The Alfa Legion
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A group of such that enjoys Warhammer 40k and everything about it. They are led by Alfabusa, a youtuber that produces comedic Warhammer 40k videos. At first, his followers were fairly small, consisting of his friends on steam. Then, his fan base grew fairly quickly, prompting him to create The Alfa Legion. To this day, there are almost 3,000 followers on their steam group, with the number increasing steadily, not only in the group itself, but on their forums as well. Not only does Alfabusa make videos, but so do other members of the legion, including Eliphas theInheritor and DANTAENT. The legion plays a variety of games, like Space Marine, Dawn of War, and other non-40k based games. This group is not only a fairly silly group, but a fairly active group as well.
Chapter Master and Captains:
Alfabusa-Leader of the Alfa Legion and lover of catus. He loves the Legion and everyone in it, including Nexus.
Nexus- Plague Champion and hater of fun. He hates the Legion and everyone in it, including Alfabusa. "I hate you all…"
Ares- Captain of 12th company and all around good guy. Leader of the largest company in the legion.
TheCakeMaker – Captain of the 1st Company/ Honor Guard – I SHALL DEFEAT SAWYER
Brother Vallaeus – Captain of the 2nd Company – ULTRAFAP.
White – Captain of the 3rd Company – STORMTROOPERS AND BOOZE
ThunderPsyker – Captain of the 4th Company – Fuck this, I have Baneblades
Earndil – Captain of the 5th Company – "Plasma Gun Chronicles"
Noise Champion Black – Captain of the 6th Company – Goes to 11
Kage, The Retarded Laugh Marine – Captain of 7th Company – BAHAHAHAHAHAH
Grigori Bastion – Captain of the 8th Company – Finnish Mahreen – VODKAAA.
Burke – Captain of the 9th Company – "How do I ground warfare?"
Lord Commissar Wolf – Captain of the 11th Company -Aka Captain Useless 1