4chan - Images
/b/ makes a rap

anon goes to a sports bar

I'm not Mozart

from /sci/

Note to self: Never buy used devices again

/aa2g/'s day of the creepy fag

Just another day in 4chan

Android waifu's future

Fucking Doug
![- File : 1306204895 png-(177 KB, 1020x610) ロ器Anonymous 05/23/11(Mon)22:41 No.2620 1123 [Reply!QuickReply]00 17 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view. >> □ Anonymous 05/23/11 (Mon)23:09 No.2620182300 File1306206564.jpg-(4 KB,251x240) 26201170 I know, Douglas. I don't blame you. Boys and girls sleepover, only few parents find it to be an innocent idea. And sure, most of them go rather smoothly. It can still get...naughty. But it'll be friendly. One of the girls decide she doesn't mind flashing you with her young and developing breast. A boy or two ask if they can touch and will back away if the girl says no. But you couldn't sleep, could you? I know how much you love her, Douglas. And it's hard, I mean she's sleeping right next to you. You got curious, tried to slowly pull her shirt up. You got to poking, got to rubbing a bit. She was still asleep and so were the rest of the boys and girls around you. You thought "What's the harm? She's asleep, wont remember, I just wanna look." That's the problem, Douglas. Sometimes you can't just look. You pulled her panties down and you finally saw it. You've seen breast all the time but never a real p----. Of course you're gonna wanna touch it. It wasn't your fault. How did you know she'd wake up with her breast out and your finger slightly in her p----. You can hide here as long as you'd like Douglas but eventually you'll have to come face to face with what you did. You're not gonna go to jail, you're far too young. They'll let you back into school, Patti wont talk to you anymore. Or even stand being in the same room as you, and you know what? You'll just have to move on. It's normal to want to touch girls Doug. It only gets very wrong when you're as old as me. You still got a chance, I already crossed that line By the way, tell your sister I said Hi.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/979/489/c2a.png)
![- File : 1306204895 png-(177 KB, 1020x610) ロ器Anonymous 05/23/11(Mon)22:41 No.2620 1123 [Reply!QuickReply]00 17 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view. >> □ Anonymous 05/23/11 (Mon)23:09 No.2620182300 File1306206564.jpg-(4 KB,251x240) 26201170 I know, Douglas. I don't blame you. Boys and girls sleepover, only few parents find it to be an innocent idea. And sure, most of them go rather smoothly. It can still get...naughty. But it'll be friendly. One of the girls decide she doesn't mind flashing you with her young and developing breast. A boy or two ask if they can touch and will back away if the girl says no. But you couldn't sleep, could you? I know how much you love her, Douglas. And it's hard, I mean she's sleeping right next to you. You got curious, tried to slowly pull her shirt up. You got to poking, got to rubbing a bit. She was still asleep and so were the rest of the boys and girls around you. You thought "What's the harm? She's asleep, wont remember, I just wanna look." That's the problem, Douglas. Sometimes you can't just look. You pulled her panties down and you finally saw it. You've seen breast all the time but never a real p----. Of course you're gonna wanna touch it. It wasn't your fault. How did you know she'd wake up with her breast out and your finger slightly in her p----. You can hide here as long as you'd like Douglas but eventually you'll have to come face to face with what you did. You're not gonna go to jail, you're far too young. They'll let you back into school, Patti wont talk to you anymore. Or even stand being in the same room as you, and you know what? You'll just have to move on. It's normal to want to touch girls Doug. It only gets very wrong when you're as old as me. You still got a chance, I already crossed that line By the way, tell your sister I said Hi.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/979/489/c2a.png)
Doug Snaps

The Kitchen Bench

Anon Can't Into Geography


Public Pool Terrorist

What geniuses DC executives

Sick burn, yo
![File: cumber.ipg (3 KB, 275x183) □Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)17:37:32 No.619814304 Reply] Challenge /b/: Name an object that no human has ever tried to use sexually. Showing all replies. □ Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)17:37:56 No.619814377 92 Your penis](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/977/003/a7c.png)
![File: cumber.ipg (3 KB, 275x183) □Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)17:37:32 No.619814304 Reply] Challenge /b/: Name an object that no human has ever tried to use sexually. Showing all replies. □ Anonymous 06/04/15(Thu)17:37:56 No.619814377 92 Your penis](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/977/003/a7c.png)