/r/freefolk - Images
I’m not crying | /r/FreeFolk

The fight at the tower of joy, 283 AC. | /r/FreeFolk

would you like to see Robert's Rebellion in live action | /r/FreeFolk

What else is gunna drop before Winds of Winter? | /r/FreeFolk

Dunk facing the Laughing Storm | /r/FreeFolk

What would be this mans search history? | /r/FreeFolk

Well? | /r/FreeFolk

Tywin kinda forgot. | /r/FreeFolk

What’s peoples deal with Bran being named King? He was obviously destined for this. | /r/FreeFolk

Creepy Jamie | /r/FreeFolk

Was watching this scene from "Superman and Lois". Kinda reminded me of that missed opportunity in Ho...

Make the comments look like Danaerys Targaryen’s search history | /r/FreeFolk

We're getting a new Bram Stoker story before The Winds of Winter | /r/FreeFolk

"You have your mother's toes" | /r/FreeFolk

What were you doing when this book came out? I still had baby teeth then | /r/FreeFolk

Rhaenys Targaryan, Queen of Plot Armor.. Why do they keep writing her into unsurvivable situations i...
