/r/freefolk - Images
IM not saying | /r/FreeFolk

I was waiting for an email about a job application… | /r/FreeFolk

It may be a new decade but still, Fuck Olly. | /r/FreeFolk

Sam Tarly's actor seems to be remembering D&D differently from Kit Harrington. | /r/FreeFolk
![Bradley is particularly irked that some naysayers argued that showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and the cast "didn't care anymore" by the time the finale came about. "If they didn't care, they wouldn't choose to be standing in a field in Belfast at 3 o'clock in the morning for months on end," the actor says. "They wanted to make Kit Harrington, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, March, 2019 "You really realise that humans are not nocturnal creatures when you put a crew through 55 night shoots, and David and Dan...just kinda sworn up every like once a week...and the poison in everyone's eyes [laughs], like, you're not going through this man, it was--it was serious, it was a lot to ask." I:ATE SHOW stephen diivont](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/304/102/d89.jpg)
![Bradley is particularly irked that some naysayers argued that showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and the cast "didn't care anymore" by the time the finale came about. "If they didn't care, they wouldn't choose to be standing in a field in Belfast at 3 o'clock in the morning for months on end," the actor says. "They wanted to make Kit Harrington, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, March, 2019 "You really realise that humans are not nocturnal creatures when you put a crew through 55 night shoots, and David and Dan...just kinda sworn up every like once a week...and the poison in everyone's eyes [laughs], like, you're not going through this man, it was--it was serious, it was a lot to ask." I:ATE SHOW stephen diivont](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/304/102/d89.jpg)
Once the peach has set, no orb can ever take its place. | /r/FreeFolk

Someone make it make sense | /r/FreeFolk

When you finally come to terms with all the damages you've caused and realize there's no escaping it...

me_irl | /r/FreeFolk

Found this in r/memes, seemed fitting... | /r/FreeFolk

D&D, upon catching up to the books. | /r/FreeFolk

There are customs that need to be upheld | /r/FreeFolk

Who needs tits and wine when tits already come with milk? | /r/FreeFolk

Martin on BSG ending - somewhat comical in retrospect | /r/FreeFolk
![ull Google Fi ? 10:55 AM 21% O stoicism that made Battlestar Galactica so refreshing to begin with."[19] Time magazine noted that it seemed hard to believe that an advanced culture would discard all of its technology.[20] Fantasy author George R.R. Martin expressed his dissatisfaction, commenting: "Battlestar Galactica ends with 'God Did It.' Looks like somebody skipped Writing 101, when you learn that a deus ex machina is a crappy way to end a story. Yeah, yeah, sometimes the journey is its own reward. I certainly enjoyed much of the journey with BSG. But damn it, doesn't anybody know how to write an ending any more? Writing 101, kids. Adam and Eve, God Did It, It Was All a Dream? I've seen Clarion students left stunned and bleeding for turning in stories with those endings." "[21] Josh Tyler of CinemaBlend concluded that the final resolution lacked credibility, but that the simple drama of the episode was one reason to view it positively. 122]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/303/754/0b7.jpg)
![ull Google Fi ? 10:55 AM 21% O stoicism that made Battlestar Galactica so refreshing to begin with."[19] Time magazine noted that it seemed hard to believe that an advanced culture would discard all of its technology.[20] Fantasy author George R.R. Martin expressed his dissatisfaction, commenting: "Battlestar Galactica ends with 'God Did It.' Looks like somebody skipped Writing 101, when you learn that a deus ex machina is a crappy way to end a story. Yeah, yeah, sometimes the journey is its own reward. I certainly enjoyed much of the journey with BSG. But damn it, doesn't anybody know how to write an ending any more? Writing 101, kids. Adam and Eve, God Did It, It Was All a Dream? I've seen Clarion students left stunned and bleeding for turning in stories with those endings." "[21] Josh Tyler of CinemaBlend concluded that the final resolution lacked credibility, but that the simple drama of the episode was one reason to view it positively. 122]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/303/754/0b7.jpg)
I'm mocking myself more than anyone else, really | /r/FreeFolk

At least they tried | /r/FreeFolk

Rare archive photos from the trial by seven during the tourney at Ashford Meadow in 209 AC | /r/Free...
