They keep mentioning how safe the crypt is going to be. After years of watching this show, I'm sure that means the opposite.

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
"Yes, let's hide the women and children in the crypt. Where we keep all the dead Starks. That can be raised by the Night King." Has NO ONE thought thi...

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
Everyone in Winterfell: It'll be safer in the crypt Everyone in the Audience, knowing that the crypt is full of dead people:

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
I cannot believe not a single character at winterfell thinks about the fact that you got a lot of dead people in the crypt of winterfell and the Night...

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
The dude can bring the dead back to life without touching them and they’re like tHe CrYpT iS sAFe

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
Someone in my GoT GroupMe just said she knows what Arya is running from; The night king raises all of the dead in the crypts of Winterfell, and she’s ...

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
#GOT Let’s go to the crypts, they seem really safe. The crypts are where we should all go. If I want to be safe I’ll definitely go to the crypts. Have...

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
When everyone repeatedly mentions how safe the crypts are #GameOfThrones

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
The crypt at Winterfell going to be real cozy until the Night King raises his arms and all the dead Starks start killing everyone down there

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
When you realize that Lyanna Stark is buried in the crypts of Winterfell and the army of the dead is standing right outside. I might be overthinking t...

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
I really loved the subtle foreshadowing in #GoT last night. No place in Winterfell is safer than the crypts. All the women and children are in the ...

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell
Seriously no one in Winterfell foresees an issue with hiding everyone in the crypts from an army that raises the dead? Dany in trailer "the dead are ...

The Crypts Are the Safest Place in Winterfell