Animal Crossing - Images
Happy Home Designer

Animal Crossing
200.0% salt

Animal Crossing
The salt is real...

Animal Crossing
Yo dawg! I herd you like Animal Crossing! We need to go deeper!

Animal Crossing
Darn fish!

Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing in 2050

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing
Natasha reads the description of Natasha
![Natasha ESt 1,724% Natasha (ナタシャNatasha) is a snooty squirrel from Animal Forest et, where she appeared as a villager. She could be obtained via an E-Reader card Natasha Contents [show] Female Snooty Squirrel "I'll do Leather jerkin Animal Forest e+ Gender Personality Species Appearance Natasha is a squirrel with black fur and blue outlines. She has white inside of her ears. Her appearance is similar to Blaire and Pecan. The way that her eyes are half closed hints that she is Initial Phrase dis-interested. Her coloration makes her look like a skunk. She Initial Clothes initially wears Leather Jerkin Appearance(s) Personality Below is a brief description of the snooty personality. For more information, click here As a snooty villager, Natasha will appear uptown, classy, and chic. With this, however, she will appear rude belittling, and snobby when talking to the player or other villagers in the town, usually criticizing their dress sense or fashion. When talking to the player enough times, she will befriend them but still remain subtly rude. As with all snooty villagers, she has an interest in clothes over other hobbies. She will have problems socializing with other villagers, usually lazy villagers by disagreeing with their choice of lifestyle or getting offended by a jock villager, who has questioned her physical fitness HOLD ON HERE.](
![Natasha ESt 1,724% Natasha (ナタシャNatasha) is a snooty squirrel from Animal Forest et, where she appeared as a villager. She could be obtained via an E-Reader card Natasha Contents [show] Female Snooty Squirrel "I'll do Leather jerkin Animal Forest e+ Gender Personality Species Appearance Natasha is a squirrel with black fur and blue outlines. She has white inside of her ears. Her appearance is similar to Blaire and Pecan. The way that her eyes are half closed hints that she is Initial Phrase dis-interested. Her coloration makes her look like a skunk. She Initial Clothes initially wears Leather Jerkin Appearance(s) Personality Below is a brief description of the snooty personality. For more information, click here As a snooty villager, Natasha will appear uptown, classy, and chic. With this, however, she will appear rude belittling, and snobby when talking to the player or other villagers in the town, usually criticizing their dress sense or fashion. When talking to the player enough times, she will befriend them but still remain subtly rude. As with all snooty villagers, she has an interest in clothes over other hobbies. She will have problems socializing with other villagers, usually lazy villagers by disagreeing with their choice of lifestyle or getting offended by a jock villager, who has questioned her physical fitness HOLD ON HERE.](
Animal Crossing
Animal Yiffening

Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing's ancestor

Animal Crossing
Something's not right here.

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing
Shingeki No Resetti.

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing
Jump in

Animal Crossing
Villager prays to Chrom, Lord of Fishsticks

Animal Crossing