/r/freefolk - Images
All hail Bombadil! | /r/FreeFolk

DnD kind of forgot. | /r/FreeFolk

I wish GRRM was enough of a chad to say this | /r/FreeFolk

Improved ending: Tyron and Oberyn get sick of everyone’s crap and travel through a wormhole to fight...

Show Winterfell was such a downgrade from the real thing. | /r/FreeFolk

Roll credits I guess? | /r/FreeFolk

Good thing your sister-cousin is a world class assassin | /r/FreeFolk

Subvert expectations! | /r/FreeFolk

The true origin of the Night King | /r/FreeFolk

Was “Hodor-Hold the door” the saddest plot twists in the series? | /r/FreeFolk

The plot outsmarted Littlefinger, get it right. | /r/FreeFolk

Anyone up for a GoT themed game of RISK? Thoughts? | /r/FreeFolk

If only we got more episodes like this one. It was such a well balanced episode. | /r/FreeFolk

Expectations = Subverted | /r/FreeFolk

“Umm…me?” | /r/FreeFolk

First post. Enjoy this HQ I made. | /r/FreeFolk
