Dragon Ball - Images
Doodle - Videl. Yes, It's the Same Face; Shut Up About It!

Dragon Ball
Prepare Your Anus!!

Dragon Ball
You're All My Bitches Now

Dragon Ball
Gut Punch

Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball
God Lorax

Dragon Ball
He must never know..

Dragon Ball
Hit, Cabba, Kale and Caulifla

Dragon Ball
Universe 6 Tribute

Dragon Ball
Toppo The Hakaishin

Dragon Ball
Saiyan Excited

Dragon Ball
Super Saiyan Third Grade or SSJ Dai San Dankai
Dragon Ball
Super Speed of Dyspo
Dragon Ball
I feel like that line of dialogue can be applied to a lot of anime characters.

Dragon Ball
Kale SSJ and Caulifla SSJ

Dragon Ball
Vegeta VS Jiren

Dragon Ball