Fallout - Images
Why Bethesda Fails At Fallout
![Gar Bof Fallout 3 because it's buit on worst game engine ever featured in a modem AAA release, combined with the fact that Bethesda fundamentally misunderstands what makes the Fallout setting tick Their design, world building and writing approach branches off so dramaticaly from the Falout formda in an attempt to pander to casuals and Oblivien fans with leaming disabilities, that it's impossible to believe that Bethesda make a good Falout game Gar80f No 56973687342949729423224 that I a runaway mainstream success seling 25t milion copies and being an Action RPG staple for most games in the years to come i Shalowe change s more of a byproduct or a symptom of Bethesda-Fallout problems, rather than the cause that best hepe to s mulator in video game form that a post-apocalyptic game based on Stave Jackson's PmP P Rule #3 Dark hum reas good SI Rule #5 Your actions have repercussions L However, these core design goals still permeate just about every aspect of Fallouts design Remaving key aspects from that it would affect everything else, lke Bathesda did greatly damages the game as a whole It should also be noted that the cancelled Black Isle Fallout 3 Van Buren project wouldve featured an adustible 30 camera and optional real time combat Arcanum anyway [2]. It's easier to blame nostalgia driven neckbeards and that's what the gaming community at large take into consideration what makes Falout good and design around thet, they (Bethesda) try to shoehom their own features and design principles even if t dárectly contradicts cenerdl aspects Bethes da is incapable of creating a good Falout gama dad, and there are some good emotional beats there, but there's only so much y This speaks to a deeply flawed vision that Bethesda continues to push with their version of Fallout specificaly, they tempt to buld connection between the player in-game rao will extol the players virtues if moraly acceptable decisions are made in quests should take centre stage in make a decision presumably, youid care more about t. Making conversations cinematic and glving the player character a voice is game world first prtagonists stayh hc alout gives the player many. many forms of interaction West Coast is dirty. gritty, violent right stats) or a Slaver or help Myron create adsictive drugs These kinds of "down to earth interactions alreedy werent s voiced protegonist compounds the issue. The overwhelming majority of voiced dialeg would be tone neutral conversation progression. Because all interactions are cinemetic and voiced there's less that much of an issue if the game is filed with well written dialog sequences that alows the player to express a complex range of omotions motivations One of the things we really bied to avoid is surprising the player with whether they've been good have specific titles for levels of Karma and consequences that relate mostly to interactions with potential companions. game care about t soclety rebuilds opposed to strict black and white. Power stuggles defined perfect good and setamic evil Granted the orgna two Fallout games had plenty of situations where you choose between an a------ and a non-a------ physical attributes. That's why moral dilemmas are a staple of Fallout games, it's a game s point, and show the player the results of their choices Wr never changes s head Just about every action y able to undertake is given a moral value theough the Karma system and through characters ike reinforced through the endr UnIke the other Falot games where huge variance is given based each of the communities you encounter with some level of overlap, the Fallout 3 endings emphasise the player's morality in each of their deciskons. The effect you had on society is second So, vhat's this about the Good Fight By torcing the erything in a the protagors pleystle te game works so hard to define your experience using those archetypes and nothing ese 08/25/15 Todd 'dont believe is lies Howard Bethesda have long stated that a major goal in their games is that the player should be able to go anywhere a meaningful barriers for players selement building features being interconnected, reactive rolaplaying experiance. Nobody wants their WRPGs a player agency requires proper context. The context being the ruleset, the game mechanics pleying pretend insteed of actualy roleplaying. The difference between roleplay toeisecy ahe prabos structured around those things, otherwise y playing pretend is whether the game But it's that reactivity and design which Bethesda has been actively fighting against since Oblivion, because the Bethesda Shallow Sandbox Experience is against inconweniencing players at relate back to a player's build can allow the player to have a profound emational connection with their characters through roleplaying That is meaningful throughout the course of kind of character concept based around a certain skilset can find something to heng thei having a sanitised game world that gates from players and insulates them from the challenges that the setting provides. close off ways in which developers are able to reinforce narrative tones or themes through items, it's completely impossible to complete anathema to the Bethesda Shallow Sandbox Experience However by doing so. Black Isle designers are able t story than any kind of cinematic or high fidslity texture violence done pell is f------ hilarious It's like itchy and Scratchy or Jackass-Now that's funny!" Todd Komedy Klub Kustodian Howard alout seting is mostly grounded in Irony and