Orcs / Orks - Images
The hater elf

Orcs / Orks
Orc in Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (Japanese ver, 1987)

Orcs / Orks
Orc by Abe Japon from the 1985 book "Wizardry Monsters Manual"
Orcs / Orks
'Captured by the Orcs' from the 1976 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar, by Tim & Greg Hildebrandt.
Orcs / Orks
“The fall of Orc culture in modernity.” A thread 1/4294

Orcs / Orks
Various Orcs in Sword Art Online: Alicization

Orcs / Orks
Illustration of an Orc from Dragon Quest

Orcs / Orks

Orcs / Orks