Shocked Black Guy - Images
Shocked Black Guy Meme Origin

Shocked Black Guy
Shocked Black Guy in Hieroglyphics

Shocked Black Guy
Fire emblem fans discovering that a game with poor narrative and mediocre characters are, actually, not that good and cannot be carried by gameplay al...

Shocked Black Guy
Wait, it was Mr Jenkins all along!? | /r/memes

Shocked Black Guy
welcome back to another episode of boundary break where we basically take the camera anywhere we want

Shocked Black Guy
Shocked Black Guy (Side Version)

Shocked Black Guy
Shocked Black Guy HD

Shocked Black Guy
Rap fans when their favorite rapper dies from the same culture that they rap and brag about
Shocked Black Guy
Evangelion fans when they have to decide between either the underage anime girls or the female groomer as their favorite waifu

Shocked Black Guy
"fuck you toad, you mushroom-headed freak."

Shocked Black Guy
Daredevil meme

Shocked Black Guy
Marvel fans

Shocked Black Guy
Shocked Black Guy Study by @relicrom
Shocked Black Guy
Vegito Blue when he defuses before his Final Kamehameha can even touch Black Frieza:

Shocked Black Guy
british people when their ice cream melts because they held it under the sun for 20 minutes instead of fucking eating it

Shocked Black Guy
me watching captain israel murder an arab child within the first 15 minutes of the movie

Shocked Black Guy