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Secrets of the Depths Role-Play (SotDRP) is a sandbox-style role-playing game, based primarily on Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (abbreviated WC3), made from scratch by "Lord_Anarki" and " x13lackCatxlllx" (along with many other contributors), two Classic Battle.Net users, using World Editor, a accessory to Warcraft III that enables you to create your own map, with all (as far I as would know) accessory used to make the Maps for Warcraft, including triggers, statistics, and even imported models and tile sets.
The current most popular custom-game hosting systems would (most-likely) be BGN, a WC3 clan, associated with hosting a large variety of games, and Make Me Host (MMH), a free hosting service that, like BGN is associated with multiple different games, due to the fact that it is free to the public, whom have many different viewings of different games in the WC3 community. Because MMH is free to the public, it is the most popular bot-service for hosting SotDRP. * http://makemehost.com/
SotDRP has many direct spin-offs, most noticeably RoTRP, XRP, and NGoRP, all of which are viewed as more advanced versions of SotDRP, however, currently, most of the SotDRP maps have not been remade into any of the examples given earlier. Though SotDRP has currently not spawned any known memes, as far as I know, the SotDRP community are accompanied with each other, especially the regular players. This is most likely due to the numerous Sites and Forums dedicated to SotDRP. The most noticeable member of the community is "Trollkin", a infamous "hacker" (although most of his techniques evolve from loop-holes in the system), who would "troll" the hosted or unhosted (as in, still waiting to begin/in-lobby) games by bugging the game/map, until it is virtually unusable for conducting the participates' game-play. He avoids being recognized by using alternative account when he's online. Another natural problem with the game-play comes the infamous "selection bug" or "s-bug", which bugs the basic commands (attack, movement, deleting), and more advanced commands to be given to the wrong units. (e.g. You have your "footman" walk over to a tree, however your "grunt" follows the same commands and walks to the tree as well.) This is easily solved by typing to newly created command "toggle selection", clicking onto a gate/door, or set aside a small area where units would fight out, and/or be killed in a long-lasting loop.
The SotDRP franchise is, currently, the leading role-playing platform on Classic Battle.Net, though may be passed by a less advanced, possible spin-off, map franchise, Titan Land, in which their users are increasing due to being more simplified sandbox game. SotDRP consists of multiple commands that are used to alter the statistics and/or appearance your models, base, and game-play (all terms used by regular members of the WC3 community), to a highly advanced level. Though it appears easy, the difficulty of mastering building on a SotDRP map is moderately high, due to WC3's relatively un-advaced system and graphics, compared to newer games for the PC (or Mac, and even Linux), or any modern-gaming-system, for that matter.
One of the main effects to culture (though most likely only to Warcraft) SotDRP provides is literacy. Among the main requirements in SotDRP is that you use the most basic grammar. This increases the chance of a SotDRP player using grammar in other games, and even in daily life. Another thing I have taken note of is that many people who play SotDRP will slowly change the way the talk on the internet, and gradually, like most people who role-play online, will discourage internet slag.