juxtapestion as a means of telling the player a chilling messape about Fallout's central themes. "War never changes". Many people (ncluding Bethesda themselves) have taken that to mean that history quote isnt about history repeting itself, ifs about why history repeats Rsel War never changes because people never change cynical setting It vlolent, selfish and barbarism of human nature. The player doesnt change, men must c o must their symbols. Even if it is nothing at all know what you follow, Courier dramatic, thematic antastic from Now Vogas who combines witty Ines with the realisation a counter example from Falout 3、doesn't really serve a purpose outside of Ikandum0 effect, what you have is a dsjointed landmass with self contained communities that are nothing more than cheap, disposable jokes evn havetotct 08251 There are no regional dalects, so sense of unified culture or soclety. And that's really the problem, isnt these these ittle isolationist game and Esten to Pesident Eden's make everything right again Mel retum America t main series of Falout games lercept for 3 tunnly enough, all deal specificaly with society The problem of survival in the wasteland is central evolution. Super Mutants being best best equipped to desal other hand, Falout 2s Enclave operated differently Seeing themseves wrong hands, deciding to dedcate themselves to preserving technalogy insbead The NCR s another, you tackle thase factions and agree or reject the answer that is presented towns, villages and settlements at a fracture point, often because lecales and these stuations dont exist in a vacuum Unfortunately, Falout 3 and Bethesda's design mentality in general ensures that there is almost zero cohesion amongst the pockets of cvilsation and small settlements that populate map Many of these settlements are given some 5 a theme to distinguish themselves from one another before leaving without consequence There's no attempt for social or thematic cohesion described as a themepark design The player, acting as a tourist, greater whole Outside of Megaton and Rivet, there really is no sense of society in Falout 3 This also speaks to Rule #5 by ensuring that a most all locales are wholby 5 extreme example contained they allow the players to act inconsistent y ong good in one place and doing evil in another The simplistic Kar 3 system balancing things would be to blow sp Megaton, and donate water to the homeless beggars until your Kama is positive once more, enabling y I think Fallout 3s main story is bad and doesnt tackle the core themas of Fallout games fallout particles and more of the dssolved radioactive material than does blir water distilat on In areas of heavy fallout about e% of the radioactivity in water could be emoved by f terng it through on nary earth 1 most literal way imaginable Cloud with the graphics b ain. itself. From the aufully written ines, t redulous quest premises. I could blather on about the medlocre gameplay, the non-existent bugs upon bugs upon bugs I could main namative is something that pushes Falout further away from Tight and cohesire open world that Fallout 4 offers a anywhere else, right? Not to mention the fact that it's the first game in gaming ee e how efres Falost tecame Fateea falings and mishat mes the Ealeules thet were to have 100% sandbox weapon modding. Even F iterary devices that Black Isle's Fallout uses to drive home sage ike challenging gameplay situations and good level design) and allow the player to properly roleplay instead Falout game right. Doesnt mater if have as detailed gun crafting as this, and the Borderlands games don't evern let you make your own weapons. Heck Codsworth even addresses you by name - you ever played ANY game at all that offers that? 鑼cant believe I as this autistic to type it This graphics bitching is so full of s---. Who cares about graphics when were indeed had the top graphics available. 16Gb RAM? Try 600 You really have no idea whats going on under the hood of these games. d good luck running Fallout 4 er i](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/034/067/02e.jpg)
![Gar Bof Fallout 3 because it's buit on worst game engine ever featured in a modem AAA release, combined with the fact that Bethesda fundamentally misunderstands what makes the Fallout setting tick Their design, world building and writing approach branches off so dramaticaly from the Falout formda in an attempt to pander to casuals and Oblivien fans with leaming disabilities, that it's impossible to believe that Bethesda make a good Falout game Gar80f No 56973687342949729423224 that I a runaway mainstream success seling 25t milion copies and being an Action RPG staple for most games in the years to come i Shalowe change s more of a byproduct or a symptom of Bethesda-Fallout problems, rather than the cause that best hepe to s mulator in video game form that a post-apocalyptic game based on Stave Jackson's PmP P Rule #3 Dark hum reas good SI Rule #5 Your actions have repercussions L However, these core design goals still permeate just about every aspect of Fallouts design Remaving key aspects from that it would affect everything else, lke Bathesda did greatly damages the game as a whole It should also be noted that the cancelled Black Isle Fallout 3 Van Buren project wouldve featured an adustible 30 camera and optional real time combat Arcanum anyway [2]. It's easier to blame nostalgia driven neckbeards and that's what the gaming community at large take into consideration what makes Falout good and design around thet, they (Bethesda) try to