Forums > - Forums > Off Topic > Completely Off Topic Mar 15, 2008 - 65 posts - 30 authors every kind of win every single kind EVERY KIND WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN TRUCK LOADS OF .... here are some funny videos I found! | Emuse Forum > Forums › Media Plaza > Videos ▾ Sep 8, 2010 1 post T-John, Sep 8, 2010 [ame=""]YouTube- Extreme BassFX - Hot Import Nights in your s----- Dodge Neon[/ame] LOLZ (Now with less lolz, more Reddit than ever before) [Archive ... > Be-Mag Msgboard > General > General Gossip Oct 30, 2010-100+ posts - 76 authors Do you watch The League? The reason I got into that show was because of Jon Lajoie. 8/14/12 Settings Tools 8/16/12 8/15/12 10/6/12 8/1 8/2 10/ 10/" 10/1 Bluh u said you put ur penis in his mouth on chaturbate ya i f----- his face! i guess i meant more a--- than anything. PYF video that makes you laugh - The Something Awful Forums ▼ Feb 2, 2010 12 posts VideoTapir: Oct 18, 2005. He'll tire eventually. fake car audio ad in the style of Tim and Eric C-- You laugh you lose! | Page 1130 | Grasscity Forums > Chill Out Zone > Grasscity Forum Humor Mar 15, 2009 - 20 posts 15 authors Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2012. [ame= sqT-5nLZUI4]Extreme BassFX - YouTube[/ame] old...but still ... Extreme BassFX - Hot Import Nights (Escort Reference) | Ford ... > Styling > ICE (In Car Entertainment) ▼ Jul 16, 2009 1 post - 1 author Location: Utah - http://www. baltimucho, Jul 16, 2009. [ame=""]YouTube- Smocaine 2: Back in Blues[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube- Extreme BassFX - Hot Import Nights in your s----- Dodge Neon[/ame] [ame=""]YouTube-Russel Sweet's Sweet Sweet Cookies (pervert mastermind)[/ame] Boom - Prelude Power> ... > Multimedia > Videos ▾ Oct 29, 2009 - 2 posts - 1 author "Put TV's in the headrest to watch Good Will Hunting!" NavaSoulja. 10-31-2009, 05:22 AM. • View topic - It's Friday and I'm bored > Board index > Madison Motorsports > Lounge ▾ 20 posts 13 authors [ame=""]YouTube- ? Christ Dance ? -- Two Innocent Cherubs Sing High Praise Upon His Lap ...2004 4:51 am: Location: Augusta Jawjuh ya'll. Post Jul Fri 31, 2009 3:27 pm. i want what these people are on #1 2:22 2:56 Extreme BassFX Million DollarExtreme 4 years ago 50,170 views Extreme Boomin Car Audio You Cavalier You Need Head Units Chris AKA Shinjiro, Y Million DollarExtreme 4 years ago 15,213 views This sketch is the only one real the inaugural episode, which g](
Sam Hyde
Sam Hyde Marky

Sam Hyde
Sam Hyde Behind Recent GTA6 Leak?!

Sam Hyde