/r/freefolk - Images
Otto walking in on Viserys like | /r/FreeFolk

VISERYS! Kill that baby! You have to kill that baby! Kill it! VISERYS!!! | /r/FreeFolk

In honor of House of the Dragon | /r/FreeFolk

Choose your fighter | /r/FreeFolk

yep | /r/FreeFolk

This is on par with "Varys is a mermaid" | /r/FreeFolk

Lord Robert Baratheon & Prince Rhaegar Targaryen face-off at Battle of the Trident (circa 281 AL) | ...

typical Garfield | /r/FreeFolk

I'm enjoying the nuanced portrayal of Alicent and i hope they do the same for the other Greens. Fire...

2 episodes in HotD and nothing. | /r/FreeFolk

Would have been worth a shot | /r/FreeFolk

The king on taking sound advice | /r/FreeFolk

The War of the Stepstones in a few days. Daemon & Laenor to unleash Caraxes and Seasmoke | /r/FreeFo...

Do you think we’ll ever know how badly this man fucked up Meereen? | /r/FreeFolk

Understandable have a nice day | /r/FreeFolk

Words ring true - 172 earlier as well | /r/FreeFolk