shoehom their own features and design principles even if t dárectly contradicts cenerdl aspects Bethes da is incapable of creating a good Falout gama dad, and there are some good emotional beats there, but there's only so much y This speaks to a deeply flawed vision that Bethesda continues to push with their version of Fallout specificaly, they tempt to buld connection between the player in-game rao will extol the players virtues if moraly acceptable decisions are made in quests should take centre stage in make a decision presumably, youid care more about t. Making conversations cinematic and glving the player character a voice is game world first prtagonists stayh hc alout gives the player many. many forms of interaction West Coast is dirty. gritty, violent right stats) or a Slaver or help Myron create adsictive drugs These kinds of "down to earth interactions alreedy werent s voiced protegonist compounds the issue. The overwhelming majority of voiced dialeg would be tone neutral conversation progression. Because all interactions are cinemetic and voiced there's less that much of an issue if the game is filed with well written dialog sequences that alows the player to express a complex range of omotions motivations One of the things we really bied to avoid is surprising the player with whether they've been good have specific titles for levels of Karma and consequences that relate mostly to interactions with potential companions. game care about t soclety rebuilds opposed to strict black and white. Power stuggles defined perfect good and setamic evil Granted the orgna two Fallout games had plenty of situations where you choose between an a------ and a non-a------ physical attributes. That's why moral dilemmas are a staple of Fallout games, it's a game s point, and show the player the results of their choices Wr never changes s head Just about every action y able to undertake is given a moral value theough the Karma system and through characters ike reinforced through the endr UnIke the other Falot games where huge variance is given based each of the communities you encounter with some level of overlap, the Fallout 3 endings emphasise the player's morality in each of their deciskons. The effect you had on society is second So, vhat's this about the Good Fight By torcing the erything in a the protagors pleystle te game works so hard to define your experience using those archetypes and nothing ese 08/25/15 Todd 'dont believe is lies Howard Bethesda have long stated that a major goal in their games is that the player should be able to go anywhere a meaningful barriers for players selement building features being interconnected, reactive rolaplaying experiance. Nobody wants their WRPGs a player agency requires proper context. The context being the ruleset, the game mechanics pleying pretend insteed of actualy roleplaying. The difference between roleplay toeisecy ahe prabos structured around those things, otherwise y playing pretend is whether the game But it's that reactivity and design which Bethesda has been actively fighting against since Oblivion, because the Bethesda Shallow Sandbox Experience is against inconweniencing players at relate back to a player's build can allow the player to have a profound emational connection with their characters through roleplaying That is meaningful throughout the course of kind of character concept based around a certain skilset can find something to heng thei having a sanitised game world that gates from players and insulates them from the challenges that the setting provides. close off ways in which developers are able to reinforce narrative tones or themes through items, it's completely impossible to complete anathema to the Bethesda Shallow Sandbox Experience However by doing so. Black Isle designers are able t story than any kind of cinematic or high fidslity texture violence done pell is f------ hilarious It's like itchy and Scratchy or Jackass-Now that's funny!" Todd Komedy Klub Kustodian Howard alout seting is mostly grounded in Irony and juxtapestion as a means of telling the player a chilling messape about Fallout's central themes. "War never changes". Many people (ncluding Bethesda themselves) have taken that to mean that history quote isnt about history repeting itself, ifs about why history repeats Rsel War never changes because people never change cynical setting It vlolent, selfish and barbarism of human nature. The player doesnt change, men must c o must their symbols. Even if it is nothing at all know what you follow, Courier dramatic, thematic antastic from Now Vogas who combines witty Ines with the realisation a counter example from Falout 3、doesn't really serve a purpose outside of Ikandum0 effect, what you have is a dsjointed landmass with self contained communities that are nothing more than cheap, disposable jokes evn havetotct 08251 There are no regional dalects, so sense of unified culture or soclety. And that's really the problem, isnt these these ittle isolationist game and Esten to Pesident Eden's make everything right again Mel retum America t main series of Falout games lercept for 3 tunnly enough, all deal specificaly with society The problem of survival in the wasteland is central evolution. Super Mutants being best best equipped to desal other hand, Falout 2s Enclave operated differently Seeing themseves wrong hands, deciding to dedcate themselves to preserving technalogy insbead The NCR s another, you tackle thase factions and agree or reject the answer that is presented towns, villages and settlements