Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra
Be Amon

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra
![I-11336233514 ipg (76 KB, 480x750) igdb google exhentai The Legend of Korra Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)10:58 No.36455829 [Reply] [ ! ] SLUT Previous thread has bumped 3645 pastebin.com/AacGkyk8 Btw the whole "Korra is a slut" is trending in tumblr right now 541 posts and 103 image replies omitted. Click Reply to vievw 1-1 □ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:57 No.36459564 띠 36457060 P2 sP PERFECTION [-] [L] Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:57 No.36459579 [ ! ] Ps Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to how the tournament is set up! Maybe it is talent based and maybe some might be able to buy their way into it, considering that the Fire Ferrets had to get sponsored? And yeah l am really hoping for a lot more one-on-one things. Like you said, that's where the choreography really shines in this show [-] [□ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)13:31 No.36460785 [ ! ] Can I get OP's without the slut on it, please? I-11336236308 ipg (34 KB, 466x262) igdb google exhentai 器1 The Legend of Korra Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:45 No.36457329 [Reply] [ !] WHORRA Previous thread has bumped pastebin.com/AacGkyk8 Update: "Whorra is trending faster in tumblr now I'm not taking sides but let's look over what Korra did 1. She used Bolin to get at Mako 2. Kissed Mako despite knowing full well that Asami was dating him. It's not a good look for Korra +543 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view [-] L-1 Raidou Kuzu nona ixaFt4SREKQ 05/05/12(Sat)13:26 No.36460620 [ ! ] >>36460671 Listen, we need to calm our t--- about Korra. She DIDNT (that's it, she DID NOT) use Bolin to get to Mako. She was so feeling... undiserable that day, so she went out with him. That's all. It happens everyday in real life, you know? You never felt like going out with another person to try to forget the fact that someone broke your heart? UNLESS... you never got to confess your feelings ever in your life. It's wrong, but people do this kind of stuf About the kiss scene.. Mako almost asked for it (he even kissed her back), c'mon But in the end of the day... Mako and Korra still are two d-------- who deserve each other. LEAVE BOLIN FOR ME! I-11336240150 ipg (31 KB, 333x250) igdb google exhentai 器□The Legend of Korra Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:49 No.36459276 Reply] WHORRA Previous thread has bumped P> pastebin.com/AacGkyk8 Question: Do you guys think that Episode 5 might send the wrong messages towards kids about relationships? I mean imagine a little girl that follows what Korra did She likes a boy but he's already with another girl, so she decides to seduce him and says stuff like "You're thinking UST CAN'T STOP W------ about me when you're with her" to make him into hers A girl who kisses another girl's boyfriend is a slut, I'm sorry.. I think this show might get some letters because of this 513 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click Reply to vieww ト」 Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:00 No.36461 815 [ ! ] 36459692 Icy what you did there I-11336244305.ipg (21 KB, 400x320) iadb google exhentai 器 The Legend of Korra Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)13:58 No.36461749 [Reply] [ ! ] Previous thread has bumped pastebin.com/AacGkyk8 Tumblr still wants Korra's blood BADLY Anyway, how does everyone feel about Tah How would you guys feel about Tahno/Korra? no? DEATH TO WHORRA! 642 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view ト」|□ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:53 No.364657631 ! ] >>36465791 So how old is everyone in this? Korra's 17 right? What are Bolin and Mako? H □ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:54 No.36465791 36465763 ve heard people say Bolin is 16, but I have no idea where theyre getting it from. [-] □ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)16:01 No.36465992 s2 Iroh firebended from his mouth and i think a festival guy did it as well](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/524/553/b24.jpg)
![I-11336233514 ipg (76 KB, 480x750) igdb google exhentai The Legend of Korra Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)10:58 No.36455829 [Reply] [ ! ] SLUT Previous thread has bumped 3645 pastebin.com/AacGkyk8 Btw the whole "Korra is a slut" is trending in tumblr right now 541 posts and 103 image replies omitted. Click Reply to vievw 1-1 □ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:57 No.36459564 띠 36457060 P2 sP PERFECTION [-] [L] Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:57 No.36459579 [ ! ] Ps Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to how the tournament is set up! Maybe it is talent based and maybe some might be able to buy their way into it, considering that the Fire Ferrets had to get sponsored? And yeah l am really hoping for a lot more one-on-one things. Like you said, that's where the choreography really shines in this show [-] [□ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)13:31 No.36460785 [ ! ] Can I get OP's without the slut on it, please? I-11336236308 ipg (34 KB, 466x262) igdb google exhentai 器1 The Legend of Korra Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:45 No.36457329 [Reply] [ !] WHORRA Previous thread has bumped pastebin.com/AacGkyk8 Update: "Whorra is trending faster in tumblr now I'm not taking sides but let's look over what Korra did 1. She used Bolin to get at Mako 2. Kissed Mako despite knowing full well that Asami was dating him. It's not a good look for Korra +543 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view [-] L-1 Raidou Kuzu nona ixaFt4SREKQ 05/05/12(Sat)13:26 No.36460620 [ ! ] >>36460671 Listen, we need to calm our t--- about Korra. She DIDNT (that's it, she DID NOT) use Bolin to get to Mako. She was so feeling... undiserable that day, so she went out with him. That's all. It happens everyday in real life, you know? You never felt like going out with another person to try to forget the fact that someone broke your heart? UNLESS... you never got to confess your feelings ever in your life. It's wrong, but people do this kind of stuf About the kiss scene.. Mako almost asked for it (he even kissed her back), c'mon But in the end of the day... Mako and Korra still are two d-------- who deserve each other. LEAVE BOLIN FOR ME! I-11336240150 ipg (31 KB, 333x250) igdb google exhentai 器□The Legend of Korra Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:49 No.36459276 Reply] WHORRA Previous thread has bumped P> pastebin.com/AacGkyk8 Question: Do you guys think that Episode 5 might send the wrong messages towards kids about relationships? I mean imagine a little girl that follows what Korra did She likes a boy but he's already with another girl, so she decides to seduce him and says stuff like "You're thinking UST CAN'T STOP W------ about me when you're with her" to make him into hers A girl who kisses another girl's boyfriend is a slut, I'm sorry.. I think this show might get some letters because of this 513 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click Reply to vieww ト」 Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:00 No.36461 815 [ ! ] 36459692 Icy what you did there I-11336244305.ipg (21 KB, 400x320) iadb google exhentai 器 The Legend of Korra Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)13:58 No.36461749 [Reply] [ ! ] Previous thread has bumped pastebin.com/AacGkyk8 Tumblr still wants Korra's blood BADLY Anyway, how does everyone feel about Tah How would you guys feel about Tahno/Korra? no? DEATH TO WHORRA! 642 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view ト」|□ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:53 No.364657631 ! ] >>36465791 So how old is everyone in this? Korra's 17 right? What are Bolin and Mako? H □ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:54 No.36465791 36465763 ve heard people say Bolin is 16, but I have no idea where theyre getting it from. [-] □ Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)16:01 No.36465992 s2 Iroh firebended from his mouth and i think a festival guy did it as well](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/524/553/b24.jpg)
Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra

Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra