/r/freefolk - Images
Why hasn't anyone read the Winds of Winter? Are they stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

Why Didn't Jaime Pull Bran In, Snap His Nosy Little Raven Neck and THEN Throw Him Out the Window? Is...

Why didn’t Theon know he was fingering his sister? Is he stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

Why was Jon screaming at viserion. Is he stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

Why did they film GoT? Are they stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

That's my flirting skill | /r/FreeFolk

Why are they watching this show? Are they stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

Can we have some love for Illyrio Mopatis and the actor who played him: Roger Allam. I was really lo...

Remember that one time when Sam cured Jorah's greyscale in a day by reading? Season 7 really is as b...

May the subverted expectations be with you... | /r/FreeFolk

why didnt Renly take this offer and did a incothreesome? is he stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

Why didn’t they bring their elephants? Are they stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

Why didn’t Lady just bite Ned and run away? Is she stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

Why didn’t Rickon just zigzag?! Is he stupid?! | /r/FreeFolk

Why did I watch the show? Am I stupid? | /r/FreeFolk

How is she the “smartest person” on the show? Are they all really that stupid? | /r/FreeFolk