at a fracture point, often because lecales and these stuations dont exist in a vacuum Unfortunately, Falout 3 and Bethesda's design mentality in general ensures that there is almost zero cohesion amongst the pockets of cvilsation and small settlements that populate map Many of these settlements are given some 5 a theme to distinguish themselves from one another before leaving without consequence There's no attempt for social or thematic cohesion described as a themepark design The player, acting as a tourist, greater whole Outside of Megaton and Rivet, there really is no sense of society in Falout 3 This also speaks to Rule #5 by ensuring that a most all locales are wholby 5 extreme example contained they allow the players to act inconsistent y ong good in one place and doing evil in another The simplistic Kar 3 system balancing things would be to blow sp Megaton, and donate water to the homeless beggars until your Kama is positive once more, enabling y I think Fallout 3s main story is bad and doesnt tackle the core themas of Fallout games fallout particles and more of the dssolved radioactive material than does blir water distilat on In areas of heavy fallout about e% of the radioactivity in water could be emoved by f terng it through on nary earth 1 most literal way imaginable Cloud with the graphics b ain. itself. From the aufully written ines, t redulous quest premises. I could blather on about the medlocre gameplay, the non-existent bugs upon bugs upon bugs I could main namative is something that pushes Falout further away from Tight and cohesire open world that Fallout 4 offers a anywhere else, right? Not to mention the fact that it's the first game in gaming ee e how efres Falost tecame Fateea falings and mishat mes the Ealeules thet were to have 100% sandbox weapon modding. Even F iterary devices that Black Isle's Fallout uses to drive home sage ike challenging gameplay situations and good level design) and allow the player to properly roleplay instead Falout game right. Doesnt mater if have as detailed gun crafting as this, and the Borderlands games don't evern let you make your own weapons. Heck Codsworth even addresses you by name - you ever played ANY game at all that offers that? 鑼cant believe I as this autistic to type it This graphics bitching is so full of s---. Who cares about graphics when were indeed had the top graphics available. 16Gb RAM? Try 600 You really have no idea whats going on under the hood of these games. d good luck running Fallout 4 er i](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/034/067/02e.jpg)
Meeting death
![Dear friend, listen to me! I merely desire to call attention to unpleasant consequences that may be effectuated should e attempt to resolve our dispute by violent means Wart! Good rat! Cease your hostle action! implore you! Why, hu-man? What if one us should, heaven forbid infict mortal inJury upon the other? How is either of us to'live with opprobrius knowledge that they wantonly precipitated the demise of a fellow sentient being? Whatever enmity may exist between our respective races is surely a product of malevolent manipulation on part of archaic power structures of old ather than any rational mainspring. ou will hat alitu ore considerabl openhaue ille zum Leben,whic upon the ing that we both adhere to Tolstoyan pacifism vehement production Unfor tunately at tainme this go0 presently necessitates my dislodgement of your entrails. But friend, surely you are awa s Mitleid, or tha chopenhauer propose compassion as the primary hind moral behaviour our ambit dislodge my ails an action tha ubstantial ph yC chopenhaogcal in philosophy all lle zum Lebe chopenhou llac nymous ult pain and suff The sole means of ending the suffering is denial of the Ull」or passive acceptance of However Schopenhouer identified tuo other lesser forces of moral expressioneqgoism and malice death and oblivion andlogous to and dismissed them as corrupt and destructive, as the Mitleid Is the moral force that drives dulge the Will and perrpetuat the suffer ne towOr loftu goal. Only by further indulging my Wille zum Leben con T eventually recognize the futility of perpetual suffering and evil and begin the arduous process of denial. My dislodgement of your entrails Is therefore not only inevitable but absolutely essential on mu path of self-discovery and enlightenment Howevers though Lacknouledge the correctness of Schopenhouer's philosophy my personal ethos ris still at a formative stage lam but a mere rat-and my behaviour is still primarily influenced by the tuo corrupt Hmmm, your arguments are strong and nigh-irrefutable, good rat am confident ade you by perio teachings of the Stallonean school. Stallonean school?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/033/673/3cb.png)
![Dear friend, listen to me! I merely desire to call attention to unpleasant consequences that may be effectuated should e attempt to resolve our dispute by violent means Wart! Good rat! Cease your hostle action! implore you! Why, hu-man? What if one us should, heaven forbid infict mortal inJury upon the other? How is either of us to'live with opprobrius knowledge that they wantonly precipitated the demise of a fellow sentient being? Whatever enmity may exist between our respective races is surely a product of malevolent manipulation on part of archaic power structures of old ather than any rational mainspring. ou will hat alitu ore considerabl openhaue ille zum Leben,whic upon the ing that we both adhere to Tolstoyan pacifism vehement production Unfor tunately at tainme this go0 presently necessitates my dislodgement of your entrails. But friend, surely you are awa s Mitleid, or tha chopenhauer propose compassion as the primary hind moral behaviour our ambit dislodge my ails an action tha ubstantial ph yC chopenhaogcal in philosophy all lle zum Lebe chopenhou llac nymous ult pain and suff The sole means of ending the suffering is denial of the Ull」or passive acceptance of However Schopenhouer identified tuo other lesser forces of moral expressioneqgoism and malice death and oblivion andlogous to and dismissed them as corrupt and destructive, as the Mitleid Is the moral force that drives dulge the Will and perrpetuat the suffer ne towOr loftu goal. Only by further indulging my Wille zum Leben con T eventually recognize the futility of perpetual suffering and evil and begin the arduous process of denial. My dislodgement of your entrails Is therefore not only inevitable but absolutely essential on mu path of self-discovery and enlightenment Howevers though Lacknouledge the correctness of Schopenhouer's philosophy my personal ethos ris still at a formative stage lam but a mere rat-and my behaviour is still primarily influenced by the tuo corrupt Hmmm, your arguments are strong and nigh-irrefutable, good rat am confident ade you by perio teachings of the Stallonean school. Stallonean school?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/033/673/3cb.png)
Fallout Cosplay by Susan Coffey
![Source: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Fallout-567881281](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/033/365/247.jpg)
![Source: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Fallout-567881281](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/033/365/247.jpg)
Fallout 4 by classic-syndrome
![Tyler 54 productos adquiridos 11 análisis Recomendado 136.7 h registradas Publicado el 14 de julio Found a very cute girl in the wasteland. VATS said I had a O percent chance to hit that. 10/10, such realism](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/033/115/5ae.png)
![Tyler 54 productos adquiridos 11 análisis Recomendado 136.7 h registradas Publicado el 14 de julio Found a very cute girl in the wasteland. VATS said I had a O percent chance to hit that. 10/10, such realism](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/033/115/5ae.png)
Fallout 2 installation background
![You could see this in the background when you're installing Fallout 2 the old fashion way.
![You could see this in the background when you're installing Fallout 2 the old fashion way.
Pip-Boy Limited Edition on Sale Again
Mr Matty Analysis
![Mitch Charles 1 month ago Mr Matty is gonna make a 20 min analysis video! Reply .760 1 View all 71 replies v](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/031/222/1dd.jpg)
![Mitch Charles 1 month ago Mr Matty is gonna make a 20 min analysis video! Reply .760 1 View all 71 replies v](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/031/222/1dd.jpg)
Meet Piper.
![00:38 Discovered an old Refrigerator. Could be something inside. 00:38 Trying to pry open the Refrigerator door. 00:38 The Refrigerator door is jammed shut. I couldn't get it open. Albert Murray00:38 Suffered 2 damage. Earned 3 XP. 00:38 Dweller died in the Wasteland. LVL 1 Revive a 109 Remove CLOSE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/029/442/489.jpg)
![00:38 Discovered an old Refrigerator. Could be something inside. 00:38 Trying to pry open the Refrigerator door. 00:38 The Refrigerator door is jammed shut. I couldn't get it open. Albert Murray00:38 Suffered 2 damage. Earned 3 XP. 00:38 Dweller died in the Wasteland. LVL 1 Revive a 109 Remove CLOSE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/029/442/489.jpg)
That's not offensive
!["Source from this blog.":http://peacefulrestvalley.tumblr.com/post/45426638173](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/028/537/65a.jpg)
!["Source from this blog.":http://peacefulrestvalley.tumblr.com/post/45426638173](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/028/537/65a.jpg)
Ask Howard how
Haha! .. Wait, hold on a second ...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/X95lZ56ddj4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
When you're having a good time until suddenly- you realize something. Perfect reaction image to the "Hold on a second" approach. Have fun with this GIF, use it however you please :)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/024/536/7d2.gif)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/X95lZ56ddj4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
When you're having a good time until suddenly- you realize something. Perfect reaction image to the "Hold on a second" approach. Have fun with this GIF, use it however you please :)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/024/536/7d2.gif)
Papy grenier - Fallout 3
![source :
<iframe width="300" height="233" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dJ26ChZXWUY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/024/263/bbd.gif)
![source :
<iframe width="300" height="233" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dJ26ChZXWUY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/024/263/bbd.gif)
Fallout 4 perks
![<iframe width="300" height="233" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vsFpH4jm-QI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
![<iframe width="300" height="233" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vsFpH4jm-QI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>